Aren't Doctors insensitive!

JJ Mum

Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2010
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I'm sure Midwifes and Doctors see miscarriage all the time, and get de-sensitized to it but they should think about the person going through it.

After my midwife and a doctor from the Surgery both saying they would cancel my consultants refferal from my booking in appointment, I have now got a letter in the post which contained my 20 week scan for 12th of may and the consultants apointment for the 9th may !! So I had to ring and cancel both myself after work today and explaining the reason why.

Then this morning I took my daughter to the doctors before work as she is prone to urine infections and has got another one. When I was in there the doctor , said really loudy Ahh yes your pregnant aren't you. To which I replied firmly No! Oh really she said, what went wrong? (Felt like saying if I knew that I'd have sorted it and still be pregnant) but just welled up instead, and said I don't want to talk about it and ermm well we haven't spoken about it , pointing fingers frantically down behind my young daughters head! who at 8 could well understand the word pregnant.

So annoyed by these professionals who should be more sensitive in these matters, I'm sure most people would not tell there kids before 12 weeks of pregnancy so she should have been more discrete.

Briony has not said anything so I think I was lucky this time, that's not how I would want her to find out.
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i now how you feel hun i went through it twice wi th my midwife. the first m/c i had she phoned me and asked if it was ok to come and see me for a check up i asked her why i needed a midwfie to come for a check up after i had been in hospital 2 weeks before and had a laparoscopy and m/c. she apologised and said there was nothing in my notes. the second time was last jan i was rushed to hospital cause iw wouldn t stop bleeding heavily. i got out a few days later to my results of my blood test on the door mat which was upsetting enough but when my midwife phoned and asked me why i didn t turn up for my scan i got angry. she couldn t apologise enouigh and was putting complaint into my hopsital cause they had not sent my notes to the maternity unit so the midwifes didn t know.
Talk about kicking you whilst you are down. I suppose (JJ mums doctor not included here!) that people dont do it on purpose, but it really isn't needed is it?

I got chased by the NCH for antenatal class fee a few days ago. She sent me a lovely email when I explained I'd miscarried, but it made me sob for ages
OMG cant believe how they've been with you. There should be clear pathways in place to make sure this never happens :(

:hug: I hope its all sorted with them now.
After my mmc I got a mw appointment through the door, phoned the surgery in tears and anger and they apologised. Then I got a letter saying why hadn't I attended the apt and to phone immediatly! Then after I'd phoned, cried and yelled some more, got a letter about 20 week scan! I just ended up flipping at the doctors surgery! They couldn't apologise enough but the damage was done and it just added to the stress of the horrific treatment I'd recieved from the nurses at the hospital! They were so insensitive, they put me on the maternity ward before d&c, basically told me they had better things to do looking after live babies that I ended up discharging myself almost immediatly after the op, removing the canola myself because they wouldn't do it for me. Note; I do not advise ANYONE do this, it's extremely dangerous after anaesthetic to not stay the recommended time!
That's outrageous.:mad:

I'd be inclined to write a letter to the practice manager about the lack of professionalism.

Thanks Girls,

Lillie , I agree they don't mean to do it, and Tiny, yes they should have a better cancelation process for these things to take one extra problem from the mum who MC'd.

Helen - OMG that sounds very dangerous removing canula yourself my larger one sof those bled for about an hour before the stopped leaking after removal properly! Totaly understand why you did it tho.

Mervs mum - Well I think I just will ask them to change the family all over to the nice new lady I saw for my pre booking appointment as she seemed lovely, that in itself will send them a message.

Karen - Can't believe they said you didn't turn up for your appointment! Miscarridge does not seem to be factored into the current system!

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