Are my waters leaking?

Full of hope!

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Jun 9, 2007
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That's the question! I've had the feeling that I keep doing little wee's for a few hours now.

Just rang the hospital for to see what they say (better to be safe than sorry!) the midwife told me to put a clean pad on and ring her back in an hour. She said if the pad is clear but wet it could be waters but if it's yellow and smells of urine it will be wee.

How embarrasing would that be if I was just weeing myself :oops:
oh and it wasn't like peeing... it was like after s*x and what usually happens to the present men leave for us :rotfl: :rotfl: mine went completely like a big pee then sorta just dribbled out of me... but it was definitely pink... :think:
mine was cloudy and it had little white flecks in it which is the vernix from the baby.

It sort of smelled a bit sweet and was straw coloured. If you see any white bits on your pad then it's def your waters. I didn't have a big gush when mine was a trickle to start with...then a small flood with every contraction!

It's not my waters :( Went to hospital and got checked out. Urine was full of nasties though and has been sent to the lab to be checked and I also had a swab taken.

Felt like an idiot for thinking it was my waters but MW said not to worry, it's best to get checked! She was really lovely :)
ur over 40 weeks u have every right to think your waters are going dnt feel silly :hug: espesh wen u dnt feel like ur weeing i hope the swaps n wee cum bk fyn :hug: :hug:

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