**** APRIL MUMMIES 2016!!!**** Almost there!****

Awww, Holi, she's absolutely Gorgeous :D How are you doing hun?

Thanks love - doing really well she's a milk monster and loves her sleep so all going well! She won't sleep anywhere but with me tho!! I'm hoping that habit will break soon!! DD1 is doing better than expected - having the odd emotional breakdown but she loves her little sis!

How you finding being home with Chris?? It's a total adjustment isn't it!! X
It's amazing :) I'm exhausted (I'm exclusively pumping so I'm always either pumping or feeding him) my milk started going down again so I started him on a bit of formula so he'll build up tolerance. But other that the odd night he doesn't sleep, everything is perfect :D

It is odd getting out of the house with him though cause I get loads of questions on account of him being so small. Last weigh-in was 4.10lbs
ah wow really...hope your little ones are okay now. worse than people think then, leaving waters leaking and being told to go home and wait.
I'll ask the community midwife at gp's but one thing is for certain, I'm not going to sit back in that waiting room another 6 hours at the hospital! next time i go there I'll be ready to push just so I'm not messed around anymore haha Xx
Niamh Connie born at 9.21pm 7lb4oz
She's so perfect, labour was good until pushing bit, but only escaped with a graze and zero stitches! She's absolutely perfect, she really is our little mirical baby!


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Huge congratulations Chrissi well done hun, she looks perfect! Enjoy your cuddles xx I'm hoping to be next with these cramps tonight ;)
Well done chrissi and huge congrats !! She's gorgeous!
Oh hope so kk fingers crossed for you!!
Look at that squishy face! Well done chrissi!! Xx
Congrats chrissi well done right two down....come on then KK your turn xxx
Lovely news to wake up to congrats chrissi
I sure know what a contraction feels like now... got the tens hooked up but doing nothing to help the front! Some watery blood has come out too, hope its from the cervix... Waiting game til hospital time I guess. Can't wait to meet my bun but don't think it'll fall on todays due day :(
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So exciting, congratulations Chrissi, she's absolutely gorgeous!! Well done lovely :-)

Happy due date KK, sounds like things are ramping up, looking forward to your updates, definitely sounds like you are next :-)

How's everyone else doing? I had a bit of a meltdown yesterday crying to DH that I'm meant to have a baby now etc etc - how embarrassing! I hadn't hadn't much sleep for a few nights and had no labour signs at all so worrying that I'll run out of energy by the time this bubba comes! Had a good night last night the so feeling much more rational today. Blaming the hormones! Got another BP check today and a sweep if I'm able to.
Congratulations to all of the Mummies of the new April babies.

We're finally on the home run! :)
Congratulations Chrissi! She's gorgeous ^-^

Need this thing out. Iron infusion did nothing. Coping day-to-day is getting rough :(
Congrats Chrissi she is lovely and squishy! X

Kk hope it goes nice and quick for you - sounds like something is happening in the right direction.

I'm waiting for midwife for home assessment and 36 week checks.
Congrats Chrissi she's gorgeous!
No signs for us since yesterday morning, all clear now. Getting so hormonal and impatient, mixed with a horrible cold really isn't helping!
Just want him or her here!
Anyone else had signs last night/today??
Feel like I'm going mad!
are you ladies over due now then? hang in there..sure your little ones will make an appearance very soon. I'm 38 weeks and wanting little man here now! the period type pains have subsided and I'm just back to my sleepy self, normal bump with his wiggles. hmm when is he coming?! #comeonbaby Xx
I was awake with tightenings/ period type pains from 3.40am and had a bounce on my ball after I couldn't get back to sleep but nothing else is happening- still getting the same regular pains but they are no worse so just carrying on as normal until I get something worth getting excited about xx

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