**** APRIL MUMMIES 2016!!!**** Almost there!****

Happy due date Ruth my first was born on her due date so it s a focus day for me as well although I know it shouldn't be!! It was very painful just back to period pain and backache today in fact think the paracetamol are going to make an appearance!!
Happy due date! 38 weeks today for me. Tired and fed up! Come on babies! C

Happy due date ladies! I've only got a few days left at work now and cannot wait to start my maternity leave! I just want to eat lol

Happy due date Ruth! Hope you get another DD baby!

Thanks Flick - don't feel like I'm doing well. It's definitely getting more difficult each day, feels like forever. 41 weeks today, this isn't supposes to happen! Lots of period type pains/pink discharge yest/this morning but nothing I would say is contraction like. Baby, please come this weekend!

Sorry to hear everyone is getting frustrated, we are all so close now! It will all be worth it in the end xx
Had a sweep today, didn't hurt at all. I'm 3cm dilated and my midwife said she wouldn't be surprised if things started soon. I really hope they do!
I have lots of pressure down so hoping things will kick off this weekend though I'm not technically due until Weds 13th.

C'mon ladies, we need more babies lol xXx
Good luck Flick - get bouncing on a ball or lots of walks to kick start things! X

Ffs I could scream!!! Been having strong period pains all day, lower back, down my legs & bum and low belly which has got worse- been keeping busy with the kids , made tea but I'm really not comfy. Thought I'd have a nice relaxing bath to see if it would ease- no that's impossible in this house. Had the hubby clearing up after tea but he's had to vac the whole house too. Then my DD is in the bathroom asking to join me, and DS asking why I'm in the bath!! So I've got out and laid in the bed and OH is vaccuming the bedroom, DD in and out ffs!! Oh and hubby is asking whether I want him to go do his milk round tonight in case- Erm no I don't give a stuff about your milk round- customers will have to wait if I go into labour!!! Arghhhhh I just want to be left alone xx
Ah Ruth I feel your pain you have said to him that things might be kicking off for you and that you'd appreciate some space!? Take care Hun try and keep moving xx
Yeah he knows I'm in pain- he's trying to help by making sure the house is tidy but I really don't care lol!! I'm sat bouncing on my ball now see if anything changes xx
Had a sweep today, didn't hurt at all. I'm 3cm dilated and my midwife said she wouldn't be surprised if things started soon. I really hope they do!
I have lots of pressure down so hoping things will kick off this weekend though I'm not technically due until Weds 13th.

C'mon ladies, we need more babies lol xXx

Glad the sweep wasn't uncomfortable for you flick! so you were already 3cm dilated when you went in?! sorry not sure how it all works. so is the sweep to break the waters then..and kick start the labour? even though your already dilated?
sorry, too many questions fired at you..first time nervy mum here! Xx
hope you get some peace and quiet soon Ruth, try and get a good night sleep. how far along are you? hope you manage with the pain alright tonight Xx
Ok so I have to phone the labour ward in 15 mins to find out what time to go in for my induction!! I'm seriously crapping myself!!! Been up most of the night with tightenings (irregular and not very strong) and also emptying my bowels!!! Good signs that baby is wanting to come out I hope!!!

Will keep you updated as and when I can xx
Just phoned them and I have to go in at 11am! Xx
Morning ladies.
Finally got time for an update! :dance:
Sebastian James Smith entered the world dramatically on 07/04/16 at 12.59pm, weighing 6lb 6oz :wave:
We went from 6cm to 10cm in the space of 20minutes after a very long and tiring first stage of labour, had a slight tear but managed to push baby out without intervention within an hour. Turned scary very quickly as his heart rate dipped from 140-170 down to 70s, plus when heeas delivered his heart rate was tachy, temp was up, was pale and shocked as we'd had diamorphine soon before labour thinking it would take a few more hours!
He spent the first 3-4 hours in SCBU, then came back to the ward with us and we've been in hospital since as he's on iv antibiotics. Hoping to get home lunch time today! Still completely shocked he's here and not inside me anymore! :roll:
Overwhelming but were sooo over the moon, had a grouchy baby last night after his tb injection but he's finally settled.
Would do it all again in a heartbeat.
Hope you're all well ladies xxxxx
Massive congratulations Hope we'll done babies do like to arrive with their own style and flair hehe!! Glad you are both doing ok and hope you get home today xxxx
Aww Congratulations Hope! hope you and baby are doing well now, sounds a little scary but hope you recover well and you get to go home very soon with your new little bundle. so happy for you Xx
Yay huge congratulations Hope! Lovely boys names too.. Enjoy your cuddles xx
Thank you everyone!
Blueberry it might sound scary but it says something that I'd do it again today if I had to, just shows how worth it they are :-) don't be worried. Think he was just being naughty as he was back to back, would have been fine otherwise!

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