**** APRIL MUMMIES 2016!!!**** Almost there!****

Jenny, yep, midwife was unable to offer a sweep early without a consultant's say so so I was unable to have one today :(
I have a consultant appointment next Tuesday though so will ask about having one then. I'm guna be induced on my due date (13th) if baby hasn't appeared before then.

Chrissi, yeah, I had horrific night sweats for ages. Woke up and the bed and my pjs were drenched :( it was horrible.

Bought some clary sage oil to try over the next couple of weeks too. Really don't wanna wait 2 more weeks :( I'm done already xXx
When I had my 2nd I had no signs whatsoever- was just really fed up and felt sick the day before my due date. Took my son to a bday party, got home and my hind waters went when I stepped out of the car! So this time I'm trying not to look for signs x
Might try clary sage, due date tomorrow! Let's get this baby OUT!
Flick they induce here at term plus 12 so we could be induction twinnies if I go right to the end ;-) Hopefully won't be the case though for either of us.

Chrissi, I was convinced you'd be having March baby. Hopefully there is still time!!

Saw midwife again this morning, BP still a bit high so still getting a home visit over weekend, really hoping to get going naturally. Need to step up the walking, bouncing, chilli and pineapple! Not convinced any of it makes a difference but makes me feel like I'm doing something :-)
Afternoon ladies!
Had my 38week sweep this morning with MW. All went well- nowhere near as bad as I imagined!
Cervix has thinned down by 50%, waters still in tact (at present!), she was able to touch baby's head and carry out the membrane sweep so fingers crossed. Had a couple of little tightenings but don't expect much at this stage, have had quite a lot of pinky coloured CM so fingers crossed.
Still full of cold but not feeling as bad on the reflux/sickness front today!:dance:

Hope everyone's feeling as well as can be expected :)

Has anyone got much left to do before baby arrives?
I feel a bit too organised- feel like I may have forgotten something!

Its operation baby eviction as we head into April now.. losing some plug, just a show but not a bloody one. Hopefully things are heading in the right direction!
Can't believe so many of these babies are holding on till April! I have the babycentre app on my phone and there's loads popped over there!
Been feeling sick and hot this morning but I've managed to do some cleaning this afternoon and all the washing so hopefully that has helped to bring baby down a bit more. 8 days till D day but would be nice for an early one!
Saw the MW today for BP check - BP fine phew and baby 3/5 engaged so heading south which I am pleased about some more strong tightenings when we were out and about today at the beach with DD1! I am pretty much sorted couple more biggish things (blind and chest of drawers for baby's room) are arriving next week then I am done really she could come now and I'd be happy that we were ready for her! Moses basket by the bed ready which makes it real!! Nearly there for April week 1 ladies come on babies show yourselves!! xx
Midwife cancelled - gutted. But rebooked for Sunday as she's working so cheered me up slightly!
Hope your sweep works hope! My turn Sunday! I'm hoping baby turns up either tonight or after Saturday afternoon, as I have hairdressers Saturday morning lol! I've had loads of tightenings Ruth, but just nothing else :( I think I'm 100% out for having a March baby lol.

Never mind, maximum of 12 days left til induction if she doesn't decide to arrive on her own! Anything upright helps I think! I hoovered the lounge carpet with the nozzle on hands and knees yesterday... Just thought I'd try!

Glad all the appt have gone well today x
MrsP42 the moses basket by the bed is the best thing before baby arrives! we brought ours in a few weeks back as the puppy sleeps on the end of the bed so wanted to get her used to it. love waking up and seeing it there- can't wait for there to be a baby in it!
Thanks Chrissi! Im hoping it does although out for afternoon tea on Saturday for my Mum's birthday, so don't mind if it holds on until after we've been out ha! :dance:
Had lots & lots of pinky coloured CM today, had period cramps afterwards that stopped after a couple of hours but they've just started up again. Not too bad though so don't think its the start of anything :wall2::x
12 days isn't long at all! we've got 14 left until d-day, so 26 days at the most! :shock:
so scary! hope all these april babies start making appearances soon!:roll:
Come on babies!!!! I'm
So ready!!!!!! 3 weeks til d day but my god I hope he shows early x
Lets get this show on the road ladies! Happy due date to Chrissi and Jenny! Give yourselves a pat on the back enduring the full 40 weeks ;) xx
Yay it's April!! Come on now babies let's be meeting you!!
well typical..April fools day and there's been possible progress! this morning I got up to go to the loo and as I stepped into the bathroom (tmi sorry) I felt a kind of release and a little fluid came away onto trousers and down my leg, it was only a small amount, carried on to the toilet where I did my usual wee and wiped to find some spotting, again very small amount. what should I do? I've put on a pad and I'm going to call the triage number I have at the hospital.
I've got some mild cramping but nothing major, just wondering if it's the start of things.
I'm due 17th of April, thought baby would be early but didn't think the 1st of the month! it's like he's been waiting for April! impatient like me! Xx
Yes I got told if you think its waters then ring the labour and delivery ward! Exciting blueberry you could be next! X
well typical..April fools day and there's been possible progress! this morning I got up to go to the loo and as I stepped into the bathroom (tmi sorry) I felt a kind of release and a little fluid came away onto trousers and down my leg, it was only a small amount, carried on to the toilet where I did my usual wee and wiped to find some spotting, again very small amount. what should I do? I've put on a pad and I'm going to call the triage number I have at the hospital.
I've got some mild cramping but nothing major, just wondering if it's the start of things.
I'm due 17th of April, thought baby would be early but didn't think the 1st of the month! it's like he's been waiting for April! impatient like me! Xx

Just let out a little squeak of excitement for you ha! So exciting!
I've begged baby to hold on til tomorrow afternoon ha :dance:
Let us know ASAP what's happening!

Happy d day 1st April ladies! Xxxxx
I'm shocked we've only had 2 early babies! I was an early Feb 2015 Mummy (due 3rd, arrived 12th) and sooo many babies were born in January.

They'll be popping out left, right and centre now! :D

My midwife recommended clary sage oil. Apparently it's supposed to initiate contractions. It seemed to help the first night I tried. Had really strong back ache. Tried again last night and nothing. I put it in a bath and hubby gave me a massage. Was lovely and relaxed it def helped me sleep which is just as good as going into labour at this stage lol

12 days and counting until induction now! Still sooo long! xXx

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