Are you pregnant or just putting on weight?


Well-Known Member
Jul 10, 2010
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Yes it actually happened.

Someone actually asked me today if i was pregnant and no i'm not.

I'm sure it's hilarious, but i'm not even that fat - 5'2 and size 12/14.

"So Louise... are you pregnant?"

*awkward silence*

"...or are you just putting on weight?"

So to add insult to injury i had to say out loud "I must just be putting on weight."

In her defence, i think she assumed i must be pregnant by now and hadn't been told and wanted to find out the happy news by accusing me in public.

It's so cringy and depressing.

I hope i see the funny side sooon, but right now i just feel baron and obese.
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What a biatch, I bet she looked like a sucked bone too didn't she x
I can't believe people just ask! Surely if someone is pregnant and wants to share it they'd say. Lol.

For the record I'm just putting on weight feeding phantom baby ;-)

Bet it was an older person! Older women always open they're gobs before thinking!

Hope you're okay, I would be upset too x
I had a similiar experience, except it was my own sister who said it! I saw her looking at my stomach and then mouthing to my mum "Jo's pregnant". I went ape shit with her lol!

Hope you're feeling ok!
I've experienced the same!

"You are pregnant, aren't you?"
"No, Im not"
"Yes, you are!"
"I'm not!"
"Everyone in this wedding thought you were pregant"
"Not that Im aware of at least!"

Felt really stupid, as I hadn't thought about the weight I had put on and just dressed as I normally did.

Hope you are okay Loiuse! People can be so rude!
How rude. You should have legged her up for that.
Ouch that has gotta hurt!! I spent weeks at work walking around sucking in my tummy as I was scared of someone saying that to me, especially as I had put on weight due to my pcos!! I still would of lamped her one though lol
Sorry to hear that someone said that to you, how rude!! :( :hugs:

I've been wanting to ask the office manager here if she's pregnant for a couple of months now, but was dreading making the same faux-pas as that woman.

Now the office manager looks at least 5 months gone and I'm going to feel a fool saying "are you pregnant?" when she so blatantly is!! So I'm still saying nothing!

:hugs: again
I've been wanting to ask the office manager here if she's pregnant for a couple of months now, but was dreading making the same faux-pas as that woman.

Now the office manager looks at least 5 months gone and I'm going to feel a fool saying "are you pregnant?" when she so blatantly is!! So I'm still saying nothing!

:lol::lol::lol: I wouldn't say anything either. Mainly because I suffer from terminal foot in mouth disease.:dohh:
What a cow Louise, it's so easy to think of snide comebacks after people have said stuff though isn't it.
What a bitch.
:slap:Flippin eck, how rude. I hope you made her feel small xxx
OMG what a cow! That's so rude.. a size 12/14 is NOT what id call fat.. Chin up hun xx
OH MY GAWD, I cant believe someone said that to you! My friend is a size 10/12 and when she went to Greece a few years back the barman asked when she was due! She was mortified but does have a slight beer gut lol. Im a size 16 and thankfully have never been asked that but then again, I do suck my tummy in a heck of a lot lol.
Start plotting some public humiliation in return!!

Revenge is a dish best served with a side of dog shit

So rude. I know what you mean about older people Laura, its like they have stopped giving a toss, my grandmother says stuff to my husband like "Your face has gotten very plump!" He just looks at me with his jaw on the floor, she's so embarrasing. Mind you his grandmother has gotten so old she farts loudly in restaurants and doesnt appear to notice
:lol: @ star
It's just plain rudeness that someone should say that. If you were pregnant enough to be showing then of course you'd have said something. Why are people so insensitive?
One of the bosses at work commented on my weight once, I turned and said in good old churchill style(ish) Yes, but I can lose weight, there's not much you can do to change your face ;-)
lol, i can't believe how many ladies this has happened too - i always thought it was something that people joked about happening but never actually did :oooo:

I have a knack for putting my foot in it, but even if i saw a women that looked like she had a beachball down her top while she was shopping for nappies and 0 month baby clothes i STILL wouldn't ask when she was due - just incase :shock:

I'm still not seeing the funny side, definately struck a nerve ;)
Mind you his grandmother has gotten so old she farts loudly in restaurants and doesnt appear to notice


I would be pissed off too Louise, in Mothercare a few months back when I was buying Odhráns cot the girl looked at my tum and asked when I was due :roll: I just blurted, I'M NOT PREGNANT, I was so embarrassed!
it happened me about a year ago, i met a girl i went to school with and asked how her chilren were, she said they were fine and then asked me 'when are you due?'

i was mortofied! we were not even ttc back then! and i wasn't what you'd call fat either.

it is so horrible when it happens, you would be reeling in shock for days afterwards!

chin up huni, next time you see her think of somthing to mortify her, get your own back! x x x x x x

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