**** APRIL MUMMIES 2016!!!**** Almost there!****

I seem to get heartburn if I don't eat regularly or get too hungry.
Anyone else feel really restless and itchy in the evening?? I just don't know what to do with myself and can't sit comfortably. I want my body back now- everything is so much effort these days!!
Feeling a bit sick today much like the sickness at the beginning. I'm team yellow too but I have had a feeling this is a boy all the way through- we will see xx
Ruth I'm with you. By the evening I want to tear my own skin off! Restless legs, itchy, uncomfy, baby moving around is downright painful and he always has hiccups! I so want my body back and this little dude here, safe and well. I'm sure I wasn't this uncomfy with my daughter! To top it off ice had tummy cramps and vomiting since last night so I'm feeling particularly sorry for myself. 5 weeks til d day.... Sigh!
Flot and Ruth..snap. wanting my body back more and more as the days go by! I'm uncomfortable in the evenings and itchy and achey too, everything's such an effort, even trying to change position on the sofa! little man's movements are painful now, his gymnastics used to be quite cute...now I'm jumping here and there like ooh ouch ouch! the sleep deprivations really getting to me..the day I can lie back on my tummy will be an amaaazing day!
But I know it'll all be worth it, sorry for the moan. little less than 4 weeks to go (and counting) just want him here happy and healthy that's the main thing.
Urgh was shattered earlier fell asleep during a film and was in bed before 11 but I've already been awake twice.... No reason im just not comfy!! I don't want to moan but I am lol!! Hope this baby comes early now... I'm 37 weeks xx
He's now 1.828gr :) started being bottle fed (even though I do keep trying him at the breast) we've been given CPR training today so I'm hoping that means he'll come home soon :)
How are all of you doing? I've seen some of you are having a hard time with this last few weeks. I hope you all feel better
If you ladies don't mind I'm going to jump between May and April mummies, I'm due on May 1st but I have a feeling he'll be slightly early-watch me be wrong and go 2 weeks over lol x
Jedi he's gorgeous, seriously the cutest little nose and face I've seen. hope he's home with his mummy and daddy soon.
feeling okay just having a whinge every now and again! it's a waiting game from end of this week really, I'll be 37 weeks Xx
Wow jedi, look at that chunky monkey! He's gorgeous! Glad that you're doing so well. Don't beat yourself up about bfing though, you're doing your best, as long as your little man is growing :)

We shouldn't moan so much really, as you've been through a lot more than we have, I guess we all just want our babies out now! :D
Now I've finished work it really feels like time is dragging !
Come on baby!!!
36 week scan and seeing the consultant today a bit nervous!!
Please don't feel like you can't complain because of me. I probably had it easy, only got to 31w so none of the aches and pains of baby being full term, and I had an emergency c-section so none of the pain of pushing baby out. The only thing that was hard was having him in NICU and it still sucks leaving him at the hospital as I obviously want my child home with us but he's doing brilliant and I'm quite aware that I had it easy as he turned out to be quite strong in the end :*
Just watched that video and some of the others made me teary ha!! I held a newborn on Friday and it all came flooding back he smelt sooooooo good!!! xx
Aw it'll be our turn soon ladies ;)

Good luck for the scan Mrs :) I had mine couple wks ago and I couldnt work out what we were looking at as baby's pretty squished in there now. Consultant booked my induction date after the scan... eek! X
All good with the scan baby measuring perfectly and estimated currently to be 5lb 8oz then waited over two hours to see the consultant who was happy with everything and wants to see me again in 2 weeks! All family have told me the enforced sit down is good for me hehe!! Next time I am going to take food and my book knowing how delayed they were today!! xx
Jedi, your son is beautiful!

Saw my midwife on Friday, they think baby is breech, so off to the clinic on Wednesday to find out more. This is our last baby, and the thought of not going into labour / giving birth "naturally" again has got me really upset! Rationally I know it doesn't make any difference, and as long as the baby gets here safely that's all that matters. I just never expected for one minute that it wouldn't be like last time! I think the pregnancy hormones must be getting the better of me...! xx
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Are you still hoping for an Easter arrival Chrissi... I can't believe the first lot of our april mummies due dates are next week!

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