***August 2016 Mummies***

I wish I could have another scan, my early one has actually made me more anxious! Think because now I've seen the heartbeat it's real :(
Just had a scan because I've been bleeding. :-( The doctor said it should be nothing as long as it doesn't get worse. At least we saw a heartbeat. Trying to stay positive now, but I think I won't feel sure until our next appointment in two weeks... I've also been put back a week, edd is around the 26th. As long as baby is healthy I don't care :-)
I'm having such a panic today. Really feeling anxious that it's not actually happening. So much so I feel teary. Please tell me these feelings are normal?
Summergurl: it's normal :-) with DS I went to my first scan and when they asked me why I was there, I answered ' I think maybe I could be pregnant'. I had done lots of tests, but still I wasn't sure... And afterwards I constantly thought something would go wrong. It will get better when you can feel your baby moving.
I just want to know there is a heartbeat. My 12 week mark is end of Jan. This month is guna draaag.
I can't wait to see a scan as well - I think that just helps ease the anxiety - I think everyone hopes that their baby is healthy and thriving and yes it would be nice to see it in those grey and white pictures lol! I have 20 days until my first scan I cannot wait xx
Anyone else exhausted all the time? I know baby is so tiny but I think he/she is zapping all my energy. DH tried to tell me I wasn't THAT tired and I told him he wasn't allowed an opinion on my level of tiredness until he was growing another person in his uterus. That shut him up! X
Yes fp! I'm soooooo tired all of the time. It sure is exhausting.
I had a 2 hour nap and then ate 4 tomatoes and then some icecream lmao! X
Anyone else exhausted all the time? I know baby is so tiny but I think he/she is zapping all my energy. DH tried to tell me I wasn't THAT tired and I told him he wasn't allowed an opinion on my level of tiredness until he was growing another person in his uterus. That shut him up! X

I am exhausted. ALL the time. It is really wearing with an almost 5 year old! Plus I have just had my first morning sickness but this afternoon, which I sooo thought I had got away with this time but it was a massive flash back from my first pregnancy! I am a little "woe is me" today I do apologise lol xx
I think we're allowed to feel like that! At least I haven't got any other kids to be looking after. Although I do respite for a child with severe special needs and am finding that more tiring. Hope your sickness doesn't last Lexi x
Thanks I hope it doesn't! Bloody hell I think you definitely have it harder doing a job like that, I wouldn't be able to do it feeling like this! xxx
I am so tired. But my 15-month-old has been waking a lot and nursing all night so I'm sure that's a big part of it. It is SO hard caring for 2 little kids in the first tri!
Happy New Year all!! x

I really commend those who already have kids... this exhaustion is crazy but at least I can nap when I like... well, apart from when at work!! I am also still feeling constantly nauseous but luckily no vomming!

I'm still toying with having an early scan... I'm desparate to know everything is ok. Those who have had one... has it relaxed you a bit?! xx
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Happy New Year all!! x

I really commend those who already have kids... this exhaustion is crazy but at least I can nap when I like... well, apart from when at work!! I am also still feeling constantly nauseous but luckily no vomming!

I'm still toying with having an early scan... I'm desparate to know everything is ok. Those who have had one... has it relaxed you a bit?! xx

I think it's a very personal thing. I had two early scans in my first pregnancy with my husband as I felt so anxious. Both were fine but at 12 week scan I'd had a mmc. Someone has to be on the shitty end of the statistics and it was me. I then had an early spontaneous mc with next pregnancy, but I had never felt hopeful with that as had brown spotting right from BFP.

This time I don't want an early scan. If everything was okay I would still feel scared a few hours later. I am 7 weeks tomorrow and not tempted. Haven't even thought about making a doctors appointment yet, probably will in another week. I think realistically we may get one over 10 weeks as that is over the point of my mmc.

When people have scans very early it often worries them more, as dates get put back a week etc trying to measure such a small thing.

Sorry if this is a bit soon and gloom, not meant to be but just my feelings on them.
Happy New Year all!! x

I really commend those who already have kids... this exhaustion is crazy but at least I can nap when I like... well, apart from when at work!! I am also still feeling constantly nauseous but luckily no vomming!

I'm still toying with having an early scan... I'm desparate to know everything is ok. Those who have had one... has it relaxed you a bit?! xx

I think it's a very personal thing. I had two early scans in my first pregnancy with my husband as I felt so anxious. Both were fine but at 12 week scan I'd had a mmc. Someone has to be on the shitty end of the statistics and it was me. I then had an early spontaneous mc with next pregnancy, but I had never felt hopeful with that as had brown spotting right from BFP.

This time I don't want an early scan. If everything was okay I would still feel scared a few hours later. I am 7 weeks tomorrow and not tempted. Haven't even thought about making a doctors appointment yet, probably will in another week. I think realistically we may get one over 10 weeks as that is over the point of my mmc.

When people have scans very early it often worries them more, as dates get put back a week etc trying to measure such a small thing.

Sorry if this is a bit soon and gloom, not meant to be but just my feelings on them.

I'm sorry for your loses X

I agree though, since my scan I'm 100% more anxious than I was before the scan! I can't imagine the horror of seeing the little bean one week and is few weeks later being told the worst! In my brain if I'd gone to the 12 week and been told there was no heartbeat I could rationalise that there never was one. But I've seen it now, I'd say Try to hold out till 12 weeks. Xx

How's everyone feeling today? I feel teary, tired and sick which is about standard!

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