Are you going back to work??

Ellie loves being at nursery. They do so much with them there. Thankfully I can do shorter days and 4 days at the moment. I will have to increase that relatively soon though.
when alfie goes to school i will i hope to have another by then though
I am going back on monday after six months. I used to do 37.5 hours a week and now I am going to be doing 30 hours so I am dropping a day. I can't really afford not to go back but I am going to miss Jake loads. It isn't too bad as I do shifts so on the days I work I am either home by 3pm or don't start until 2pm. Also my mum is looking after jake which I am pleased about.
Having worked all my life (from the age of 12, not full time obvioulsy!) I intend to have 2 more children and stay at home unitll I'm about 40!
Don't know what I'll do then, but I'll worry about that when it happens! :wink:
I went back part-time after 6 months for financial reasons. We can't even pay the mortgage (which is a basic one) on OH's salary alone.

I do enjoy the extra dimension working outside the home gives me though.

And I HATE the term 'full-time mummy'. It somehow suggests to me that working mums are part time which I don't think is true. I'm always a mum no matter where I am.

Stay-at-home-mum (SAHM) is a much better term :wink:

I put 6 months did work full time before WIllow then went back when she was 6 months 2-7pm Mon to Thurs then when she was poorly changed to 5-10pm Mon to Thurs and Sat morning and when i had Conal i was due to go back the same even got promoted last Tuesday and the Friday before was made redundent :evil: so got a new job Mon - Fri 6-9.30pm but hated it :talkhand: so i applied for new job 4.30-8pm Mon- Thur and Saturday 9-6 hopefully starting MOnday can't wait bit sad :( leaving them but looking forwardf to adult conversation :D and we have a morgage to pay damn DH won't let me be a kept women :twisted: , plus we wouldn't be able to afford food so needs must :lol: god my life is confusing :?

Going back full time in July :cry: I love my job, and got a promotion when I was 6 months PG so I am now the main bread winner, so we cant afford for me to give up or work part time :cry:

Every day gets harder to think about work, the more I fall in love with my daughter the thought of leaving her makes me feel sick. She changes every day, and I dont want to miss any of it....

Praying we win the lotto before July :pray: :pray:
Eveadel said:
Is it mostly financial the reasons those who are going back to work??

no not for me. i am no better off not after paying towards £600 a month nursery.

i am going back because i like working and 2 days a week is perfect. i have the chance to become a manager and earn much better money when i go back but it means full time. i wont do it. i have the rest of my life to earn cash. the childhood years are to precious.
we could have lots of money get a mortgage loads of holidays. but i prefer just being with the kids and skegness holidays :lol:
dionne said:
Eveadel said:
Is it mostly financial the reasons those who are going back to work??

i wont do it. i have the rest of my life to earn cash. the childhood years are to precious.

I so agree with you. I could (and have always) earned a really good wage. But I so want to see my children growing up in the early years :hug: (besides I'm looking forward to not working Saturdays for quite a while!).
i do feel for my OH though :(
he has to work 8-6 mon - fri. so we always try and make the most of weekends. i want to win the lotto. but i dont even play it :lol:
dionne said:
I want to win the lotto. but i dont even play it :lol:

Sounds a bit like me :rotfl: ...I'm forever saying 'I might win the lottery one day' suppose It would be a good idea to buy a ticket first though lol :lol:
I won't ever have a proper 9-5 job again I don't think but i'll be carrying on with the modelling while I look after him
I currently now work 1 day a week i fif do 2 but due to being let down by a baby sitter have had to do 1 day a week and it being on the day where my partner is off. I could not work altogether as me working doesntreally make that much difference but i opted to just to get me out of the house for some "Adult Conversation" whic i do miss but its great when im there. My o'h is a chef so his hours are long he leaves at about 8.30 and then doesnt get in til about ll ish so he's very rarely about to see the kids during this time and he only gets 2 days a week off but not on weekends and 1 of those days he's off he looks after the kids whilst im at work so we only get 1 day together as a family :(
Minxy said:
And I HATE the term 'full-time mummy'. It somehow suggests to me that working mums are part time which I don't think is true. I'm always a mum no matter where I am.

Stay-at-home-mum (SAHM) is a much better term :wink:

Matter of opinion..
Icecream said:
Minxy said:
And I HATE the term 'full-time mummy'. It somehow suggests to me that working mums are part time which I don't think is true. I'm always a mum no matter where I am.

Stay-at-home-mum (SAHM) is a much better term :wink:

Matter of opinion..

In what way is it a matter of opinion? that SAHM is a better term or that a mum is only that when physically with her child? Expand.......
im going back to work part time (if you can call 8hours a week that lol) after my 6months are up :cry:
i really dont want to but i need the money
i used to work for 8 hours on a saturday but i might ask them to change it to 5hours sat n 5hours sun or maybe durin the week because i would have finished college
I don't want to offend anyone, and no I am not saying that you are not a mother if you work, but I do think the best place to be for a mummy is at home. It is best for the baby and the mother.
Icecream said:
I don't want to offend anyone, and no I am not saying that you are not a mother if you work, but I do think the best place to be for a mummy is at home. It is best for the baby and the mother.

so l,ong as they can support themselves and the family then i suppose so. but not claiming benifits and staying at home. that just makes me mad
There is nothing wrong with claiming benefits if you have to! Being a mothe is the best job in the world for a woman. Noone should tell you you can't bring your children up if that's what you want to do!

And before anyone says anything, I can't work and have to claim benefits. I'm a carer. The above comment is not necessarily personal.
Girls, please dont change this poll into something it is not.

Im just interested in what all you girlies are doing as Im not quite sure what Im doing - thanks :D :D

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