**** APRIL MUMMIES 2016!!!**** Almost there!****

Ohhhh Ruth exciting!!!
It's going to start getting intense in here soon with all these labour signs!

Had home birth visit today, all good almost perfect other than fundel height a little on the small side but not enough to be concerned about.

Discussed birth plan - they recommend I have a managed 3rd stage due to previous blood loss in labour which I'm fine with.
Baby's head has started to engage which surprised me as I didn't think that happened with second babies until labour?

Just a week and a 1/2 till I finish work, then need a few days to get things organised before baby can think about arriving lol!
Babies can 'pop in and out' more easily with second and subsequent pregnancies. This is my third and baby was 4/5 engaged so still a way to go until I can think about getting excited x
I remember reading that now Flick - won't panic yet then as baby could pop out again x
It sucks!! You hear those magic words and think the end is getting closer, quicker and next minute bump changes and baby is free again!
Hopefully have some more April babies today, eagerly awaiting news from KK! And Ruth sounds like things might be starting up for you too. So I'm now 3 days overdue, I feel like I'm going mad too Hope. Physically feeling ok but mentally running out of steam a bit I think. Was probably too focused on due date itself. Oh well, I keep telling myself I've waited my whole life for this moment, I can wait 10 more days if needs be! Xx
I'm being induced today... All feeling so much more real now! Good luck everyone x
Good luck Happy!
Well mostly tightenings have tailed off but I have constant period pain now like the feeling u r about to come on?? So god knows what's happening!! Ha ha!! Still getting BH and this makes it more painful but no pattern to them.
MrsT good news about the home birth!
Hope these late ones decide to come soon x
Ah Ruth sounds like you are building up to the main event!! I had a rough night with just not feeling right backache and period type pains every so often.....loose bowels today (sorry!) and feel a lot of pressure in my bottom -anyone else got that!? xx
MrsP, I could have written that! Think baby is nestling down in there as my bump has changed shape today. All could change before bedtime though Hmph. lol
Ah bless you flick the body does seem to take its time over preparation humpf!! I am sure I don't remember "feeling" this much with my first!!
Ha ha I'm sure if this baby gets any lower it will be out!! And yes I'm getting the pressure in my bum. Went shopping to morrisons with 2 kids in tow and now back home. Not sure if I'm feeling hungry/ wind or starting up again now xx
well...had a very fun morning tidying up around the house, headphones in, music up doing the 'pregnancy dance' hahaha I'm hoping all those moves help baby along the way..if not it made cleaning up much more exciting!!
Although maybe not so much when my partner came home and caught me in full bounce mode!!
you ladies should try this, well not too much..don't hurt yourselves! think I need a lie down haha! Xx
Having a seriously fed up/drained day today!
Can't believe there's still 9 days until my DD, let alone 20 until they'll induce! :wall2:
Have literally spent the whole day in bed watching tv with the puppy whilst fiancé was at work :nap:...
Just got up in time to clean the kitchen before he got home from work :oooo:
Feeling so achey here there & everywhere, sinus' are so blocked and I'm feeling all nasally, plus reflux again... just having one of those days where i want to cry :eh:
plus the fiancé has just left his current company and had his first day working at new company. old company was more like family so feeling all emotional about that too :roll:
just a bundle of moans and groans today!

blueberry how have you got the enjoy to do the dance whilst cleaning up ha! :dance:
was meant to clean the whole house today but couldn't be bothered so thats the plan for tomorrow ha!
have you had any more twinges??
Aww I was like that last week Hope! I think we're allowed to be fed up!!
Lol blueberry I would try but I was walking like 100 yr old woman after doing the housework last week ��
Ah girls I could have written what you have hope1992 I am achy and just bloody uncomfortable I can't do another 2+ weeks of this :shakehead:

Ruth anymore twinges....anyone else seeing signs....?

I can't even rest this week as it is still school hols so none of my dd1 playgroups, pre school etc and my mum has just gone to see my bro for a few days, hubby back at work this week so I am chasing around after at 3 year old I have had it at the end of the day!! :wall2:

Morale support all round needed I think!! Oh and I have cankles :shock:
Join the club !! Cankles are so sexy lol! Had to take all my rings off yesterday am as my fingers were suddenly swollen too!
Just feeling very period achy and lots of pressure down there. Getting BHs but not sure they are getting worse or the same xx
Had braxton hicks aaaaall evening with back ache... not holding out too much though! :roll:
MrsP42 i feel so sorry for you! It's bad enough with no kids and just a pup so you're like super woman to me haha! :wave:
god id hate to think it had been dragging for weeks for me... luckily its only been dragging a few days cos i don't know how people cope in these final weeks when they've been waiting for weeks and weeks for something to happen.
just had to persuade the OH to did again... he seems to be enjoying having control after weeks of me telling him I'm too uncomfortable :oooo: ... midwives where my mum works have told her to tell me that's the only thing clinically proven to work; therefore I'm doing it at every opportunity :dance: haha.
Ruth making it that far with rings still on is impressive! I didn't wear mine very much throughout anyways with being a nurse so i always forgot to put it back on at the end of the shift... had my baby shower at 36 weeks so put my engagement ring back on for that, we had literal tears the next morning spending 20 minutes trying to force it back off! safe to say i haven't attempted putting it back on after that ha! wouldn't care but i don't even have all that much swelling elsewhere and have had people telling me all weekend how i don't look like I've put weight on anywhere but bump! :fib:
so glad theres other people on here who understand!
I give in I am off to bed and hope I get a better night than last night :nap: sweet dreams labour dust all round!! Xx
I give in I am off to bed and hope I get a better night than last night :nap: sweet dreams labour dust all round!! Xx

Good night petal, fingers crossed for an easy day for you tomorrow! X
Good night! I'm bouncing away on my ball just to see if it does anything- be nice for something to happen properly xx

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