Had a sweep today, didn't hurt at all. I'm 3cm dilated and my midwife said she wouldn't be surprised if things started soon. I really hope they do!
I have lots of pressure down so hoping things will kick off this weekend though I'm not technically due until Weds 13th.
C'mon ladies, we need more babies lol xXx
Glad the sweep wasn't uncomfortable for you flick! so you were already 3cm dilated when you went in?! sorry not sure how it all works. so is the sweep to break the waters then..and kick start the labour? even though your already dilated?
sorry, too many questions fired at you..first time nervy mum here! Xx
It's not unusual for a woman who've already had children to have a slightly open cervix so to find it already open and soft wasn't so much of a shock. Being 3cm already however was!
The idea of a sweep is to separate the sac from the cervix which releases the hormone which kicks off labour. It shouldn't break your waters.
The midwife was able to push on the baby's head and as she was doing it so it was giving it's bum a wiggle. Felt so strange lol
Other than a few random BHs and a bit of backache nothing happened. Frustrated and miserable waking up this morning pain free lol