Quick BS I was feeling like I was a bit wet down there, really uncomfy and loads of pressure most of the day. By about 7 it was obvious my waters were leaking (couldn't tell u when it started as there was no obvious pop!), had tea and was having some short but regular contractions. Phoned hospital who told me to come in as I have previous GBS history and need iv antibiotics. Got to hospital about 9.30pm with pains getting stronger. Went to triage and put on monitor- requested water birth so they went to start filling it. Contractions getting more & more painful and were every 2 mins! Waters went and there was meconium in them so told I had to stay on the monitor and no birth pool. Was 4cm at this point. Went to delivery suite around 11pm- in a wheelchair as pains were too strong. Started on g&a, soon began to push and Jacob was born at 11.31pm. After this head was born it all went a bit crazy as his shoulders got stuck and midwife asked hubby to press emergency buzzer- apparently about 4/5 midwives and doctors came in, bed was thrown back and they were holding my legs back and rocking on my stomach but I was just concentrating on pushing I didn't have a clue all that was going on!! Anyway he is all good now- weighs 7lb 9oz and all I've done is stare at him since ����
we have to stay in over the weekend so Jacob can have antibiotics as they never got time to put a cannula in me- the midwife was going to but then I needed to push so she got the birth pack out instead lol!! .