Are you going back to work??

awww dont worry hun, its staying nice and sweet from me :)

:angel: sugar and spice and all things nice :angel:
dionne said:
Icecream said:
I don't want to offend anyone, and no I am not saying that you are not a mother if you work, but I do think the best place to be for a mummy is at home. It is best for the baby and the mother.

so l,ong as they can support themselves and the family then i suppose so. but not claiming benifits and staying at home. that just makes me mad

That was going to be my point. Part of being a parent is being a good role model. I only work part-time and don't see it as being detrimental to Stanley's wellbeing. ON the contrary, my wages keep a WELL-EARNED roof over his head, food in his mouth and set a good example for when he's older.

I work with too many disengaged teens who come from homes where neither parent has done a jot for years, it's bad example to set. Stay at home mums are OK by me as long as the money is coming in from somewhere other than the taxes my OH and I go out to earn.
im agreeing with minxy on this one
i think its more important to be there for ur child but also work to keep them clothed fed and warm
i personally hate my job it makes me sad leaving my baby for them 16 hours a week and yes he does go to nursery but he loves it and is doing him the world of good, i think it would be great if the world was perfect and every mum could stay at home with there kids - if they chose, but sadley we dont live in a world like that
i work to provide for my son everything that he may need or want
And he's looking lovely on it Sarah, hope he's feeling better :hug:
aww thanks hun he is 95% better cant believe 4-5 days ago he was so ill and now he is nearly back to normal braydon

thanks for asking
I'm going back to work in June and sooooo not looking forward to leaving Gabriella.

Purely going back as can't pay the mortgage on DH salary alone.

I will be part time though and Gabriella will be going to nursery 1 day a week and then DH & I will look after her between us as he works shifts.

I am sure it will work well and it will be good for all of us.
I'm going back to work part time on 4th May! I'm dreading leaving Oliver.
I couldn't vote as my option wasn't there. I've gone back to work recently, my LO was 10 months when I went back.

I felt ready to go back but wish I could do just 3 days a week to get a good balance. Not an option though as it would mean a massive pay cut and my employers most probably wouldn't agree to it. I work in IT and it's a volitile sector to be in so I'm earning the dosh whilst I can.

Isaac has settled into nursery well (2 days a week), in laws have him 2 days and I have 1 day a week off using hols from last year at the moment. Hoping to negotiate flexible working to get a day/afternoon off on a regular basis by doing compressed hours.

In an ideal world I would stay home full time but for me it wouldn't make me 100% happy. A happy Mum = happy baby in my view.

I do feel selfish though for not sacrificing my career for him but if I just can't walk away from everything that I've worked for. You can't afford to take a career break in IT, things progress too rapidly.

All academic anyway, we need both salaries to pay the mortgage.

Just remember, what works for one family may not work for you.

Do what you feel is right for you and your family.

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