***August 2016 Mummies***

I agree, Defo call them in the morning. Tell them it's causing you stress & anxiety & you want the doc to call you.
Yes Nicki, it's cruel to say there's a problem but they won't tell you what it is for 3 weeks. I mean what?? That's insane. Call back as many times as you have to to get an answer.
That's completely unacceptable Nicki get on that today make sure you call them and tell them you really need to know what it is! Could be anemia or something?

Man I am also finding it hard to function day to day with this trimester... I am not sleeping well at all. I just lay awake again last night, and I am still soooo sick. I am really praying for the sickness to disappear sooner rather than later!

On an exciting note, I have my booking appointment today which I cannot wait for :) going to finish work a little early so I can hopefully have a nap before my appointment at 1.30.

Welcome Helenmelon! Glad you could join us! Crazy how quickly it's going already, tri 2 is in a couple of weeks and man I cannot wait to get there xx
Spoke to them and the receptionist said it was my full blood count that had come back borderline, she's going to get a dr to call back. But I've goggled it (big mistake) and it came up with rhesus disease so no I'm proper freaking out as that means the baby is in danger from my antibodies. I'm at work and in a right state :(
Try not to worry, it might just be that they repeat the test and everything's fine x
I've got a horrible cold and feel like shit. Can't take any medication and start worrying it will some how harm the baby .
I've had a cold since before Christmas! It's just lingering now with a little bit of a cough and a slightly blocked nose.

A cold won't hurt baby and you can take paracetamol to help with aches and pains.

Hope you feel better soon.

Thanks ladies

So annoying as I can't sleep or get comfortable with such a blocked nose / sinuses. I have been teetering on brink of going off sick as my sickness has been so bad...now I'm throwing up and have a disgusting cold!
Don't panic Niki you never know it might not be anything too bad - I had my booking in appointment yesterday and my blood count wasn't right either but turns out I'm anaemic (always have been) and she said she's not majorly worried because she looked up my old pregnancy notes and the result was the same then. They really bollock you for being overweight as well :( I have a bit of a high bmi and she was telling me all sorts of things and she's also put me under shared care with a consultant because of my weight but my bmi is 30 so thought that was a bit mean but never mind!

Clare I hope you feel better ... I had that cold sinus thing for weeks and it's only just going. I still can't sleep because when I lie down my nose also doesn't want to let me breathe!! Xx
Niki hope you get some reassurance soon!

Ugh I had the most intense and awful dream that I was bleeding massively. Ugh this pregnancy has me so on edge! Ever since that initial spotting in week 4 I just can not stop freaking out.
Still don't no anything was again promised a call back that never happened. Flexilexi I can't believe you got grieve for your BMI, mines way higher so I'm going to be the same but in my defence I've lost 10st since April so I hope they give me a break a little!
I can't believe they never called you back!! That's awful!

Wow! Well done with the weight loss hun! You must be so proud of yourself!

So, I've booked myself an early scan. It's for 24th January. Since my mmc in my last pregnancy I just can't relax and I'm constantly worrying that the same thing has happened again.

Hopefully all will be well and time won't drag on too long until next weekend!

I am having a scan on 27th Jan. I'll be 10.5 weeks by then and probably will have my nhs scan 10 days later.
I can't believe they never called you back!! That's awful!

Wow! Well done with the weight loss hun! You must be so proud of yourself!

So, I've booked myself an early scan. It's for 24th January. Since my mmc in my last pregnancy I just can't relax and I'm constantly worrying that the same thing has happened again.

Hopefully all will be well and time won't drag on too long until next weekend!


I don't blame you Emily, I've already had 2 private early scans, if it gives you some peace of mind it's totally worth it! I did fret a lot after my first scan, they put me back 6 days and I was so worried something would happen but I feel a lot better since the 9 week scan!
I can't take much credit for the weight, I had bariatric surgery xx
Morning all! it's scan day today and my stomach is churning with nerves. I've got so many scenarios playing through my head... I really hope everything is OK...

How's everyone doing? I seem to be spending my free time napping so I don't feel nauseous. Hubs is being really awesome and is doing all the housework etc.

Hope you get to hear from the GP soon Nikki... it's awful that they can make you wait so long.

Emily, your scan will be here in no time. I only booked mine just over a week ago and the week has flown!

Clare - I bet the scan at 10 5 weeks will give you a lovely view of bubs!

Have a great day all :) L x
It's only at 12... trying to keep busy and not clock watch!! x

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