**** APRIL MUMMIES 2016!!!**** Almost there!****

Ruth, both my first son and I had GBS infection when he was born and he spent a week in NICU strapped up to machines with tubes everywhere and stuff :( It was awful!
I tested positive for GBS in this pregnancy too which was pretty scary. We had the anti-bs in labour but the thought of it all happening again is horrible :(

Good luck ladies! I'm excited for more babies :D xXx
Well s+s done I have been on my feet all day and walked for 2 hours afterwards!! I have had increasing pains as the afternoon has worn on we'll see I am not getting my hopes up!

Midwife said I was 2cm and she could stretch easily to 3cm baby was high but dropped down as she was stretching she said its normal for 2nd babies and that she may not fully engage until I go into labour! Also 50% effaced so the past few days and false starts have been doing something which is a comfort!
Glad everything went well, fingers crossed for you :) was it uncomfortable/painful? Xx
Not uncomfortable or painful blueberry a bit odd just felt like a stretching/pulling feeling which the MW said was what she was doing so that was normal :-)! Felt a bit like having a smear test certainly no worse than tha! xx
Congratulations on your baby boy flick :) so happy for all you girls! A bit jealous too :p all your babies are coming out so big xD my poor little one is still under 6lbs last we checked... Will weigh him again tomorrow and hopefully he'll be over 6lbs! Fingers crossed... To think he was 3.3lbs at birth :(
Not uncomfortable or painful blueberry a bit odd just felt like a stretching/pulling feeling which the MW said was what she was doing so that was normal :-)! Felt a bit like having a smear test certainly no worse than tha! xx

that's made me feel a little better thank you, I know I'll be nervous tomorrow. it's all so new to me, literally have no idea what to expect from now on. first time mummy nerves!
How are you feeling now anyway after it, anything happening? Xx
Just come home after a disappointing trip to the midwife. attempted a sweep but she could only just reach enough to feel the cervix, and not actually be able to insert enough to do the sweep itself. although she said it was soft and shortened a lot, it was still high up.
I feel really gutted :( I hoped he would be here soon. And now I'm really worried that I'll get to my induction date and won't be allowed the pool (had my heart set on water birth from the beginning) it's because of the drip and needing to be monitored.
She's obviously had a feel about up there, just hoping there's the tiniest tiniest chance that it's made something move.
Does anybody know the chances of still going into labour, despite it still being a little high?
Midwife said it wasn't that far off at all being 'favourable' as they call it. was soft and short like I said...fingers crossed.
Just can't help feel really gutted :( Xx
Don't be disheartened- my MW couldn't do my sweep last Tuesday as she said me cervix was coming round from the back and was to the right so she couldn't reach in. She said it was soft and shortened too but only dilated enough to get a fingertip in (basically nothing then as I'd already had 2 babies!), and Jacob arrived very quickly on Friday xx
Hello ladies. Sorry about your sweep blueberry will they offer you another in a few days?
Just to let you know Sophie Margret arrived Monday @ 2300hrs weighing 9lbs 2ozs in the pool as I wanted it was a wonderful experience and it was all pretty quick - contractions started in earnest 7pm and she arrived at 11pm! Birth story to follow!


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Wow congratulations.. you both look like you're made for eachother, she's a cutey pie! Xx
Congrats Mrs P - she's a good weight and looks gorgeous and snugly! X

Congratulations Mrs P, she's adorable. yes they've given me another appointment next Tuesday for another attempt (day before induction) I really really hope I've gone myself before then..if not my last resort is Tuesday night :( Xx
Thank you ladies! A good weight certainly she was 2lbs heavier than dd1:shock:

Feeding like a trooper currently asleep hope to head home today.

How are you doing blueberry? Other ladies waiting how are we doing? xxx
aww glad she's feeding well, hopefully you'll be snuggled up at home with her soon.
I'm doing okay yeah..just a bit fed up and worried. Haven't had anymore cramping or discomfort down there as such, just the normal shooty kicky bladder feelings. 'come on baby Jacob..need you here!!!'
who else is still waiting for April babies? am I going to be the last?! (covers eyes) ha x
I'm still here! But I'm only 38+6 so no rush yet!
When are you due blueberry?


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