Asking midwife for a homebirth


Well-Known Member
May 18, 2007
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I've decided to push for a home birth when I see the midwife tomorrow but I'm a bit worried about how I can make this happen.
When I mentioned it at my 8 week midwife appointment she just said 'we can't do that here' and changed the subject onto how fantastic the maternity unit is.

The maternity unit is 15 mins from my house in the opposite direction to the hospital! It also means having to drag james out in the middle of the night, and the inlaws having to drive for half hour to collect him from mat unit to take back to their house.
There are no drugs in the mat unit I couldn't get at home, seems a lot of hassle for nothing!

Has anyone else had problems getting a home birth? What did you do? I haven't a clue what my rights are. I don't want to be shoved in a hospital ward just cos it's more convenient for the nhs. I'm sure a homebirth would actually save them money! They'd have to open the mat unit especially for me as it's only opened when someone's in labour at night.
I don't know about rights and stuff, or whether things are different in Scotland than UK, but I was led to believe you could have a birth anyway you wanted? I know there are independant midwifes (forgotton the name) that go to your house but I think you have to pay for them??

That might be completely wrong though.

I found this for you - you could try calling one of the numbers, even if they are not by you they would probably have some information to help you. Sounds so unfair :hug:

Let us know how you get on or if you find out anything else about it x

Ooh... also found this for you which you might want to print off if you have to. It's a bit nondescript but there may be some links on there to show the proper law or whatever...

"In the UK a woman has the right to decide to give birth at home"....... (article)

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