**** APRIL MUMMIES 2016!!!**** Almost there!****

Ooh let us know mrs P!
Jedi sounds like you're doing a great job! Don't worry about the comments- for some reason people think it's ok to comment whatever- ooh he's tiny, he's huge, he's not grown much, ooh he's grown loads etc etc!!
Seems to be a thing once you get pg or have a baby!!
It's been on and off all day now feel really wet down there but don't know if it's my waters as they didn't go until the last minute with dd1 now I am just feeling teary and unsure whether to call the hospital as I don't want to be a pest/waste everyone's time.....:-(
went for a scan this morning expecting a short appointment, went in for 11 and didn't come out until 3 this afternoon.
cut a VERY long story short, got some sachets to drink of a two day dose of new antibiotic to get rid of my UTI/kidney infection, when they've been taken I'm due this weekend and baby should come! (I hope)
sweep booked for Tuesday and got an induction date as a last resort. but who knew they'd leave you that long?! Due 17th, appointments not until 27th!! I'll be pulling my hair out by then!
so after all the stress of doing samples and bloods and up and down floors finding out different information for 4 hours I think I've earned a nando's!! which is where I'm currently calmly breathing into some frozen yoghurt!! Xx
If you think it's your waters lie on your right side for half an hour then stand back up. Normally you will feel a little gush. If in doubt call the hosp tho xxx

Hope you're ok MrsP - I really think you should get checked out if you're not feeling quite right.

Blueberry I've told hubby I want Nandos Saturday and he's happy to oblige!

Went to the hospital and was checked MW did an examination and said she didn't think my waters had gone but that wasn't to say I hadn't lost maybe some hind waters but it wasn't pooling! She seemed to think it was most likely that baby is pushing on my bladder lovely!!

Still getting some tightenings and they have basically just said monitor it so off home now....I still feel not myself but I think it is all just build up she'll come in her own time!! How is everyone else doing? xxx
I waited in ALL DAY to not be phoned at all by the hospital about the induction which was booked. Need to wait until tomorrow to find out more.

No niggles, no signs or anything since Sunday. Bored now x
Omg flick!! That's awful.... Hope you're ok??
Hope somethings happening for you mrs P xx
Ah flick how frustrating and rude hope you hear today!

Thanks Ruth - it's all seems to have gone quiet overnight I feel a lot less leaky so she may have moved which is good but I still feel very heavy down there with pressure in my bottom and when they come the contractions are strong they just don't get going beyond 4-5 together! xx
I'm on the list today for a phone call.
Apparently the ward had closed yesterday and they were still going down the list of booked inductions from the day before when we phoned in the evening. Madness :(

Fingers crossed today is the day!

Everyone seems so close!
Come on April babies!!!
That's ridiculous!! Not to go on an NHS rant but what is happening?? something has to change as they just can't cope with the pressures!
Hope Jnfer is ok?
Don't know what was happening with me last night but I was bouncing on my ball then sat on the sofa- had lots of wind lol sorry tmi then suddenly needed a no 2 and started feeling really sick. I fell asleep on the sofa just couldn't keep my eyes open all of a sudden. Really hoped I wasn't going into labour cos I felt so so sick x
Sounds like we are all feeling a bit rubbish. I've felt really "off" the last few days. Lots of cramps, bad tummy, really tired and feeling sick. So hard not to read anything into it but I'm just desperate for him to arrive now! I'm sure we all feel the same lol!

Midwife appointment done she seems happy that I am experiencing early labour and that there may be movement anytime. Baby 3/5 engaged so on her way down which she said she was happy with. I am booked in for a sweep on Monday afternoon if I don't go before! Midwife was really nice as I got myself all upset over nothing which seems standard at the moment!! xx
How's it going MrsP? Have contractions ramped up at all?

Saw midwife yesterday - all good, baby is nearly fully engaged so just a waiting game now. No twinges or anything to report. Still feeling good and relaxed. Maybe too much lol

I am feeling a lot calmer today I think with the sweep on Monday I feel like I have something to focus on! I am out and about walking today and there is a spicy curry marinating at home! When I am walking I seem to get a lot of tightenings which ease off when I stop....my mum thinks it'll be this weekend but I am not sure!! Anyone seen anything from flick she was hoping to go in yesterday!? xx
Hoping to see more arrivals at the weekend, thinking of all you ladies waiting for your lil bundles. Good luck, you're doing great xx
Still waiting :'( Booked for the 13th and I've still not had my turn.
I'm only 40+2 but the anxiety is getting serious :( xXx
Aww Hun that sucks - are you waiting for a phone call or are you at hospital waiting? X

Aww no flick try not to get stressed I know it's easy me saying that but u will have your baby soon.
I'm feeling lots of pressure and period type painy. Also feeling a bit damp but think it's just normal. Yesterday I went for an amazing pregnancy massage- was so nice to be pampered!! 41 weeks today and woke up feeling a bit crap about it bit trying to be positive- at least by the end of next weekend I will have this baby xx

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