**** APRIL MUMMIES 2016!!!**** Almost there!****

I hope for you it is MrsP, I've had regular tightening on and off for two weeks now, and still no baby! I think I'll be in it for the long haul!
All gone quiet again odd one here and there but not regular maybe like you Chrissi in it for the long haul where anything sooner is a bonus!!
Congratulations Holi! She's beautiful.
Anyone else getting twinges/signs?
How was everyone's Easter/bank holiday?
Lovely Easter break and I have hubby at home for the rest of this week which is great!! I really want to dtd to see what happens but I am so shattered come bedtime it's the last thing I want to do although I am oddly horny hehe ����
Brave ladies going for a sweep... I'm not keen and would decline one if they asked me and will try wait it out to my induction a week on Sunday hoping labour kicks in naturally beforehand. I watched a girl where she was told to go on a 2hr power walk straight after sweep to get things going with no guarantees it was gonna work... that put me off :(
Not a massive fan of sweeps but my midwife friends said second time round they more likely to work as ur cervix never really closes after first labour !?!!!
thought baby was coming last night ladies! turns out to be a really bad Brixton hicks but it hurt so bad! I was doing the breathing and kneeling to the floor, my stomach was so hard and I felt it tightening. it eased off and managed to get some sleep in the end though eventually.
I haven't lost mucus plug or had any leaking yet...is this notmal? Xx
MrsP42... that comment made me chuckle haha!
We dtd last night and oddly didn't feel too much like a beached whale for the first time in months :shock:
Blueberry we were exactly same last night! Tightenings, period pain and back pain every seven minutes for around 2 hours after losing what we thought was more plug/maybe a little water after dtd earlier on. Unfortunately stopped about 2am :wall2:
How you feeling this morning Hun? It's draining when you think that's it and then it stops yet again!!!
Not long to go now though xxx
yeah exactly..you get it in your mind that it's happening and then it eases and your back to guessing again.
feeling okay this morning thank you, just tired and a little sore. I've got midwife appointment today at GP so I'll have a chat about it. I know 37 weeks is a teeny bit early but wish something would happen.
Aw well I know after we DTD I get dull period type pain and cramps down there!
It's hard to know when to start timing tightening a, whether it's a BH or the real thing....do you have an app or something? Xx
yeah exactly..you get it in your mind that it's happening and then it eases and your back to guessing again.
feeling okay this morning thank you, just tired and a little sore. I've got midwife appointment today at GP so I'll have a chat about it. I know 37 weeks is a teeny bit early but wish something would happen.
Aw well I know after we DTD I get dull period type pain and cramps down there!
It's hard to know when to start timing tightening a, whether it's a BH or the real thing....do you have an app or something? Xx

I'm hoping that when it does happen we'll just "know" haha.
aw thats good. let us know what she has to say. my 37 week apt she booked me in for a sweep at 38 for this thursday to try and stop us going over, so you never know? would you take the sweep if offered?
totally know the feeling. once you hit 37 aswell you think oh well I'm classed as term so s/he is classed as fully cooked, anything else is just bonus really isn't it. dying to meet him/her now although every time i think labours starting, i start to panic because the house isn't tidy enough or i haven't had chance to redo my fake tan haha!
we don't do it very often anymore haha :oooo: ... only a couple of times in the last few weeks as i always feel gross ha! even if everyone does keep saying how neat bump is, doesn't make you feel that much better haha. i downloaded one last night, although it wasn't too long before they calmed down and i just tried to sleep. otherwise it says it would say when we need to go to hospital/birthing centre. its so bloody exhausting haha!
Hope1992 ha you sound exactly like me! wanting it to happen then when feelings start I'm thinking 'ah my tan, the house..his clothes..it's too soon!' silly aren't we :)
aww okay...sounds silly cause I guess it's painful but I think booking a sweep in sets something in stone which is reassuring that something's actually going to happen! not entirely a waiting game!
What's your app called, think I'll check some out X.
Blueberrybaby8 haha! I feel so reassured it's not just me! :wave:
Just going shopping to try and find a decent maternity bikini top incase of the pool, then I think we should be all ready to go after cleaning the house AGAIN tonight ha!!!
It's just called "contractions" with a blueish icon, although it wasn't particularly fantastic as doesn't tell you how long it's been since the last contraction or anything so really you sill end up working most of it out yourself other than the time in between contractions!
Feel much better that I'm not the only one stressing about my tan haaa!! Must remember to paint my nails tonight too- keep forgetting to do it since starting maternity as I was never allowed them painted for work with being a nurse :dance:
Can you have polish in your nails for labour? I'm sorry to ask it's just back where I'm from they won't let you have nail polish or only clear polish because the first place to show a negative reaction to anesthesias is the nail bed. Also since baby was born I haven't waxed my face so I'm going around with a moustache and a unibrow... Just imagine that xD I keep looking at my make up with nostalgia but there's no time for it
Blueberrybaby8 haha! I feel so reassured it's not just me! :wave:
Just going shopping to try and find a decent maternity bikini top incase of the pool, then I think we should be all ready to go after cleaning the house AGAIN tonight ha!!!
It's just called "contractions" with a blueish icon, although it wasn't particularly fantastic as doesn't tell you how long it's been since the last contraction or anything so really you sill end up working most of it out yourself other than the time in between contractions!
Feel much better that I'm not the only one stressing about my tan haaa!! Must remember to paint my nails tonight too- keep forgetting to do it since starting maternity as I was never allowed them painted for work with being a nurse :dance:

Wow we're very similar haha..snap to getting maternity bikini top, I'm planning on the pool. I've got a soft sport bra type crop top one at the moment but I'd like to find a bikini. snap with the nails, I've been so used to not being able to paint them either, I've done my nursing too and doing healthcare at the moment in the community! I'll do those today! feel like I need a good pamper, the tan and everything. sounds silly but I think if we feel good in the first place it'll help when anything happens! don't suppose we'll get much chance afterwards!
aw okay thanks, I'll have a look in App Store now :) right after the dusting anyway! Xxx
I'm booked in for my induction on 9th April... 11 days and counting lol xxx
just seen the midwife, bump measurements static from last appointment so booked for another growth scan. I've always measured small but he always seems to have grown fine, but if it looks like his growth is trailing off now I'm nearing the end she said they'll book me in for induction and break waters etc
Scans tomorrow morning so we'll see!! X
I've been to midwife too- baby's head is engaging and they have a hand up by the head so hopefully this will move before he/ she decides to come. Measuring 40cm too eek!! She wasn't much help on advice about making me feel better tho Urgh I'm full of cold now xx wish I could be bothered with a tan lol!
Blueberrybaby8 haha i feel like i have a doppelgänger or whatever its called! :friends::cheer:
where have u looked for bikini top so far? yeah thats the same as I've got up til now, just an asda one thats soooo comfy! been looking at non-maternity clothes today and getting so excited about being able to fit back into them in a few months! although new looks maternity section was fab today for the first time, typical since we're about to drop haha!! yeah definitely. i want to look nice on our first photos although i know i won't care at the time haha! don't worry too much about the scan, i had that a couple of weeks ago but it looked like the baby had just been curled up or something as the next time they had caught up. although exciting about the possibility of booking in for induction eek!

jedi thats a really good point! i hadn't even thought of it. never heard anything saying we can't have them painted, i know the sats probes don't work with nail polish on but if ever i have a patient like that i always have a spare bottle of remover on the ward to just take that one fingers polish off :eh: ... aaah bet you can't wait for a bit of pamper time haha. if anyone deserves it right now its definitely you! hope you fit it in soon bless you!

jnyfer & RuthW80 eek thats so exciting! not long to go now!!
doppelgänger :) haha yes! I've seen the ones in asda, I just got mine from primark but it's comfy and seems like it'd do the trick! I've looked quite a few places for bikini though...outfit's good where they have the range of shops all in one. had a good browse of the non maternity clothes too!! I'm super excited to for back into normal things again, got my eye on some skinny white jeans and a dress I like for a wedding in August!
induction is exciting..I'll just be a nervous wreck I think!
yeah had a growth scan before and he's been growing fine despite the bump measurements. just think he needs a good belly full of milk now to see him right!! :) Xx
Just found a fab one from asos that I'm going to order, it's just a plain black top but has a zip down the middle so it can be used for nursing, which seems perfect for skin to skin and first feed. Love outfit! Ook skinny white jeans with a baby! Not sure if I'd be daring enough haha, especially since our families babies are sickly babies! Aaah you've got a wedding too! We have one in July and one in August- I'm dreading trying to fit into nice clothes! Going to calorie count post baby and constantly be out with pup and pram to try and shift the weight ha!
I'm sure you'll be fine with induction, try not to worry. Plus you get to see baby at least once more before he arrives so growth scans aren't too bad ha!

Is anyone suffering with shooting pains down below? :roll::shock:
Done a lot of walking today and baby's head must be balancing on my pelvic bone- could cry I'm so uncomfortable! :wall2: have had constant shooting pains since about 3pm, can't get comfortable in any position!

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