**** APRIL MUMMIES 2016!!!**** Almost there!****

Well after cleaning the bathroom and doing the laundry trying to keep busy earlier I finally got my call. I'm in hospital now strapped up to the monitor, induction under way. Baby soon!!! Yay!!! xXx
Good luck Flick, glad you've got the call. Ruth - you sound like me on 41 weeks roo and Caleb came that night. Hope its same for you. Hope things are progressing for you MrsP. Keeping everything crossed for new April babies making an appearance over the weekend!
good luck flick!

Another episode for me this afternoon, same as the other day. bad period pains, rolling about unable to get comfortable. back, groin and tummy pains. seems to come and go, just seeing if it eases again like last time Xx
I'm not sure if my waters are trickling.... Just monitoring it to see but I feel a bit wet down there....
Good luck flick!! Looking forward to hearing your baby news!!
I am stop start stop start I am having a relaxing evening going to have a little glass of red (old wives tale) and just try and chill about it! xxx
Ha ha I've fancied a glass of wine all week but daren't in case I go into labour and they check my alcohol levels lol...
Pretty sure it's my waters now eek will have to ring the hosp as I need antibiotics in labour xx
Ah Ruth I hope so hunni I was told that your waters smell sweet like honey/pear drops so I will be looking out for that! They wouldn't check your alcohol levels hehe I have had a friend who is a midwife recommend it!! Keep the us posted Ruth xx
Good luck Flick.. the end is near! Looking forward to your next update that baby's here ;) xx
So turns out it was my waters.... Jacob Benjamin was born at 11.31pm at 41 weeks. Weight 7lb 9oz. V fast labour and a bit dramatic but hes fine! And beautiful ����
Many congratulations Ruth on your baby boy's arrival, glad all went well xx
Quick BS I was feeling like I was a bit wet down there, really uncomfy and loads of pressure most of the day. By about 7 it was obvious my waters were leaking (couldn't tell u when it started as there was no obvious pop!), had tea and was having some short but regular contractions. Phoned hospital who told me to come in as I have previous GBS history and need iv antibiotics. Got to hospital about 9.30pm with pains getting stronger. Went to triage and put on monitor- requested water birth so they went to start filling it. Contractions getting more & more painful and were every 2 mins! Waters went and there was meconium in them so told I had to stay on the monitor and no birth pool. Was 4cm at this point. Went to delivery suite around 11pm- in a wheelchair as pains were too strong. Started on g&a, soon began to push and Jacob was born at 11.31pm. After this head was born it all went a bit crazy as his shoulders got stuck and midwife asked hubby to press emergency buzzer- apparently about 4/5 midwives and doctors came in, bed was thrown back and they were holding my legs back and rocking on my stomach but I was just concentrating on pushing I didn't have a clue all that was going on!! Anyway he is all good now- weighs 7lb 9oz and all I've done is stare at him since ����
we have to stay in over the weekend so Jacob can have antibiotics as they never got time to put a cannula in me- the midwife was going to but then I needed to push so she got the birth pack out instead lol!! .
... Thanks for the congrats!!


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Wow crazy but God that know you are both fine enjoy getting to know your baby xxxx
Congratulations Ruth, he's gorgeous. hope your both well this morning :) Jacob's a gorgeous name, they'll be another as soon as mine stops being so lazy in there! Jacob fans! shame about the birth pool, I'm hoping for one too. Enjoy baby cuddles and hope your home soon Xx
Ruth I meant good that you are both fine!! He is cute!! I am back to feeling peed off today I don't think I'd mind if it wasn't so start and then stop if d felt nothing up to now then fee it's the fact I have had some contractions and I can feel her so low down humpf!! xx

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