***August 2016 Mummies***

Well 31st by lmp and 30th from when I thought I ovulated xx
Hey, welcome to August Mummies! Wow, that's great news about your scan and so lovely you could hear the heartbeat.

I've got my early reassurance scan on Saturday eek! X
I couldn't hear it but she showed me it flickering on the screen she even showed me the corpus luteum and told me the egg came from the right. This was a referral scan from my doctor as he knew I was so worried but think i will lay for another one about 8-9 weeks just to see how things are progressing and for my peace of mind! Been watching everyone's posts and commented on a few but now feel I can get more involved xx
Can I join you ladies? Went for my dating scan but only 9+1 weeks! Bit of a shock as when I was the midwife 4 weeks ago she dated me around 12 weeks by the feel of my tummy! Gotta go back in another 3 weeks for a proper dating scan but my EDD is 8th August. Saw heart flickering away. Starting to feel very real now xx
Hi can I join I will be due 31st August been to worried to write in here as had 3 previous miscarriages but had an early scan today and there was a baby with a heartbeat so now I'm feeling better about it all. Would be good to chat to a few of you xx


I too have suffered loss and that first early scan did help. What a wonderful feeling it is. Xx
I burst in to tears when she said there it is as its heart beating just was relief!! X
Welcome to the newbies! aww so exciting isn't it, I can't wait for my scan on the 22nd! I hope every day that I can see a heartbeat, just one of those little niggling worries that I am sure people have. xxx
Welcome ladies!

Finally got my 1st scan letter today. 26th. Come onnnnnn only 21 sleeps to go!
Not long to wait for your scans now ladies! Exciting times and can't wait to see pics.
Just back from our final early scan, baby is growing so quick can't believe the difference in 2weeks!
Was our luck to get a trainee though so didn't get to see a lot but all is going well.
And we've graduated from epu!!
I'm still petrified that my lack of symptoms (just tiredness now) means it's not guna be good news. I'm driving my oh mad constantly saying 'what if' xxx
What are the chances of them sending me for a scan as all my symptoms have stopped?
Only from what I've read not likely unless you've had a bleed or previous.
I have also read though that symptoms do come and go especially around the 8/9week mark x
I'm having no symptoms at 9 weeks really except being totally exhausted. I had a lot of nausea and sickness about 2-3 weeks ago but all that's stopped now. Like summergurl said they'll unlikely send you for a scan unless your having mc symptoms etc. symptoms do come and go so I wouldn't worry too much. When I was pregnant with my daughter I had no symptoms in the first 12 weeks and honestly didn't believe I was pregnant until I had my dating scan lol xx
not good news from me I've been having brown discharge which started this morning.
My boobs have got considerably less painful over the last 24 hours and sickness is non existent now. I know in my gut it's all heading to a bad conclusion.
Waiting for a call to say when I can go to the hospital for a scan.
I'm petrified as I've passed a baby at about 7/8 weeks before and it was the most excruciating pain I've ever felt. I also feel numb and shocked I just can't go through this again. I just feel like the last year has been hell and just when I thought there was light at the end of the tunnel I'm totally back to square 1!

Sorry to bring the thread down but just need to vent!
Oh no, really hope it's not bad news Tonks. Keep us updated, got everything crossed for you x
Oh no.

Fingers crossed that everything is ok hun.

Big hugs.

Only 3 more sleeps until my scan. One to one midwives have been in touch, I've been assigned my own midwife and had a good chat with her on the phone. She sounds so lovely and said she only lives 5 mins away, which will be good if everything goes to plan and I decide for a home birth. She said I can ring/text her anytime if I have a question or concern. Got my 1st meeting with her in my home on Monday- so far so good. X
Sorry to hear tonks, fingers crossed for you x
Tonks- I'm so sorry you're going through this. For what it's worth I had brown discharge for about 24 hours around week 4. It scared the sh*t out of me but I was reassured constantly it's normal. My symptoms come and go too. Sending good thoughts your way, I really hope all is well.

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