Are you thinking of having your mother as a second birthing partner?

LOL.... I think that's settled, I know that I don't want my mum there with hubby and I.

As always thank you ladies for being superstars!
I am having my husband and my mum. I feel like I might need 2 people as I think I will be quite panicky.
Plus, my mum is a nurse and I would feel more relaxed having her there the whole time as I have a friend who was in labour and shared a midwife between six of them, so if I don't have one on one care, I will feel better having someone who at least has some medical knowledge, although she knows nothing about midwifery! x
im hoping to have my stepmum on standby. bring her in if i need her there, keep her out if i dont hahaha! x
My mum or MIL never mentioned it when pregnant with my son and I never thought about it lol I just only wanted OH there, for it to be something between us, and about a million midwives and surgeons and consultants in the end lol It will be the same again this time, just me and OH. If there was any reason OH couldn't be there then my mum would be next in line but I know the whole time I would be screaming to OH there NOOOOW lol
As i have no partner im having my mum and my auntie in there with me... the 3 of us are like a triple act so itll certanly be interesting. Mum will prob end up outside though as shes not too good with blood and that type of thing unless shes on the floor loll xxx
I don't know what I would have chosen if I was in this suituation, but unfortunately my mum passed away 7 years ago, I would like to think I would have had her there as we were really close. I just hope my oh can cope with me on his own cos he isn't great with blood and stuff.

I think my twin sister really wants to be there, which I have agreed too, but it will probably be unlikely as she lives 2hrs away and has a 1yr old herself. So if I go into labour at night she won be able to get down.

I really hope my mil and fil don't loiter at the hospital while I'm in labour though, definitely don't want to see them minutes after giving birth to be honest! But I know with my oh being an only child they aren't going to be easy to deal with xx
Yes...I want my sister there too. Ive already asked about having 3 and they said it's completely down to the midwife delivering. My OH is rubbish with blood and I don't think he'll react well to seeing me in pain so I know he'll need the support as much as me! :) I was at the birth to all my sisters children so it's just right that she gets to experience it from the other end. I asked my mum if she wanted to come and the first thing she asked is whether she was allowed to film it...haha

I really don't mind sharing this moment with people because it truly is amazing. If I could have OH's mum in there I would...I'm not close with her but it's her first grandchild and she's very excited.
Me and my mum have NEVER been close, but i have asked her to be at my birth! If anyone should be there it's her, she has done it three times and i think she will put me in my place if i find it difficult or swear because of the pain! My Oh is always going to be there, He first didnt want to cut the cord because he hates seeing things like that, so my mum asked if she could do it. I said yes. If Ryan however chooses to do it on the day then daddy can cut the cord :)
when i had my first baby i had my oh , my mum , my dad and my ohs mum, towards the end though baby went into distress and i needed forceps so ended up with my mum and oh in and dad and his mum left . with my second i was on my own as my induction went a bit haywire and everything went to fast my hum and hubby arrived when the placenta was being deliverd, with katie i had my mum and best friend but ended up having a ga and c section and then with deven i had my hubby in with but my mum and cousin waited in recovery ... not sure what im doing this time im worried my other half wont be supportive during my c section .. i know ill need him to talk to me and be god company ..his mum wants to come in but id rather have my mum or friend if he doesnt come in
I always said id have my mum there if i had a baby but like Kanga i lost her nearly 3 years ago sadly. However, now I'm pregnant I wonder how I would have felt had my mum still been alive. We were very close but this feels like a very special thing between me and OH and something we should only share together!! Maybe I only feel like that now she isn't around...but not sure. I have 3 sisters that I am very close to and I could have one of them with me but it just doesn't feel right.

Just hope OH doesn't let me down and pass out. Ha ha.
Will just be and my OH, with mum on standby to relieve my partner so he can go and eat and stuff if I have a long induction or something, but definitely only OH for the birth. Mum and I are also very close but she doesn't particularly want to be there and I want my hubby!!
ill be having my mum with me.

i dont particularly want anyone seeing me in that state, but friends have told me that i would regret that choice!!! lol
I wanted my mum with me but i am having a C- section so only my dh can come in :(

However she will be there with us ready & waiting in my suite for when i come back :)

I want my mum there - can see myself being like a little girl needing her - like Olga from OBEM LOL.

Can understand why you are reluctant to have yours there though really is your choice and should must/should understand that :) xxx
If I could next time I'd have my whole family there! Lol.

I had my OH there last time and I'm so glad it was just the two of us but next time I'll ask my mum to be there too as I'd like to share it with her but I'd also love my sister to be there.

Only have people there who you feel will make you calm. It's such a personal experience that if there's someone there youre not 100% comfortable and relaxed with you're not going feel at ease.
No, I would not have my mum there because I dont feel close enough to her, and I would find it very embarrassing. My MIL wants to be there, and I wont let her.
My mum is a nurse and as close as I am to her she can come across as a bit patronising in a been there done that way, plus she kind of likes to take over - besides I feel for me that this is such a personal time I don't want anyone but my hubby with me.

As for friends we have friends who want to be in the waiting room but we are going to do a 'media blackout!' We are telling no one when we go into labour except my next door neighbour (so she can feed the cats) we are going to let family (first) & friends know a couple of hours after birth as we want time for 1. Me to feel more human 2. For me & hubby to have alone time with our newborn son. ONCE we announce family may visit in hospital and friends can visit when we come home.

I do not need the added pressure of people waiting at the hospital & my husband wants to be able to focus on me and our labour not be replying to MSG or returning phone calls.

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