Would this be annoying?


Well-Known Member
Jan 1, 2008
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I was recently told by my midwife that the hospital (strictly) doesn't offer tours and that they almost never have an empty labour suite to show people. They are also building a midwife-led unit attached to the hospital. It was due to be finished in December, but last I heard that has been changed to this summer. I'm considering a homebirth because I would love to use a midwife-led unit but the nearest is pretty far away for someone who doesn't drive... If this new one is finished, though, I would definitely consider it. It's the best of both worlds- midwife-led but literally metres away from the consultant-led unit in case of complications.

I work in the hospital (in the medical school). Would it be annoying of me to go down to the maternity unit one day around lunch time and ask them if they would mind letting me know if they have news about the new unit or if they could call me if there is a time I could look at an empty labour suite? I hate not knowing what will be happening to me but the midwife won't give me real details until my 36 week appointment! :/
It would not hurt to ask. You MW sounds very obstructive :x

I would defo give it a go :)
I understand to an extent because if I was in labour, I don't think I'd really like someone coming in to have a look at the delivery suite while I have my legs in stirrups :lol: but on the other hand, it's where you could spend a lot of agonising time in pain so you deserve to become familiar with it.

It's an important thing I feel, seeing where you are going to have your baby so I'd definitely go in on the off chance they could show you round.

It's not annoying of you and if anyone makes you feel like you're being a nuisance just say something like "well if I end up having a really long labour I'd really like to know where I'll be spending my time in pain!"

id definately ask, im sure they would be fine with you
I would go down and ask them and if it's quiet perhaps they can show you a labour room. Like one of the other girls said you're going to possibly give birth in one of those rooms and it would be nice if you could find out whats there and what's available to you.
I don't think they would mind you asking hun..it's worth a try.
Id ask hun it cant hurt all they can say is no though im sure if you put your point across they will understand

i was so glad to look around my hospital it helped me get a picture and prepare for where i was going to give birth
I hope they say yes :pray:

sarah :wave:
You should definatly go check it out! who cares if they would prefere you not to, this is YOUR birth choice! be stubborn! :hug:

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