***August 2016 Mummies***

Just got home from the reassurance scan. so relieved everything was in the right place and there was a heartbeat flickering away. the pic looks like a little smudge but I couldn't be more in love. measuring +3 days ahead according to the measurements... can't wait for the 12 week scan now!!


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Aww lovely scan, Yours looks more baby shaped than my scan did and I was 9 weeks!
AWW lovely piccy!

Hello baby!!


Spoke to my MW today and I've got my booking in appointment on Wednesday afternoon. I'll get my 12 week scan date during that appointment too, so a few little milestones for next week.

Thanks ladies :)
That's a good way to look at it Emily, a step at a time. xx
Beautiful scan pic!

Emily yes, the first tri especially I take one mini-milestone at a time. I found a site that was incredibly reassuring that shows the m/c statistics per day in the first tri... I'll try to find it. By 7 weeks it's less than 4%, and by 8 weeks it's barely over 2%. I'm 8 weeks on Tuesday and that will help me feel better. I also felt movement in my last pregnancy at 8 weeks so I hope to be so lucky again.
Thanks for sharing that link Kholl, it's really helped put my mind at ease x
Lovely scan pic.

Anyone else keep crying for the smallest of reasons? My emotions have been all over the place lately and I keep bursting into tears! OH never knows how I'm gonna react to anything he says. I can't remember being so emotional first time round, mood swings I can remember yeh but not keep crying all the time. X
Ive had a few crying episodes that have been over silly things. DH made me jump coming into the kitchen yesterday and I burst out crying! X
Kholl, it will be fine. I've had small amounts of bleeding every 2-3 days the past two weeks. Friday I got a scan at 8 weeks and was really thinking I'd get bad news... But we saw a lovely little human with a head, little arms and tiny legs. It was moving a bit and we definitely saw a heartbeat. My doctor said it could be the placenta growing. Sometimes that causes bleeding and should stop when it's fully developed. I was told it could take a few weeks, but it's nothing to worry about. :-)
'Morning' (and night, and day) sickness has really kicked in here as well. I've only felt nauseous for weeks, but now I'm actually throwing up also. I'm preparing myself it will be like this for the coming 4-5 months as with DS it took that long and this time I feel worse sooner. I'm looking forward to 12 weeks to tell my friends. We'll ask a godfather and godmother around that period too :-)
I don't remember who was already wearing mat clothes, but: it's the same here. I got all my clothes from last pregnancy back and bought a nice new sweater (with text 'baby is the new black') which i'm wearing now at home. Just because it's nice. We won't jinx our pregnancies. We feel sick and tired and anxious, I believe we may enjoy things like maternity clothes to feel a little bit better ;-)
Flo, thanks for your reassuring and wise words. I ordered a couple maternity pieces too- it's like tradition, I get a couple fancy overpriced Isabella Oliver pieces each pregnancy. They are soooo flattering and comfortable!
I'm the same, I cried at a David Attenborough documentary today!
I've just ordered some maternity leggings, my ones are so uncomfy and I can't go near anything not elasticated!

We told everyone after our 9 week scan last week, we decided that as we've seen the heartbeat twice now that we'd do it. We've never been able to tell happy news before only that I was and now wasn't. I wasn't worried about jinxing myself until some said I might have jinxed myself. I've got my booking in appointment next week and will hopefully get my 12 week scan date, just wish time wasn't going so slowly.
My parents, sister and only one friend know. We aren't planning on telling anyone else until at least 16 weeks.
How's everyone doing today? I could literally go to bed right now but I know if I do I'll be awake by 1am
How's everyone doing today? I could literally go to bed right now but I know if I do I'll be awake by 1am

I'm the same. I'm really struggling at work to be honest. I get to about 2pm then need a nap! Today I felt like my eyes kept closing at my desk!

I'm hoping to hold out until 7pm then I'm heading to bed haha xx
Well I've just decided I'm not going running, it's too cold and I don't want to me doing too much. I feel like I need a restful evening in. Is anyone else running/exercising?

Bed...now that sounds like a good idea!

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