**** APRIL MUMMIES 2016!!!**** Almost there!****

Contractions have stopped since 7am. had a good few hours unbroken sleep though. so looks like it will be induction tonight! starting to get a little nervous now for the first time so far!
haha blueberry i feel so much better i thought it was just my OH thats like that! his reaction last night when told about the induction was "oo i better charge up the iPad to catch up on walking dead"!!!
needless to say that didn't go down too well ha!
hope everyones doing well today xxxx
ooh good luck for the induction Hope, please keep us posted! wishing you all the best, nerves are natural, know I will be! Haha that made me laugh, whilst I was in pain that's another thing he said..I'm putting walking dead on, you don't mind do you *me rocking from side to side on the sofa with a more than unimpressed facial expression' do we have a choice?! haha Xx
Ah congratulations KK! So pleased your little girl is here safe and sound. Sorry to hear it was a tough labour, you should be so proud of yourself!

Good luck for induction tonight Hope92! Looking forward to more baby news soon.

Some minor cramping overnight and finally lost some plug I think. Not massive signs I know but ill take anything at this stage - beginning to think my body had decided to just keep it in there!
Well I had a hormonal meltdown today got blocked in while parked at Asda ended up threatening to lamp the idiot who'd parked a great big van across me and crying to the poor asda lady who helped perhaps a touch embarrassed :oooo:

Fine now actually feel a bit better for a cry it's been coming a few days!! Cramps here too but nothing to write home about seeing the consultant tomorrow so it'll be interesting to see what he says...

Hope1992 how are you? Have you rested and eaten etc today to be a strong as you can for tonight....can't wait to hear!!

Anyone else torn between exhausted and a drive to tidy and clean!? xx
hormonal meltdowns all round I think...I absolutely cannot fall asleep tonight or get comfortable. feel like a silly sausage lying here crying. must be going mad, I'm only 38 +4 but just feel so drained, physically and emotionally. me and OH went to bed not on very good terms which I hate, really upsets me and makes it even harder to sleep.
Had to go have bloods taken as they found high protien in my urine as I have a urine infection (BP normal) it's because I have a bug which can only be treated with a stronger antibiotic after babies born. it's okay, I have no symptoms and I'm not poorly with it, just fed up with it now.
I just want him here now..want my body back..want me back :( I know I should wait till he's ready, be patient and relax but I can't help it. sorry for the whinge...again. I shouldn't be in tears. hormones eh?!
Any ways you ladies have tried and had success in bringing labour on? (I'm being active, gentle exercises, drinking raspberry leaf tea...oh and I'm severely allergic to pineapple so can't try that one!) Xx
Ah blueberry don't worry Hun it will all be fine with your OH this morning just rest today and try and sleep! Being ill must be horrid and it might prompt them to get things going for you if you need some extra treatment.

I am seeing the consultant today so will be interested to see if he is going to let me go alone or if he wants to encourage her at some point....

How's everyone doing - anymore potential appearances overnight!? xx
Totally with you on the hormonal meltdowns - had mine last weekend ;-) Not much to report overnight, has some pinky cm so going to mention that to MW at appointment this morning. 40&6 today so going to give in and accept a sweep. Hopefully that might get things going a bit! Hoping to get a final induction date too, just so the end is in sight!

I'll let you know how I get on. Hope your appointments go well mrsP &soph and that things are better with OH this morning blueberry x
I'm fully cooked! 37 weeks today. Want baby to at least stay in another week to 10 days but at least if baby arrives now I can have my home birth.

No hormonal melt downs here - I had a few when pregnant with my son but doesn't see to have affected me so much this time. Although let's see what I say when I go overdue!

I've been fairly normal this time round but when I was having my daughter woah lol hormones aplenty!!
Due date tomorrow and feel like this baby will never come. Getting fed up of the texts/ phone calls!
The strangest thing happened last night- been getting regular BHS since Saturday which don't get any worse. Then I went to bed and my whole bump trembled and got loads of pressure down below- then a sudden warm relief but felt like I might wee myself. Went to the loo thinking my waters might have gone and they haven't but kept getting loads or pressure down below and on my bladder- to the point I was gritting my teeth! Don't know what that was I've not had that before!!
I was like that Ruth for about 5 days with BH and the last couple of days the pressure was immense.
I hoovered the entire lounge on my hands and knees with the nozzle end and walked loads! Drank 2 cups of RLT every day, dtd until 39 weeks! I think it all helped, I started these things at 37 weeks xx
I'm with everyone on the hormonal issues. I cried because James opened a bottle of wine last Friday and I was saving the bottle especially for after baby came so we could toast to our new little bub!! I went from crying to angry to letting him know why I was being so mental in the space of about 15 mins!!!

2 days left for me now. I have a growth scan tomorrow and then induction on sat. I'm all packed and loaded in the car. Childcare is sorted and house is spotless as I have been on a major nesting spree around the house for the last 2 weeks!! Even hoovered the car out before putting the bags and car seat in lol!!!

I'm completely ready now. Just hope the next 2 days don't drag!!

My only complaint at the moment is lac of sleep!!! It's driving me crazy!!
It's a combination of anxiety, restless leg syndrome, reflux, insomnia and over tiredness!! If it was only one of those things I think I could cope but battling them all is seriously an nightmare. I have been going to bed and then coming downstairs to sleep on the sofa for an hour or so before going back up to bed and falling asleep!!!! Xxx
Saw the consultant today again a different guy so again I had to explain why I was seeing him - wish they'd read the blinkin notes!!
He asked if everything had been fine I said as far as I was aware no one had said otherwise he said I can just see the midwife each week until I go into labur or am induced whichever he made me feel like I was wasting his time....I didn't ask to see e consultant the hospital decided for me! I have kept saying all along that I am much healthier and fitter this pregnancy and I am not as anxious so all that would have linked to my high bp last time and was only when I went into labour so I think it was white coat syndrome!
Still feeling quite emotional today the slightest thing that is a bit hard and I want to cry my little girl could see me getting close today and kept saying "don't cry mummy" bless her she doesn't understand!!
Feeling heavy downstairs today and a lot of period cramping! With you on the dodgy sleep jenyfer which is stupid when it is the time when you need good quality sleep!! I've just had enough now - I have my mum back from Monday next week and dd1 will be back in routine which is going to help me relax and rest up a bit going to start with hot curries and running up and down the stairs hehe!! Xx
I'm fully cooked! 37 weeks today. Want baby to at least stay in another week to 10 days but at least if baby arrives now I can have my home birth.

No hormonal melt downs here - I had a few when pregnant with my son but doesn't see to have affected me so much this time. Although let's see what I say when I go overdue!

Congratulations on 37 weeks MrsT! Such a great milestone :-)

Hope everyone is good. Had my first sweep this morning, been feeling heavy and lots of pink mucus since so hopefully something might be happening! Induction booked in for next Thursday if needed x
how far along are you Jenny, just wondering if they might offer me one at some point! I'll be 38 weeks this weekend and nothing's happening! x
Thanks Jenny! Does sound like you won't make it to your induction date!
Fingers crossed somethings kicks off for you soon! X

how far along are you Jenny, just wondering if they might offer me one at some point! I'll be 38 weeks this weekend and nothing's happening! x

Hi blueberry, I'm 6 days overdue! In my area, the midwives can only do after 40 weeks without consultants permission. I declined one at 1 day over due as hadn't had any twinges and didn't want to waste one as can only have 3! As much as I don't want to be induced, at least I've got a end date in sight! Hope you are doing ok, I was ok til due date but every day since then has felt sooo long! X
Jenny you are doing so well being 6 days over!
I went 9 days over with my daughter. No sweep, no induction. I hated it. Every day further felt like a week.

I'm currently 39+1 and having a sweep tomorrow. Will hopefully be able to book another for Monday. If neither of those work I'm being induced on Wednesday. Fingers and toes crossed!!!

I'm fed up. Beyond fed up in fact. This pregnancy is making me angry I just want it to be over. I'm spending most days shouting at myself because I can't do anything and it's driving me bonkers. Aaaarrrggghhhh!!!!!
Morning ladies - how is everyone? Congrats on making 37 weeks Mrs t it feels like such a milestone!!
I had a nap once my dh got home last night and felt a lot better for it and then dd1 only had me up once in the night so got a reasonable night sleep except for excruciating pelvic pain triggered by bending down for a teddy for my daughter it took all my strength not to scream out in pain and wake the house!!
Feel really heavy and sore this morning now actually thought my pelvis was separating ouch I could barely move my legs! Not so much in pain this morning just blooming uncomfortable!!
Come on baby mummy wants to get her normal speed and agility back I currently seem to move like I am 107!!!
I reckon Hope will have had her baby by now hope she is ok!
Hope everyone has a nice day planned xx
Happy due date to me!! Wonder what the chances are of having 2 babies born on their due date?? Lol!! Prob zilch!! I feel like I'm going to have a really heavy period. Trying to stay active today as I don't want to sit and think about what day it is lol!!
Hope everyone else is ok!! That sounds painful mrsP xx

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