**** APRIL MUMMIES 2016!!!**** Almost there!****

Eeeek congratulations Happy and KK!
Such lovely news.
KK sounds like you had a horrendous time but managed so well! Can't wait to see a picture!!
Loving all the different names!
Spoke with birthing centre earlier who told me to wait until id either broken waters and/or contractions are 4 in 10 minutes. contractions seemed to speed up a little but then took paracetamol about 2 hours ago and pains have eased a little bit and contractions seem to have slowed down back to 7-8 minutes again, gutted! never wanted to be in pain before ha! feel like this will probs go on for days!
on the up side house is cleaned top to bottom, fresh bedding (since i was hoping not to be sleeping in my own bed tonight and thought nice clean bedding would be lovely tomorrow ha!) had a nice hot badedas bath & have even managed to cut & paint my nails and toenails :lol::dance:

Congrats Happy and KK!

Eeekkk it's all happening now!

We've still not decided on names - team yellow here as well and can't narrow it down!
congratulations on the new arrivals! exciting :)

well my partner had only just got home from work and he's doing my head in! I've been in pain most the day, period pain backache and generally feeling awful, he came home from work I got a kiss on top of my head and ever since he's been on his phone watching video's and facebook, and questioned me if I'd put all the recycling in the right bins..I had...and said I answered back snappy to which he replied 'wow can tell someone's been in pain all day' and carried on with his phone.
I'm painting a bad picture, usually he's great but sometimes he is oblivious to this whole labour thing! Xx
Congratulations KK
How exciting that more babies are being born.wonder who is going to be next??

4 days till my induction date and it can't come quick enough. I have really had enough now I just want him out so that I can sleep properly and be comfortable and so that the whole ordeal is over. Last ever time for me!!!! Xxx
Congratulations KK well done they are starting to come through thick and fast at the moment!

Blueberry I just don't think the boys understand how we feel until they see the actual labour and baby arriving by which time they think we are superheroes!!

Hope1992 hang in there Hun I was in labour for a couple of days with dd1.....:shock: so keep relaxed, keep trying to sleep when you can and regular baths/pain relief when you need it I bet things will speed up into tonight as we tend to labour at night (a caveman related thing apparently)

Keep them coming girls xx
Lucky you being induced jenyfer - is it due to bp or something - I am only a day behind you obviously not at all jealous hehe xx
Nope wrong I am a week ahead whoops now I am jealous!! Xx
Wow, congratulations Happy and Kk! :D It's getting exciting in here now!

It's been confirmed that I'm being induced on my due date.. 13th April. 8 more days of body punishment. Now if any those lovely things people suggest to help labour actually worked I'd try them all. But since they don't I'm guna sit on my arse for that time and sulk lol
how have you all got induction dates..ha I'm so jealous. I must be the most impatient person ever! Xx
Not for good reasons Blueberry unfortunately. Past labour experiences, poor health & severe anxiety has lead to a request for induction xXx
Congratulations KK sounds a bit horrendous but glad u have her safe and sound!
I'm so jealous of the induction dates too !! Wish I had an end date in sight too I think I've made a mistake in setting my mind on due date I should've concentrated on +2 weeks ha ha!!
I feel like I've got no real signs- tmi but no massive change in discharge or a show. Just regular BHs and pressure down there which could go on for weeks!! The period cramps have eased off and I feel totally normal. Should look at it as a positive as I know others are having horrendous times but I really want this baby to come this week whilst kids off school so they get some time with their baby brother or sister xx
As fed up as I am I have already made the decision to refuse induction unless there are any issues.
Congrats to all of those who have had their little bundles :) they are coming thick and fast! X
Ewwwwwwww just written that and baby must've shifted as I suddenly needed a wee- went to get up and it felt like something was stretching me from the inside out. So weird!!! Felt like something was going to pop xx
Nope wrong I am a week ahead whoops now I am jealous!! Xx

Hi ladies, not posted in a while, a week today until my section date, cannot wait!
Was in day case today with high blood pressure, I thought I might have been kept in but as I'm booked in for a scan on Thursday they were happy for me to come home.
Had steroid injections yesterday and today, rather nippy! The end is in sight for us all, the days are flying in now!xx
Just been to birthing centre as felt like waters had partially gone earlier- fab news they have! Contractions still haven't picked up so we're heading home hopefully for the evening for a sleep and if things haven't picked up by 7.30 tomorrow evening were back for a bit of help along the way 😊
So glad I didn't just look like I was going mad thinking waters had gone!
Eek Ruth hopefully it's the start of something?!
Hope this is the start of a good run of April baby's now!!
Blueberry don't worry sounds just like my partner! Men! The population would be tiny if it was left to them!
That's great yey good luck Hope!
I don't know I'm just so uncomfy down there tonight feels like baby is trying to get out!!
Yeah I agree about the man thing- my OH said after watching me give birth to our first he couldn't be arsed if it was left to him!! They wouldn't go thru it xx
Aww hope happy things are happening for you. good luck with everything, hopefully you manage some sleep tonight and things happen tomorrow! not long until your little one!
Ha definitely...think the human race would just die out...men just couldn't cope.
Mine gets a cramp and thinks it's the end of the world, near death experience apparently...wimps!

talking of cramps. I keep having them 'down there' very uncomfortable. doesn't help we have a crappy mattress, I get more sleep on the sofa these days Xx
Thankyou ladies, she is so gorgeous!
The only think I had before labour started was extreme pressure and twisty type pains. No diarrhoea or show!!

Congratulations Kk!
Has anyone else popped yet?! Xxx
Ah yay come on hope1992 everything crossed for you Hun!!

All quiet here well as quiet as life is with an energetic 3 year old!! Xx

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