I couldn't vote as my option wasn't there. I've gone back to work recently, my LO was 10 months when I went back.
I felt ready to go back but wish I could do just 3 days a week to get a good balance. Not an option though as it would mean a massive pay cut and my employers most probably wouldn't agree to it. I work in IT and it's a volitile sector to be in so I'm earning the dosh whilst I can.
Isaac has settled into nursery well (2 days a week), in laws have him 2 days and I have 1 day a week off using hols from last year at the moment. Hoping to negotiate flexible working to get a day/afternoon off on a regular basis by doing compressed hours.
In an ideal world I would stay home full time but for me it wouldn't make me 100% happy. A happy Mum = happy baby in my view.
I do feel selfish though for not sacrificing my career for him but if I just can't walk away from everything that I've worked for. You can't afford to take a career break in IT, things progress too rapidly.
All academic anyway, we need both salaries to pay the mortgage.
Just remember, what works for one family may not work for you.
Do what you feel is right for you and your family.