**** APRIL MUMMIES 2016!!!**** Almost there!****

Sorry Jnfer wasn't reading properly- hope everything goes well today and looking forward to hearing your news!! Good luck!
Had a sweep today, didn't hurt at all. I'm 3cm dilated and my midwife said she wouldn't be surprised if things started soon. I really hope they do!
I have lots of pressure down so hoping things will kick off this weekend though I'm not technically due until Weds 13th.

C'mon ladies, we need more babies lol xXx

Glad the sweep wasn't uncomfortable for you flick! so you were already 3cm dilated when you went in?! sorry not sure how it all works. so is the sweep to break the waters then..and kick start the labour? even though your already dilated?
sorry, too many questions fired at you..first time nervy mum here! Xx

It's not unusual for a woman who've already had children to have a slightly open cervix so to find it already open and soft wasn't so much of a shock. Being 3cm already however was!
The idea of a sweep is to separate the sac from the cervix which releases the hormone which kicks off labour. It shouldn't break your waters.

The midwife was able to push on the baby's head and as she was doing it so it was giving it's bum a wiggle. Felt so strange lol

Other than a few random BHs and a bit of backache nothing happened. Frustrated and miserable waking up this morning pain free lol
Congratulations Hope! And what a lovely name :D fingers crossed for you to be able to go home with your baby today :D I know it's scary to have them taken away and go into Special care.
Had a sweep today, didn't hurt at all. I'm 3cm dilated and my midwife said she wouldn't be surprised if things started soon. I really hope they do!
I have lots of pressure down so hoping things will kick off this weekend though I'm not technically due until Weds 13th.

C'mon ladies, we need more babies lol xXx

Glad the sweep wasn't uncomfortable for you flick! so you were already 3cm dilated when you went in?! sorry not sure how it all works. so is the sweep to break the waters then..and kick start the labour? even though your already dilated?
sorry, too many questions fired at you..first time nervy mum here! Xx

It's not unusual for a woman who've already had children to have a slightly open cervix so to find it already open and soft wasn't so much of a shock. Being 3cm already however was!
The idea of a sweep is to separate the sac from the cervix which releases the hormone which kicks off labour. It shouldn't break your waters.

The midwife was able to push on the baby's head and as she was doing it so it was giving it's bum a wiggle. Felt so strange lol

Other than a few random BHs and a bit of backache nothing happened. Frustrated and miserable waking up this morning pain free lol

Aw I see..that's interesting!. I hope things kick off for you very soon and everything goes well! Xx
Went out for a walk with my daughter just to go the shop and take the slightly longer route home to get her out of the house for a bit and wow we were out for 45 mins and I had 4-5 really strong tightenings in that time I was in agony managed to keep walking through them and not worry my lg but boy it was painful! Silly isn't it that walking is supposed to help shake baby down and let nature and gravity do its job but when it hurts so much hmmmmm. I really think she actually has her head on my pubic bone at the moment ouch!!! It is just making me feel a bit useless as a mummy at the moment I feel I can't give my lg lots of attention, playtime etc because I seem to constantly be hurting - sorry for the moan xx
ouch MrsP hope your okay. baby must be pressing down pretty hard like you said. for me, I find it's more the bump that gets sore after walking. I have to hold the bottom and almost lift it slightly to carry it! then I get the downstairs cramping!
All be with it when your little arrivals here though, then your other little one will have more of you back..and a little playmate! :) Xx
Thank you everyone!
Blueberry it might sound scary but it says something that I'd do it again today if I had to, just shows how worth it they are :-) don't be worried. Think he was just being naughty as he was back to back, would have been fine otherwise!

very true, it says a lot. your little arrival must be very very special. I can't wait to feel that feeling, all that love for something so teeny! how are you both doing now? Xx
Thought everything was starting for me yesterday. Had contractions all afternoon which were 10 mins apart then jumped to 4 mins apart from 7pm. Went to hospital as I need antibiotics in labour- still contracting every 4 mins but not needing any pain relief. Checked over and they said I was in early labour so came home- I've been sleeping on & off in between contractions but everything has slowed down this morning grrrr xx
Eeekk not been in here for a while...only 16 days til due date. Hope all you ladies are well?xx
Hi ladies, our twin boys were born this afternoon by emergency c section at 37+4. No names yet but they were 6lb 7oz and 7lb 2oz and are just perfect.
Good luck to all those April Mummy's still waiting xx
Well done on your twin boys, congratulations and theyre great weights! I ended up with a c section too but all good! X
Hi girls, haven't had chance to post after a whirlwind few days but our yellow bundle turned into a beautiful baby boy named Caleb Thomas on Friday evening. Contractions started at 6pm and were strong and regular straightaway. Called birth centre after an hour thinking they'd say stay at home, monitor etc but they said come in straight away. By the time we arrived at hospital, they were 2-3 mins apart. Mark got me inside, went to park car, by the time he was back. 5 mins later, waters had gone and I was 10cms! No drugs (or time for them I guess!). At 9.44, he arrived weighing 8lb 4oz, one week overdue. I did need stitches etc due to the speed but totally worth it. Intense but amazing experience for a first time mum.

Will be stalking for updates on everyone during night feeds xx


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Massive congrats Soph on your twins!

Glad it was nice and quick for you Jenny!

Congratulations on all the new babies keep them coming ladies xxx
congratulations on all your new little arrivals! hope your all healthy, happy and heading home to enjoy them Xxx
Congratulations girls!!!!!
My due date is next week- eeeeeek! X

Congratulations BigSisterSoph & Jenny on the birth of your babies!!

Spent over 10 hours yesterday having irregular painless contractions. SO thought it would progress and I'd have a baby by now.
Went to bed gone 1am and everything stopped. Thoroughly pissed off!
It's so frustrating isn't it flick??
Aww congrats on the new arrivals. Wow those twins were a good size! And Jenny I'm so pleased he's finally here xx

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