***August 2016 Mummies***

I'm sorry hun, hope all is well.
My sister in law bleed until 20weeks and is now due in a couple weeks xx
It's not good news the sac was empty and as the sac was under 20mm then I have to go back in 1 week to be rescanned incase there is feotus there - but there clearly wasn't anything. So I've been sent home to let it pass which I'm terrified about. I feel empty and hopeless I knew in my gut that things weren't right a couple of days ago!
This month last year I had my first chemical pregnancy and now I feel it will be yet another year of disappointment and heartache!
Does anyone know how I can deal with this mental pain?
So sorry to hear that, very sad.

When I had my first mc, which was a mmc discovered at 12 week scan, I just took a lot of comfort from the support of my family. I also thanked my lucky stars that I had one healthy and happy child already. I even said to the hospital staff, there are people a lot worse off than me. I know it's hard, but I did find that focussing on the good things that I do have really helped. My second loss was earlier and I had bad feelings from the start as continual brown discharge from BFP. That didn't seem to have much effect on me.
Hug your little one extra tight tonight.
So sorry to hear that Tonks *hugs*, perhaps you could ask your GP to refer you to a counsellor or support group x
Oh Tonks :( I am so sad to read this. I'm so sorry.
Nooo Tonks!! I am gutted for you, that is so sad :( Have you considered maybe going to speak to someone? Like a counsellor or something to vent to? Sometimes it is nice to talk to a stranger, and of course they are there to help you sort out those emotions and process them and grieve them. xxxxx
Aw sorry to hear that tonks. No words we can say can make you feel better. Take all the support you can from docs etc there are places that offer free counselling so go and give them a go. Sometimes it helps to talk to a complete stranger. X
Oh hun I'm so very sorry.


This really is just so shit.

Hey ladies, had my reassurance scan this morning. All looked well and we could see the heartbeat...


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Nice to hear that, fairyprincess! :-)
I'm so sorry for you, Tonks... :-(
So sorry you are going through this tonks, that's great fairy princess xx
That is great fairy princess! I have my 12 week scan next week (well I will be 11+6) and I am looking forward to hopefully a nice healthy scan. How is everyone else getting on?? xxx
Hey everyone.

Hope all is well!

We've been to our GP and we are awaiting for first midwife appointment and scan appointment. Wife is approx 6+6 tomorrow!

Things are a little slow here on the Isle of Man!

Michael x
I have my 12 week scan 2 weeks today, can't wait but time seems to be going so slow!

Is anyone else feeling exhausted? I get a few hours a day round lunch time where I feel almost normal but mornings and evenings I'm shattered. But then can't fall asleep early at night.. Frustrating.

Also seem so hungry all the time. I'm going to be massive at the rate I'm eating lol x
Hey ladies, & guys!
I have my 12wk scan 2 weeks today also. First thing in the morning too so I haven't got to wait alllllll day! So excited but also nervous!

I too feel tired. Such a struggle to get out of bed but then I'm ok during the day & then evenings crash again :rofl: I guess we should all get used to the lack of sleep now, I doubt we'll be getting a decent kip again for the next 18or so years! Haha
I can't get my head around the tiredness. I'm fine the first half of the day. Then as soon as I've done the school run, I get in the bath and just fall asleep! I then cook dinner, try and do some housework, put my daughter in the bath then bed... By 7.30 I'm ready for bed haha - then I can't sleep. All sodding night I toss and turn and just end up waiting for my alarm. It's so annoying! I cannot describe how shattered I am feeling and I'm sick all the time but my body just won't let me sleep! X
We're all feeling the same exhaustion then! Doesn't help that my daughter won't go to sleep until 9-10pm and then up again at 6-7am and still waking at least once a night! She always been a terrible sleeper bless her. Hoping this baby sleeps better lol.

My sister her baby girl this morning, can't wait to see them later and have some newborn cuddles! Xx

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