POLL: Baby sleeps best when....


Well-Known Member
May 11, 2007
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Hi Just wondered in what circumstances/environment you LOs sleep best. By that I mean less fuss/waking up from baby, perhaps sleeping for longer. etc.

This is prob more geared towards people in a relationship where 2 parents are together with regards to poll options but I would be interested in any opinions from single parents who want to share their thoughts, or from anyone who has thoughts on a situation not covered by the poll.
I would be interested in any opinions from single parents

im single
leah sleeps best with me in my bed... much better than when she was in her cot...... while her dad sleeps 20 miles away :D :D :D :lol:
attached to my boob or during the day... :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: both of them...(and I was a single parent with the first)
I went for in her own room, but having said that I stayed at my mums overnight with LO last week and she slept exactly the same....
we moved LO into her own room last week and on sunday she slept through for the first time :cheer: maybe it was OH's snoring that disturbed her lol
I went for 'Baby sleeps well anywhere, Mum or Dad in with them' cos she will sleep in her moses basket or in bed with us :)
As soon as we put willow in her own room she started sleeping through the night, we must have been disturbing her.
Ryan sleeps best on our bed with me, but when OH is involved Ryan thinks it's playtime, so that doesn't work so well unless he's already asleep when OH gets in. He's also fine in his own cot by himself, or in our room by himself. It's just daddy really that stops him sleeping :rotfl:
Hmmmm she sleeps badly anywhere but the worst is in our bed - never works. She wakes up and starts flapping and wacking me then having a look for daddy :roll:

The best is in her own bed own room with us in our own room.

Surprised I haven't lost more weight all the running between rooms in the middle of the night...
Dan sleeps fine anywhere. He sleeps in his own room but if we stay overnight somewhere he is fine in our room in his travelcot.

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