**** APRIL MUMMIES 2016!!!**** Almost there!****

Congrats mrs p she's a beauty hope dd1 loves her little sis! X
I'm still here! But I'm only 38+6 so no rush yet!

When are you due blueberry?

Aw okay, well I was due on the 17th, 40+3 now Xx

Ah well at least you'll get you're baby before me! I've not had so much as a twinge!

I spent most of yesterday tidying and cleaning, a proper nesting day but it's not kicked anything off. In fact I feel too good. Maybe it's the calm before the storm lol

I can see me being a May mummy but will stick in April mummies!
I'm having so many twinges I keep getting my hopes up! So much pressure in my bottom and loads of BH as well as fanny daggers every 2 seconds it seems! X

stop start stop start cramping and getting my hopes up for me too..not much pressure but the daggers...yes! Xx
Congrats mrsP!! Hope the rest of you ladies aren't waiting too long!
We've finally been discharged home today yippee.... Got home around lunch time and all Jacob has done is feed, poop and sleep since... He's so content at the mo, I'm hoping this continues! I'm breastfeeding him for now- see how it goes. He's slept well in hospital so if I can manage to keep him at that then I can cope with feeding him myself. Looking forward to my own bed tonight and hopefully manage to get more than 2-3 hours. I've had a good defuzz and inspection of down there and I'm quite impressed lol!
Glad your home Ruth we are home too - I think the maximum I got last night was 2 hours hehe Sophie was a bit unsettled new environment very dark and quiet compared to hospital we will get into the swing of things!! Just a waiting game for the midwife today now!! Blueberry how are the twinges feeling? xx
Glad to hear your both home with your little one's Mrs P and Ruth, you must be so happy.
Hope they settle soon and you get a little more sleep!
Well I've woken up this morning with more aches and pains, in my back and top of thighs. but other than that seems to just be that the bump is so uncomfortable now, heavy and painful when I move from side to side or lay on my back. Urghh ha sorry don't mean to whinge when your at home with your lovely little babies. Enjoy them, be lovely to see some pics! Xx
I don't think u will be waiting too long blueberry that's how I felt last week and on Friday I was just sooo uncomfortable xx
We did ok last night- fed Jacob at 11ish, 3, and 6am. He settles quickly between feeds but was a bit unsettled after his 6am one only cos he needed a nappy change. But I felt like I slept so much better in my own bed and managed to get everyone ready and to school on time ha ha x
Congratulations Flick and MrsP on your safe arrivals, so lovely to see all April babies :-) Hope you both get settled quickly at home.

Ruth - glad to hear little Jacobs infection is under control now.

Blueberry you really sound like you are getting there. Everything crossed you won't be needing second sweep. MrsT and Flot - hope the last few days/weeks are going well for you both.

Sorry I haven't been on much since Caleb was born. He's been struggling to put on weight after losing a lot at first so now combi feeding him round the clock with alarms to try and get him back up. Been exhausting but hopefully it's working now. Can't believe he's 2 weeks old tomorrow xx
Blueberry that was how I was feeling towards the end try and keep active within reason it all helps gravity do its work on baby I don't think it'll be long now for you!
Sounds like everyone is settling well which is great!
Keep us posted you last few ladies and best of luck xx
Blueberry that was how I was feeling towards the end try and keep active within reason it all helps gravity do its work on baby I don't think it'll be long now for you!
Sounds like everyone is settling well which is great!
Keep us posted you last few ladies and best of luck xx

hopefully not, keeping as active as I can. walking and not sitting down so much, offering to make the cups of tea and all sorts to keep moving, I'm sure the partners loving it!
washing up and bobbing up and down to the radio this morning.
just feel like I'm not feeling enough, hope it just happens out the blue rather than a build up if it stays like this Xx
I don't think u will be waiting too long blueberry that's how I felt last week and on Friday I was just sooo uncomfortable xx

hopefully not, fingers crossed. will keep you all posted on here :) hope your doing okay Xx
Congratulations ladies with new babies!!!
So lovely reading all the news on here!
Blueberry I don't think it will be long for you either! So exciting!

Had a bit of a funny week last week... We got home Saturday afternoon from hospital when Seb was 2 days old, had my parents to stay with us that weekend and my Dad suffered a heart attack that night. So baby's first week was made up of family staying with us plus lots of hospital visiting!! Luckily he's ok now after having stents inserted! They went home Sunday so just been the 3 of us and puppy since Sunday evening!

Had a bit of a cry earlier after getting Seb's discharge letter through the post from hospital. Although I realised he was in shock etc and had a minor infection when i had him, I hadn't realised he needed compressions and ventilating as he was back in a normal cot by the time i got to see him when he was about 4hours old :roll: ... hits home when you see the words "chest compressions were necessary" :(
Had a little cry then a cuddle before feeding him and felt better and even more appreciative to be able to cuddle up to him. All Ive thought all day is "oh this time 2 weeks ago"!!
Must be crazy but already feeling excited for the next one... Although will be taking a while yet to enjoy and appreciate him first, he's such a good baby and only wakes once for a feed! :nap:

Hows everyone else doing?? Xxxxxx
P.s. Blueberry, lots and lots of dtd and nipple stimulation :roll: the hormones in semen are the same as the hormones used to induce labour!
i know you won't feel like it but promise if anything should help it will be that! we dtd sat, sun, mon and my waters broke tuesday evening before having chance to do it again :) also if you've already bought a breast pump give that a go, my cousin who's a midwife advised it as it makes you release hormones that you would normally release during labour! i didn't get chance to do it so can't promise anything but fingers crossed it works for you!
oh my goodness Hope..first of all sorry to hear about your dad. I hope he's doing okay and is on the mend. Must of been awful to read that on the letter too, how did they not mention that to you :(
Main thing is your little one is home and happy and healthy now, you enjoy those cuddles! he sounds lovely.
Thank you for the advice...we have dtd but not nearly as often as we probably should. I think my partner feels very anxious about potentially being so close to the baby 'down there' now I'm so far along, even after me reassuring him that he wouldn't. I've done nipple stimulation too, although I'm not sure if it's been for long enough? Should I still give the breast pump a go if I've started producing colostrum?
Hope things have calmed down for you now, enjoy being a mummy Xx
Oh hope, that is absolutely awful :( Chris was born screaming at the top of his lungs but according to the discharge letter needed oxygen when he was 4 minutes old or he wouldn't have made it. I hope your dad gets well fast. And that you and your baby are doing well
So 40 weeks today and I decided to "celebrate" by falling down the stairs last night whilst holding my daughter and having to spend the night in hospital with reduced movements and a suspected fractured ankle! Luckily baby is absolutely fine (as is my daughter) and my ankle is just a really bad sprain. I had over 25 BH whilst on the monitor so they were a bit worried I was going into labour but luckily no dilation. I need him to stay put for a few days now cos I can't walk and it's made my spd even worse! Fun times! Xxx
Oh heck! Sounds like a tough time for you.... Hope your dad is ok! Is there anyone you can speak to regarding sebs care? Then at least everything is explained to you. I think medical professionals assume we know as much as them sometimes and forget to explain things. X
Flot please take it easy!!!! Must have been scary for you but glad everything is ok with baby xx
Congratulations everyone on all your beautiful babies! Can't believe this thread will be done in a couple of weeks! I'll set up a page on the other side if it hasn't already been done.
I used to spend every waking moment on here, now I barely get time to breathe with a munchkin that doesn't like to sleep at night! Wouldn't swap her for the world though x

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