**** APRIL MUMMIES 2016!!!**** Almost there!****

Congrats blueberry! Glad you got the birth you wanted X

Who else is left with me???

Aww yey congrats sarah and blueberry! Knew it wouldn't be long for you!!
MrsP hope u r feeling better soon!
Fingers crossed that you are not waiting long mrsT!
Midwife been to us this morning and Jacob weighs 7lb 15.5oz now- put on 8.5oz since Weds I'm so happy I know I'm filling him with my milk! She can't discharge us yet as his cord is still on!
Glad I'm not on my own Flot! I'm 39+4 so nearly a week behind you.
Very tired today - I keep napping just in case labour starts I need my energy!

I nap when I can too lol! Only Monday's when the toddler is at nursery and if she decides to nap during the week at any point lol. I keep thinking the same, need all the energy we can get! I really hope I go soon. Feeling bloody huge and fed up now! X

Congratulations blueberry on your water birth.. glad all is well! Xx
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Congratulations Blueberry! :D Enjoy!

Ladies, the end is near <3

Bloody hell having 3 is hard. My 14 old month is such a green eyed monster. It's hard work dividing time between 3. And my eldest has just had chicken pox, literally, spots started to appear on the first night home from hospital. Madness.

Really hope you ladies are doing well those with babies and those still pregnant <3 xXx
Urgh feeling so rubbish today. I promised myself I wouldn't get down but I can't shift the feelings that I'll never have a baby "naturally". I was induced with my daughter due to PROM and had an awful experience and so wanted to go into labour naturally with this one as he is definitely my last. I know I'm only 40+5 but I'm getting increasingly frustrated that nothing seems to be happening except my belly getting bigger and bigger! Sorry for the moan, I've just been up since 4am worrying and need to get it out!
Hope everyone is enjoying their newborns and that the last remaining April mummies to deliver still are feeling well xxx

Ahh Hun it's shit isn't it! Feels like everyone else has their babies and we don't.
I'm doing food shop this morning and going to walk round sainsburys for a couple of hours - it worked with my son!

I really hope labour kicks off for you ASAP! X

Thanks Hun. My small is at nursery til one so I'm doing the same as you and going for a walk round the shops! Hope it's not too long for you either! X

Ah bless u both!! Keep active- I did so much walking to & from school that last week and I think that helped xx
Yeyyyy congrats blueberry and other ladies!
Blueberry would love to hear about the water birth?!
Glad everyone's doing well! Hang in there ladies still due to have babies, it won't be long at all now!
Sending lots of love and hugs!
Just a quick note to say my baby girl arrived safe n sound on her due date 26/4/16 at 8.14am after a very quick labour. Baby Willow Marie weighed in at a shocking 9lbs. A whole lb heavier then her big brother!
Congrats lulabell. Wonderful news and I love her name :) x

Congrats Lulabell!

So today's my due date anddddd I'm still pregnant lol

Yeyyyy congrats blueberry and other ladies!
Blueberry would love to hear about the water birth?!
Glad everyone's doing well! Hang in there ladies still due to have babies, it won't be long at all now!
Sending lots of love and hugs!

water birth was everything id hoped for, really was. Calming, relaxing and I totally zenned out! I remember my partners, mums and midwife's whispers just being so distant and we had some spa music on, was heavenly! Water was lovely and warm and it wasn't long before I was gently pushing. I pulled Jacob out the water and it was such a magical feeling bringing him up to me.
I'm so lucky..no stitches, everything went really smoothly. I'd 100% have a water birth again, every time Xxx

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