**** APRIL MUMMIES 2016!!!**** Almost there!****

Yippee the babies are coming congrats!! Jacob is beautiful! Your labour sounds similar to mine (waters going then everything happening really fast!) x
Oh hello Due Date! no sign of baby yet...(insert eye roll and impatient foot tap) Xx
Hope it all gets started for you soon Blueberry! Come out and meet your mummy and daddy baby boy ;) xx
Happy due date blueberry!
Thanks everyone- feeling ok actually and surprisingly I'm not too sore down there. Just had a small tear that didn't need any stitches. Just can't wait to get home to be able to have a shower in my own bathroom xx
Congratulations Ruth! :D I look forward to seeing the pic but it won't load whilst in hospital. Boo!

Baby Phoenix (boy!) was born 16/04/16 Weighing 8lbs 0.5oz. The induction dragged to begin with but the outcome was amazing. Still currently in hospital with a surprise baby boy. He's just perfect :D xXx
Aw congratulations! lovely news. all these April babies arriving, sun's shining today for them :) need to give my little man a wiggle! Xx
Happy due date blueberry!
Thanks everyone- feeling ok actually and surprisingly I'm not too sore down there. Just had a small tear that didn't need any stitches. Just can't wait to get home to be able to have a shower in my own bathroom xx

hehe thank you :) glad your feeling well and get to go home soon with your bundle, nothing better than your own bath and bed, enjoy! x
Congratulations flick - how many babies left now at least 3....

I had a rough night contractions on and off and not much sleep....spoke to the labour wars and they said it sounds like it could be starting but they need to get to 3 in 10 mins before they will see me...

Go back to bed for an hour this morning - get up had a really intense very close together set very painful taking my breath away took paracetamol and took dd1 and oh to the park for a walk things calmed down.....

Shattered this afternoon so head back to bed for some rest fall asleep for an hour or so wake up feeling better in myself but contractions all gone quiet again grrrrrr! I feel bad for oh as he keeps saying should I take tomorrow off the answer is I don't know I wish I could predict this but I can't, my mum keeps texting as well "how are you getting on, do you need me" as she is our childcare. I feel like I am keeping everyone waiting and disrupting their lives :-(!

Sweep tomorrow afternoon so I am hoping that what I have had today has done some positive work and that will make the sweep more likely to work tomorrow! Hope your ok blueberry xx
Congratulations Flick, love the name for your baby boy ;) I had an 8lb baby too but through the sunroof ha ha ;)
Congrats Flick - I love the name. My son was an 8lb 2oz baby - they say the second ones are about 1lb heavier Eeekkk! Although I am smaller this time so will see if makes any difference.
I've still got 10 days to go till due date but I have a feeling I'll go over. Having a relaxing clary sage and lavender bath and trying to get lots of sleep in preparation!

Congrats flick! Phoenix is my daughters name so I think it's a wonderful choice!
Aww congrats flick! We're u told he was a she at your scan??
MrsP sounds like the start but so annoying all the false starts- hope you have an easy time when it does all happen!
I'm gutted thought we was going home today and been told Jacob has shown signs of an infection so he has to stay on antibiotics until weds at least :( :(
Sorry to hear that Ruth but he's in the best place.
I'm due Friday. Super fed up now. Feel about 100 years old x

Ahhh having all the signs but nothing coming of it is really frustrating :(
I wanna say keep going, it'll be over soon but I know that doesn't help whatsoever!

My first son was 9lb, daughter 7lb 14oz and Phoenix just over 8lbs so they're not always bigger :)

I love the name Phoenix for a boy or a girl. I love how it still keeps people guessing too :P
I didn't know what I was having with any of them but i thought I was having a girl so being a boy came as quite a shock! Thankfully I didn't buy anything gender specific :o xXx
A www Ruth poor Jacob he's in the best place and so are you so you both go home recovered!

Flick I like the name as you say keeps people guessing!

All quiet overnight here and it is d day....sweep the afternoon a bit nervous as never had one before but I keep thinking that what I had Saturday and yesterday should all have done something positive and that can only help the sweep....I also plan to walk to and from the appointment hopefully meaning it has a positive effect too!

Hope your ok blueberry I keep trying to tell myself that these babies will be here when they are good and ready you can't rush perfection.....:-)!!
MrsP42 good luck for your sweep today, don't be nervous. the walk will be helpful I'm sure..I plan on doing the same tomorrow. my appointments quite late in the afternoon so I'll be nervously waiting all day eeeek but I hope it works. although not too quickly whilst I'm walking home!

woke up again this morning like...nope. nothing. but like you said, hoping all the cramping and stop starts will help in the sweep being more effective.

Congrats to the new little ones.
Flick..Phoenix is such a cool name, I hope he's doing well.
And Ruth I hope Jacob's infection clears up very soon.

Trying not to be too frustrated today but it's haaaaaard Xx
Phew levels of infection has gone down and there is no infection in his blood but they are carrying on with anti bs until weds as a precaution as my first DS had GRoup b strep and needed the same. That's a relief as they were talking about a lumbar puncture!
I kept very mobile right till the end- don't know whether it helped or not but its not going to do any harm. I even did the school run on Friday morning & afternoon walking even tho I was so uncomfy- so u never know it could have done the trick! But I do feel for u it is really frustrating Xx

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