***August 2016 Mummies***

I've started a September Mummies thread as I've been put back to 2nd Sept but if it's ok with you ladies I'd like to stay here too!

I feel dog rough today with nausea, headache and achy muscles. Going to have a bath and a nap I think! x
Hi ladies! Glad to see I'm not the only one who can't stay awake during the day!! I'm still having constant nausea but luckily no sickness yet! Got a reassurance scan booked for Saturday... keeping everything crossed that all is ok!
Ugh I just had a streak of pink when I wiped. It happened one more time then it's been ok. Midwife wasn't concerned but I am just frantic with anxiety. I hate the first tri you guys.
I just ordered a couple maternity pieces yesterday, feels like I jinxed myself :( :( :(
Kholl I felt the same when I had to order maternity work trousers but as fairy princess said to me you can't tempt fate, it is what it is xx
Try not to worry about the spotting Kholl, it's perfectly normal as things are growing and stretching in there. Just keep monitoring.

The way I see it is if the worst happened I wouldn't be sentimental about mat clothes (especially cos I've not even worn them yet) and would just put them away with all the other clothes in the loft that aren't the right size/season lol! Everybody is different but I would get more sentimental over baby clothes for example but not going to buy those yet anyway until I know gender.

Ugh awake at this time as I've been throwing up all night. It must have been a man who named it morning sickness! At least I'm off work x
Hi Mummies to be in August.

I am tentatively joining you all. I have been following this thread for a few weeks now and a little nervous to join. If it makes you feel better I've bought 4 maternity items already and am sporting one of them today :-) Not because I need to just because it's nice. Ha !!

This is will be my fourth baby. This has been a surprise pregnancy and although not planned we are very excited now.

I am older at 41 so obviously am nervous given my age and I have three children ( 7, 5 and 3 )

Due on 3rd August.

Have my Scan ( Harmony and NT ) at The Fetal Medicine Centre in London due to my age.

I am looking forward to getting to know you all.

It's such an exciting time.
Welcome HelonMelon :)
Kholl I've had it happen twice now - once at about 6 ish weeks and once at about 7 weeks. Nothing since and the reassurance scan I had at 8 and a half weeks and everything was fine. I know it doesn't stop you worrying but try to keep calm and just keep an eye on it. Tri 1 is the worst :( despite my reassurance scan i still feel terrified about my 12 week scan - which isn't until 4th Feb!!! Ages to wait and unless they put me back which they tentatively did at the reassurance scan I'll be nearly 14 weeks!!!! Xx
Kholl just to reiterate what GILLM said .Sorry I missed your concern on the thread so wanted to reassure you.

This happened to me in my first pregnancy at around 7 weeks and went on to have a very successful pregnancy ( she is now 7 ) .

Its just all the growing and stretching but if you are worried you must ring up your early pregnancy unit at your hospital and they will scan you just to put your mind at rest.
Welcome helonmelon & congrats :)

Tri 1 is horrible. The constant worrying & not knowing is driving me mad. I have my scan on the 26th & it can't come quick enough. So far I've had it relatively easy compared to some others on here. No sickness. Just a lot of tiredness & bloated. And of course the obvious, no period. I almost want the symptoms to reassure me that I am still pregnant :rofl:

Fairy princess I hope you managed to get some sleep & are feeling better now xxx
Welcome HelonMelon!

Thanks, Summergurl, went back to sleep about 6am, no more sickness and nibbling ginger biscuits throughout today to try and keep it away. I think my cat is having sympathy sickness as she threw up on carpet this morning lol x
Got my flu jab today.

Took my lil boy for his jabs and the nurse said she'd do my flu jab at the same time which was nice.

I feel just about on the edge of being able to cope with my symptoms now, as in just managing to still go to work etc. I feel nauseous constantly and am sick at least a couple of times a day, often more. I am confident I am managing to eat and drink enough though and not becoming dehydrated. The last couple of nights I've even been awake in the middle of the night being sick!
I am obviously grateful my symptoms are strong but it's quite tough feeling this rough! I conceived on clomid and from my scans and monitoring I was producing two eggs, so I am wondering if I have conceived twins.
Maybe it is twins Clare! We should start a 'midnight sickness' support group lol x
Decided to have another private scan today for reassurance, measuring exactly 9 weeks which is right from last scan and no sign of bleeding so that really made me feel better. Got loads of pictures but this is my fav because you can see the arm, I think it looks like she's sucking her hand

Then at 7pm I got a call from my Drs saying there was a problem with my blood tests and I need to come in but next appointment is in almost 3 weeks! How am I supposed to wait that long knowing there is something wrong. Been in tears since then :(
Oh hun, did they not give you any indication over the phone as to what it could be?

That's terrible to keep you waiting and stressing out for so long.

I would call them first thing in the morning and ask for an earlier appointment out for your doctor to phone you and discuss over the phone.

It is beyond belief they would make someone wait so long after saying there is a problem and getting you all upset. Phone them tomorrow and insist on a telephone appointment with your GP that day to discuss results

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