**** APRIL MUMMIES 2016!!!**** Almost there!****

Ah hope1992 bless you superwoman I am not but going into hospital for a day or so I am considering a rest :dance:!!!

Much better night last night only up once for dd I do feel bad turning over it would be easier turning titanic :lol: poor hubby!!

Ruth did the bouncing have any effect? Anyone heard from KK....?

Glad I have you girls for these last few days we'll get each other through and celebrate together our gorgeous end results!! xxx
feel like everything's kinda stopped...it's very frustrating. think little mans just chilling in there, the dancing clearly had no effect! no not sure where that energy came from either, good days and bad days I guess.
I'm getting so frustrated at myself at night time with not being able to sleep..partners sleeping like a baby, no chance of DTD!
I'm on antibiotics for urine infection now, hospital called me to go in as I had high level of protein in sample but blood pressure was normal. wish they'd just give me an induction date.
38 weeks now..literally on edge trying to feel slightest twinge :( Xx
Got my contraction timer at the ready!
Woke up about 6.30ish with painful contractions every 7 1/2 minutes. Also had a lot of clear, watery discharge overnight but had the same last night too which stopped when I got up on morning so don't think it's waters :eh:
Will not be happy if it's another false alarm! However have a house to clean so going to get up and do that and see if they carry on, no paracetamol in house... Knew I should have gone to asda last night for some :mad:
Puppy has been so cute and keeps coming over and laying next to me rubbing her nose on my tummy each time I'm due a contraction!
The cutest!
Fingers crossed this is it hope.....

Blueberry sit tight put your feet up and enjoy your last few days as a care free do what I like when I like person the chance never comes again!! Xx
Exciting stuff Hope, Fingers crossed it keeps going for you today.

MrsP you are so right it makes it easier having you girls to talk to, don't want to feel like I'm moaning to my husband all the time. I know he wants the baby to come as much as I do! Anyway it's my birthday today so am going to try to relax and enjoy it. Who knows maybe I will get a gatecrasher later on today :-)

Question on names for you girls - we are team yellow and have literally only found one name for each sex that we both like! Is anyone else worried if baby doesn't suit the chosen name (or have you all got a short list and maybe we've been way too fussy!!)
Still going about every 7-8minutes so fingers crossed.
Thanks ladies!
Jenny- Happy birthday!! Have a lovely day! we're team yellow too! We've just got one each too but have a few we've agreed on in the past so not too concerned. Were Matilda Beaux for a girl and Sebastian James for a boy (no sentiment for girl, boys middle name is OH's family middle name). What's your names if you don't mind sharing? And is there meaning with them or just preference?
Got most of house cleaned and a load of washing done with one left. No idea when to ring hospital though? Is it once they're 5 mins apart? Ive seen so many websites contradicting one another!
Ooh exciting come on baby!! Good luck hope!

I know what you mean Jenny- my poor hubby asks me about 20 times a day if there is any change! We also only really have 1 boys name and 2 girl names were both agreed on! So if this is a boy I hope he suits it lol! Trouble is we already have 2 and they have traditional names- Oliver & Jessica- so we can't stray too far away from those!

Nothing happening here- in fact I slept like a log and feel really good this morning! Going to resign myself to this baby being late xx
Happy birthday Jenny!
Love those names hope. We have Jacob for a boy (not 100% on middle name but maybe Benjamin) and either Abigail or Isabelle for girl with Christina as a middle name (after DH gran) x
My date got changed to the 11th when I went for the official scan xx
Thanks girls - hopefully go out for a nice birthday meal tonight as hubs at work til 5ish.

Loving the names - Ours are Georgia Evelyn for a girl or Caleb Thomas for a boy. Only Thomas is sentimental after my cousin. We are a big family but he's the only boy cousin out of 15 of us! He was only 3 when I started going out with my now hubby and so he attached himself to him as the only "boy" around . They are now 17 and 31 and still great friends!

Everything crossed for someone's baby to share my birthday (even if it's not mine) and to hear about arrival of baby KK! X
MrsP42 ha yes suppose your right, my family keep saying the same, to enjoy the peace and quiet and rest before little one comes. think I'm just so anxious as this is my first, just for what's to come and the unknown, waiting for it to happen so eagerly. not forgetting the excitement to meet him :) I should relax.

RuthW80 aww we have Jacob for our little man as well, we love it. and his middle name is special to us, my partners grandfather who passed away who was very close.
we have no girl names as we found out the sex but we do have ones we like. my partner keeps checking at every scan that he is still a boy! keep telling him 'his little parts aren't just going to drop off!'
although I do know it has happened in the past with people..expecting one and being surprised with the other! Xx
Hubby wanted James as middle name- he is called James and our first son is Oliver James so I don't want another James lol!! Put my foot down over that!love those names too Jenny x
Funny conversation with a work colleague over names- I said we like Abigail for a girl and she went 'I hate Abigail!' Bearing in mind she has a really really loud voice and then proceeded to tell me and others about an Abigail who had gone to nursery with her daughter who was now 21 !!!! Some people lol!!
Loving all the names :) my boy will be Zachary Harrison (Harrison was my maiden name).
Real signs from me. Bubs is low and I'm crampy but still 2 weeks till my d date!
Happy birthday Jenny!!

Hope I seem to remember it is one every 3-5 mins means you are in active labour probably beginning to struggle to talk through them but ring anytime and they will talk you through a couple to asses you over the phone good luck!

We know we are having a girl so we are Sophie Margret - middle name is my mum's middle name (her first name doesn't work) so each carries a grandmas name with them (dd1 has my oh mum's name as her middle name)

Just taken dd1 for a play date and my friend had a baby 3 weeks ago he is gorgeous xxx
Just to let you know I had my baby yesterday. Yellow bump turned out to be pink ��
Congratulations Happy! Hope everything went well! We need some new baby pics to keep us going xx
Congratulations Happy!!! Hope it was a good labour. Looking forward to reading about it and seeing a pic of your little princess xxx
Our 8lb baby girl was born last night eventually by emergency c section after getting stuck and no luck with forceps or ventous! We're so in love with our newborn xx
Happy Birthday Jenny! Congrats Happy and KK :)

Also I named mine Christopher Lee.. and yes after the actor xD (And the 9th doctor, poor kid)

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