Advice on Flying in Second Trimester - Fear of Flying!!


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Oct 5, 2010
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Hi all,

I'm in depsperate need of some good advice about flying long haul when pregnant.

My husband and I live in the UK- he's Australian- and we've booked a trip back home to Aus for Xmas as we do every year. We’re due to travel at the end of next month when I’ll be 24 weeks pregnant and I’ll be 30 weeks pregnant when we return. I’ve been advised by MW that I’ll be safe etc, but the only problem is I’m TERRIFIED of flying!!

I’ve never flown without taking sedatives, which obviously I can’t do now, and I’m so worried that the baby will feel my stress. I get upset on planes, even with medication and panic at even the slightest bit of turbulence. I know you’re probably wondering why I’m even contemplating doing this, but my husband has his only break home at Xmas and its his only chance to see his family. I know we’ll have a lovely time when we get there, we always do, but I’m worried that the stress I endure could affect my pregnancy?

Does anyone have any experience of flying such a long way during the middle trimester? Any advice would be much appreciated as I’m worrying about this day after day and have to make a decision soon L

Thanks so much :) Liz xxxx
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You have probably the following options:

Try to conquer your anxiety without the meds and go on the flight.
Let your husband go without you.
Neither of you go.

Your baby has to be the priority so only you will know your own health and what you think is best :-)
if u have an ipod, upload some bach, i will gladly send u some songs. calm music. and altho its hard, relax and close ur eyes (before take off). play ur music all the way up till the plane levels and hold partner hand. have paper bag if u feel short of breath

i used to hate flying, and 8/9 hours to jamaica used to make me wanna just die but i was told to do as instructed on every flight nad it works
Thanks very much for the advice ladies. I really do want to try and overcome this so we can have a great holiday together and enjoy some quality time with our family.

I do believe the doctors when they say i'll be safe, but I just worry that if I don't get my stress levels under control, the baby could feel it x

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