What does everyone want? And Why?

I'm now convinced I'm havin a girl,hope I'm not settin myself up 4 a fall. I've been sayin for the last week or so that I think it's a girl but my dh wants another boy,i'm choosin girls names and he's choosin boys but suddenly he's decided he wants to change to girls!?...I think he has a feelin it's a girl aswel! xx
I desperately wanted a girl first time round as I was on my own completely and wanted a little girl so that I would have the mother/daughter bond and so that my baby'd be more like me (it made sense in my head)! And I got a little girl x this time my OH wanted a girl but I wasn't fussed (though secretly thought it'd be nice to have a little boy as my side of the family has no boys well apart from my dad) and we're expecting a boy x I'm so excited and my OH forgot all about wanting a girl once we'd watched our son moving and chilling out at the scan x
OH and I really wanted a girl and I was a bit dissapointed when I and everyone else was convinced it was a boy. Not that we would have loved him any less mind you! I just want to be a mummy to a little girl, for her to come to me with all the girly things life brings and to be a friend to me when she's older. I was soooo happy when we were told that we are having a girl, so is my OH and I think all my family are really looking forward to a little girl. My OH isn't the most... manly of men. He doesn't do sport or play football or do manly things, I think he's really wanting to have daddies little girl!!

Haha no relle ive got the bad sickness in this pregnancy and dont fancy it again haha touch wood its eased off lol xx

I had no sickness with my first two, and only slight sickness this time round but had loads of dizziness, every pregnancy is different, you might not have any sickness next time round!
I have always wanted a little girl - to make her feel special and loved and to be my best friend. A relationship I never had with my own mother!!

And I am lucky enough that I am having a girl too!! x
I would say we would like a boy this time, as we already have a little girl so that would be best of both worlds! But in all honestly we really don't mind, as our little girl is totally amazing, love having a girl she is just so well behaved, caring and considerate well the majority of the time! ; ) it would be lovely for her to have a little sister too! But I think this is definately our last child anyway : (
I always wanted a boy, got pregnant, thought it was a girl, so i was looking at all the little dresses and my whole body wanted a little girl. Then we found out is a boy, and i couldnt be happier! The pressure on young girls today is awful and it sounds harsh but im happy i dont have to deal with that now.. I cant wait to have my little boy and wouldnt change it for the world! Hes already such a mummys boy!
I have always wanted a little girl - to make her feel special and loved and to be my best friend. A relationship I never had with my own mother!!

And I am lucky enough that I am having a girl too!! x

This was also a massive reason that I wanted a girl first time and I am blessed to have the best relationship with her! We have the mother/daughter relationship I craved as a child x
Since I found out i was convinced i was having a boy so i never really thought about what i wanted as i just 'knew' it was going to be a boy and didnt imagine it anyother way i was right and got my lil boy and couldnt imagine being any happier. it would be nice to have a girl though as well as i think in the long run girls stay closer to their mums than boys? xx
Good thread Amanda!

I originally had a hunch that it was a girl, but after about 10 weeks, I have totally changed my mind and really think it's a boy. If I could choose I would be torn, I would like another boy, and my daughter would like a baby girl, so I am glad I don't have a hand in which arrives, what will be will be and will be perfect either way.

I can't think of any good girls names!! arghhhhhhhhhhh max 23 weeks to go to pick -tick...tick...
I'm having twins which are not identical and it would be nice to have one of each but I'm not really bothered as long as they are both healthy.
We have 3 girls who all want a brother and a little boy would be nice esp for hubby but I genuinely don't care and would welcome another girl just the same. Whatever it is its our baby and cant wait to meet him/her :dance: Some people really annoy me though and assume that we're desperate to have a boy!! :mad:
We have 3 girls who all want a brother and a little boy would be nice esp for hubby but I genuinely don't care and would welcome another girl just the same. Whatever it is its our baby and cant wait to meet him/her :dance: Some people really annoy me though and assume that we're desperate to have a boy!! :mad:

I know the feelin...I've got 3 boys and every1 assumes were determined for a girl this time but I'm honestly not bothered although my instincts r tellin me it's a girl but might change as I get bigger x
i thought i wanted a girl first time but had a boy and i am soo glad hes such a major mummys boy and i love it hes so cheeky and cute and just wants me to be there at all times so this time around i dont mind another boy would be nice for the 2 growing up together but eventually i want a girl too so either is good just hope they a mummys boy/girl too cos itd break my heart if they werent lol xx
i want a little boy purely for the fact that i know how to handle boy's but luckly my hubby knows how to handle girls as he only had sister.
Either way I'm happy :) i'm so excited
I'm the eldest of three girls and my hubby is the eldest of 3 boys so we're not bothered what we have but both agreed we've always wondered what it would be like to have a sibling of the opposite sex. Therefore, would be nice when we go on to have another that it's a different sex but we've both loved having big families with same sex siblings so we're really not fussed either way.

A little teeny part of me is hoping it's a girl though because we've bought a purple pram! Just cuz I liked the colour, not because I was desperate for a girl!
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