**** APRIL MUMMIES 2016!!!**** Almost there!****

Ah hope 1992 yes to lightning food pain!! Apparently it is baby pushing down on your cervix ouch!!
Ah hope 1992 yes to lightning food pain!! Apparently it is baby pushing down on your cervix ouch!!

It's literally the most painful thing iv experienced to date! Horrendous! Wish there was a way to get rid of it other than by actually having the baby ha! :wall2:
ooh Hope1992 very good point, never thought of that (can tell it's my first baby can't you) thinking I'll get away with white jeans! yeah the weddings in August, as if you've got one too! I'm the same, be worrying about squeezing into a dress, pramersize all the way! power walk and a few lunges round the park with the pram and dog!!
But yeah exactly, I thought the same, be nice seeing baby again on the scan before he's here :) it's all still seemed so surreal, it's slowly occuring to me that I could be a mum fairly soon.
Does anyone know about induction? if they were to decide to book me in how long would it be, within a few days? that day?
And as for the shooting pains...yes. so uncomfortable. I'll be watching TV with partner and suddenly jump up like owwwww and make him jump! it's the walking and bring on feet that does it, especially with work! cramp 'down there' is a nightmare too..looks awful but makes you want to walk about holding yourself!! :) Xx
Wish me luck ladies. Asking my midwife for a sweep today. 38 weeks exactly. Expecting a negative outcome but I can hope!!! xXx
Hope it goes well Flick. My midwife mentioned that they usually offer a sweep at 41wks but as im already booked in for induction on that day im secretly pleased! ;)
Good luck with scan this morning blueberry!

Jnyfer -so exciting to have a definite date for induction, not long to go now til 9th!

Flick - good luck with sweep request, MW can only do them here from 40 weeks without consultants say so but it s different everywhere I think. I can get one Monday I think but am in 2 minds whether or not to go for it.

From lurking on March birthing board, not many babies left, then it's our turn :-) xxx
Good luck ladies with appointments soon :)

Is anyone else getting REALLY bad night sweats?! The last week has been horrendous it's so gross! X
Yeah but I've been ill too so sweating more lol! This is nothing compared to afterwards believe me..... !!
Good luck to those having appointments too xx
Argh don't tell me that lol! I thought I'd wet myself on more than one occasion (I hadn't) it's awful.
I seem to sweat from my lower back down though, while I was on clomid it was waist up, which wasn't too bad xx
Yep the extra fluid gets sweated out and then there's the hair loss too.... Lol!! It's awful I hate sweating in bed! Xx
I don't mind hair loss, I had my hair cut shorter at my last hair dressers appt, it's now so thick it's sort of grown outwards like a mushroom! Bring on the hair loss haha! I also had hair loss until I was about 20 weeks, mainly from the constant worrying about whether baby was ok I think!
Hair dressers booked in on due date, as I thought that will be the least likely time she'll turn up, watch me be wrong!
Plus the extra downy/baby hair on my neck-gross! Xx
I think you're right Jenny.. there will be many newborn arrivals happening in the first couple weeks of April with due dates and inductions :) xx
growth scan went fine..baby's weighing approx 6lb 5oz, small but doing okay and plotting good on the graphs now. They've made me another appointment for the 39th week but I'm hoping he will have come by then. secretly hoped for an induction date so it's not such a waiting game..I'm just impatient!
Heads low down and they think it'll be soon so that's good at least. raspberry leaf tea on the menu :) x
Glad your scan went well! Know what u mean about waiting- midwife booked me in for appt in 2 weeks when I will be 40+4 and I said I hope I don't see her then lol... She said she will do a sweep then but really hoping to avoid that!!
My 1st came at 38+6 and 2nd arrived on due date so I'm hoping not to have to wait!!
How many weeks are you blueberry as that sounds like a nice weight....you are slight yourself aren't you so you aren't likely to carry a huge bump/baby? My baby was measured at 5lb 8oz last week (wk 36) which was spot on...
I feel like I constantly need a wee but go to the loo and it's a trickle even at night - dd1 woke last night so I settled her got back into bed and hubby said are you awake....fancy a quickie :dance:!!!! Lost a lot of cm this morning a big clump so not sure if that might have been the start of plug going it was bloody with dd1 just white/greenish at the mo!! As if we are back to knicker/toilet watching its like trying to get pregnant lol!! Fell fast asleep for an hour this afternoon that perked me up a bit! Sending labour dust to those who need/want it! Have we all finished work now? xx
Glad everything went well with people's appointments!
We're seeing MW tomorrow morning for a sweep, got everything crossed that it works.
Tidied house and done 4 loads of washing today whilst the weathers been nice enough to get it on the line! :dance:
Feeling appalling today, been up since 4am with sickness/ a cold brewing and feel like the reflux is back every time I eat :shakehead:
Hoping everyone's finished work now! Can't imagine still having to work at this point! We finished at 36 thank god.
How's everyone feeling today?
MrsP42 that's exactly what happened to us on Sunday night! I've been losing bits of plug for about 2 weeks now, there's never been blood in it then after dtd Monday night had tonnes of watery CM.
Hopefully they're good signs! How long left for you?
I am 37+2 today so about 2.5 weeks until EDD dd1 was on time just don't know with this one I feel a lot heavier down below than I did with dd1 but could all be wishful thinking!! I feel for you on reflux I am lucky it's not something I have had but I know it can be horrid!! xx
I can't keep up with this thread at the moment!
I'm 36 weeks tomorrow so will have my appointment then about home birth etc.
Still at work for 2 more weeks, managing ok but up a lot at night with heartburn so get a bit tired in the afternoons and hubby had to work loads over Easter so hosting lots of lunches when heavily pregnant and a 3 year old was defo going to take it out of me!
MrsP42..I'm 37 weeks +3 now. but yeah I'm tall and relatively small frame so always comes up quite small in measurements. on the scan though his head measures at 38 +6 *gasps* slightly worrying haha! aw you all have sweeps booked in, I feel like I need something to focus on like that, I'm so spaced out and sleepy and achey, seems like nothing is going to happen, I haven't lost any mucus plug or any signs yet...does that mean I have a while to wait? X
Blueberry not everyone loses their mucas plug Hun the same way as not everyone's waters break ahead of birth everyone is different. First baby you are still all taught, tight and lovely so sometimes your body holds baby better so less "twinges" until the real deal xx

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