are we mad?


Well-Known Member
Mar 28, 2007
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we're allready trying again! I got pregnant with rosie 1st time round so i'm hoping kit wont take too long. we decided to wait in november (because the baby could have been born in the same school year as rosie) but if i test possitive in a couple of weeks it would actually be due the week after her 1st birthday :shock:

Of course it might not be as easy as last time, my mum thinks i'm mad and should let my body recover but what the hell!
I'd be pregnant 365 days a year if I could......if I had the money and the support I'd pop them out like peas!

Me personally I don't think I could deal with 2 under 5's at the same time but it's your choice. There are loads of mums on here with close babies.. I can't think of who, but I know sarah113 (?) has 4 quite close together and is pregnant, so it must be possible...
i've only just coped with an age gap of 2 and a half, mainly because millie can feed herself, dress herself, entertain herself etc and she can help me out like pass me nappies, wipes pick out ryans clothes etc where as if you only had an age gap of about 1 year, the 1 year old can't do any of those things apart from entertain them selves (not for long). So just imagine yourself trying to amuse/feed/bath both a newborn and a one year old? could you cope? there may be times when you dont get chance to eat etc. I wouldn't rush into it, but its up to you. Good luck you'll need it lol :hug:
I think it's fantastic! :dance:

I would be doing it myself but OH wants to wait till end of this year so guess we both have to be in agreement :?

Obviously it's gonna be hard work, especially those first couple of years but I think as they get a bit older and can play with each other it'll be lovely having them close together.

Good luck with TTC :hug:
I dont think you're mad at all, my baby's only 10 weeks old and i wanna start trying for another already... we've decided to do the 'sensible' thing and wait till he's one though :?
BEX101 said:
we're allready trying again! I got pregnant with rosie 1st time round so i'm hoping kit wont take too long. we decided to wait in november (because the baby could have been born in the same school year as rosie) but if i test possitive in a couple of weeks it would actually be due the week after her 1st birthday :shock:

Of course it might not be as easy as last time, my mum thinks i'm mad and should let my body recover but what the hell!

Short answer yes! Well you did ask!

I have 14 months between my two and don't recommend it. I found the first 8 months incredibly hard work and I wish I'd left it longer, though I wouldn't be without either of them now. No matter what I say it won't change the way you feel as I was incredibly broody after I had DD and I wouldn't have changed my mind because someone on a forum told me I'd find it hard work, instead I found that out myself!
Just remember it's twice the work, you'll have barely any time to give each child one to one attention and things like going out take military precision planning because no sooner have you fed and changed the newborn, changed your older baby and get out it's time for another feed.

I remember saying to people 'I know it's going to be hard work, but as long as we get through the first year that's going to be the worst bit', and I wasn't far wrong. But I just underestimated how much hard work it was going to be, especially because DS was far more demanding and slept a lot less than DD, just imagine dealing with a whingey toddler who might not be able to walk (DD took her first two steps the day DS was born) and a demanding newborn on 3 hours sleep. It's not fun. Sorry!

TBH i felt like you not long after amber was born but that feeling did fade! We are planning to try again when amber is about 18 months old.

But hun if you feel you and your body can cope i wish you all the best and fingers crossed x
My 2 have just under 14 months between them and at times my life is a nightmare. Don't get me wrong when they play together is so nice to watch but that might only be half an hour a day. I can't get out of the house till after dinner most days as you have 2 babies to work round feeds and sleeps and they very rarely do it at the same time. there's always one of them crying and they are constantly waking each other in the night. They fight over toys, steal food off each other and steal each others drinks
:x I cope though and I'm not the most natural mother in the world! For some reason no one wants to come and visit us no more either :think: :rotfl:
lol - at least your all being honest! one of the reasons of us thinking of this is cos of my OH work (raf) we've moved up to scotland in an area which hasnt exactly got the best job prospects for me. we're here for 4 years and it kinda makes sense to us that if i'm going to be out of work it may as well be here and by the time we get reposted (nearer civilisation :pray: ) i should be ready to go looking for work.
lol, it is hard work with 2 under 5, but i found after about 2 months you do get youself into some sort of routine, with a close age gap you dont have to worry to much about getting dressed in the morning or taking them to school till they are older. As the others have said you dont get alot of one on one time with them and no time at all to youself during the day.
But saying all that i done it and i didnt even want children till i found out i was pg with my first and now ive nearly got 5 under 5s.
Good luck hun
tbh i felt a little broody after millie was born i thnk its a natural hormone-y thing to happen to new mums i missed being pregnant etc but i was exclusively BFing so couldntve got pg again even if i'd tried- thank goodness! the broodiness has passed now- and im so glad its not too late! i really dont want another baby yet.
I feel like this too and would love to have another baby but have decided to wait until Maddison is about 18 months or so :wink:
sarah113 said:
lol, it is hard work with 2 under 5, but i found after about 2 months you do get youself into some sort of routine, with a close age gap you dont have to worry to much about getting dressed in the morning or taking them to school till they are older. As the others have said you dont get alot of one on one time with them and no time at all to youself during the day.
But saying all that i done it and i didnt even want children till i found out i was pg with my first and now ive nearly got 5 under 5s.
Good luck hun

bloody hell i never noticed how many and how young yours were! :lol:
i never wanted kids either?! :think: - untill i met my OH that is and now i want loads, the fact that i had to have a cesarian will probably restrict the numbers tho
before i got pg i wanted loooooads...then just after i had mia i swore id never have anymore...i do get broody every now and then but it goes..usually when mia is screaming lol and when shes happy and smiling im like awww i want another one!! Would maybe consider maybe another one in the future but the way things are going i doubt that will happen..not with oh anyway :( :( :(

But if its what you want then i wish you all the luck in the world :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer:
BEX101 said:
sarah113 said:
lol, it is hard work with 2 under 5, but i found after about 2 months you do get youself into some sort of routine, with a close age gap you dont have to worry to much about getting dressed in the morning or taking them to school till they are older. As the others have said you dont get alot of one on one time with them and no time at all to youself during the day.
But saying all that i done it and i didnt even want children till i found out i was pg with my first and now ive nearly got 5 under 5s.
Good luck hun

bloody hell i never noticed how many and how young yours were! :lol:
i never wanted kids either?! :think: - untill i met my OH that is and now i want loads, the fact that i had to have a cesarian will probably restrict the numbers tho

If you had c-section hun, I really would try and let your body recover because it is a major operation!
Im pregnant with my second. There will be about 11 months betweeen them (tho i think less by my calculations, not scans! lol)
I cant even talk about unborn baby tbh. It was very unplanned and i was having a hard time with Hannah. (actually i still am)

The thought of even less sleep thean im having now, and double the work load of a day is too much still right now. I can only go one day as a time.

I feel guilty that this unborn baby isnt getting as much love as hannah was getting when i was pregnant, and i do love it. Its just when i think about it i also feel really stessed.

Saying that i have the odd good day, and the thought that in a few years it will be over and done with. (unlike women who have a baby every 4 years ect..)

And the fact im only 24, it 4 years time it can be MY time again (when they are at school) and i can try and get back into my dream career.

Reading this whole thread i found hard. The realitly of being pregnant/having another baby is much MUCH harder then the fantasy. (ive bled very heavy throughout this pregnancy, i suffer from spd bad, sex is wayyy too painful so me and OH relationship isnt..well.. what it was. hannah stopped sleeping through at 4-5 months and is now up 3-10 time s anight.)
But i see no harm at all if you have the support/love and desire to do it. Good luck!!!!
rachelandjarvis said:
Reading this whole thread i found hard. The realitly of being pregnant/having another baby is much MUCH harder then the fantasy. (ive bled very heavy throughout this pregnancy, i suffer from spd bad, sex is wayyy too painful so me and OH relationship isnt..well.. what it was. hannah stopped sleeping through at 4-5 months and is now up 3-10 time s anight.)
But i see no harm at all if you have the support/love and desire to do it. Good luck!!!!

I'm really sorry to hear what your going through. I had a difficult pregnancy with Rosie, i had a cyst and didnt have sex from week 10. TBH i was suprised that my OH was so keen to try again so soon (bearing in mind the no sex last time) Rosie is pretty much a perfect baby and i am aware that the next one might be more demanding. I'm also quite lucky that my OH is very suportive. He's in the RAF and at the moment it working 4 on 4 off so has loads off free time for us. He also gets more holidays than most and was able to take over a month off after the cesarian to help. I'm also able to drop Rosie off at his work for short periods of time if i need to get somethings done. So overall i have a lot of support off him (and the RAF) I know its going to be hard and i'm sure i'll be on here from time to time looking for suport and sympathy but people cope with twins / triplets etc so it must be possible.

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