

Well-Known Member
Sep 13, 2009
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Not having a great week guys :(

In agony this week, had the physio appointment yesterday and its the sacroliac joint :wall2: She's said its quite bad, so much so she couldn't even traction it to do anything with it :dohh: The muscle kept spasming :shakehead: It's worse today but she's gave me a stretching thing to do for 5 minutes a day and I'm back next week, she talked about crutches :wall2: She also checked the symphis pubic bone which is extremely tender as well but hasn't split but she said it may well do!

Emotionally I'm a basket case as well :oooo: Cried over my wee mans school shoes this morning :lol: (Btw he had his first day at school :cry: )

Apart from that all is ok, baby is really happy and although I'm having the very odd braxton hick (maybe 1-2 a day) its nothing major and certainly not as bad as last time so far anyway :pray:
:hug: sorry to hear you're having a horrid horrid time M :hug: glad you've got something positive in that baby is happy and everything crossed that bubs stays put til due!

Lovely news on wee man's first day at school :love:
Poor you, sorry to hear you are having such a crap time at the moment, hopefully the stretching exercises will help.

Glad to hear all is well with the baby:pompom:
Oh hun you aren't having it easy.. How did the wee mans first day at school go?? x
Oh you poor thing :( Hope you find something that helps with the pain :hug:

How did your little man's first day go? x
Aw no! Hope you're ok and the pain eases a bit for you! Yay for healthy bubs! Let's hope it keeps cooking! x how did your son enjoy school?
Oh sorry you are having a bad week, glad baby is happy and hope your lil man had a good first day at school.
Sending you a hug for that nasty SPD type stuff Mamafy.. hope it eases a bit soon for you

yay another at school, bet he loved it!

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