**** APRIL MUMMIES 2016!!!**** Almost there!****

Looks like I just stuck someone else's belly to myself haha!


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For you:
2-3x Nighties/Pyjamas
Lightweight dressing gown
Slipper socks
5x Big pants/maternity pants
2-3x Nursing/comfy bras

Hairbrush & Comb
Hair bobbles
Bobby pins
Shampoo & Conditioner
Sensitive body wash
Soft sponge
Dark coloured flannel
Dark coloured bath towel
Toothbrush & Toothpaste
Make up
Sanitary pads
Breast pads
Lanolin cream
Lip balm

Comfy oversized coming home outfit - maternity leggings & long top, cardi & coat

Camera & Spare batteries
Phone & Charger
Loose change
Book/Magazine etc
Snacks & Drinks
Energy tablets

Gifts/Cards for siblings/grandparents/new daddy etc

For baby:
3x Newborn long sleeved vests
3x Newborn long sleeved sleepsuits
3x 0-3 long sleeved vests
3x 0-3 long sleeved sleepsuits
Knitted cardi
Scratch mits
Sock ons

Size 1 Nappies
Cotton wool balls
Baby wipes
Nappy sacks
Vaseline for first poo!

If bottle feeding:
Pre measured formula bottles with sterile teats
Dummy (optional)

Loose change
Snacks and drinks
- reusable water bottles
- pot noodles
- crisps
- breakfast bars
- biscuits
- concentrated squash minis
Phone & charger
Book/magazine/game console
Insulated cups/flask

If you have specific tea/coffee tastes then bring a lil tub with you as hospital drinks are crap. Usually there's a little kitchen where hot drinks can be made by visitors.

If you have other children remember to pack an overnight bag for them at the same time too!
Hospital Bag xXx
I finished work on Friday! The sun has been out since lol! Done all my baby washing today and it's hanging out to dry :) also got our Moses basket down from the loft and realised we've thrown the mattress for it so bed to order a new one. Once the baby stuff is dry ill make a start on the hospital bag but I need some more stuff for me. Still need a baby bath too and some storage thing to put all baby's clothes in. Apart from that were ready!
Hubby mentioned getting skip in a couple of weeks to throw a load out from the loft/ garage arghhhhh why not?? Lol!
Little bugger is now been taken off the incubator, if he can hold his temperature he's being promoted to staying in the cot :D also he's so tiny that when he pees it leaks out of his nappy so we go through a lot of sheets and clothes xD and we've been trying to get him used to the breast... He has latched a couple of times
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I'm finding I can't pack all of my hospital bag just yet, cause things like going home outfit are the only clothes that fit me right now :( then there's hair dryer and hairbrush etc that has to be done on the day.
Aww you sound just as crazy as me Ruth? I've just sat down after being in the go since 5am, hips and back are a bit tender!
Ohh don't get me started on storage, we're having a dilemma with fitting the crib in our bedroom, and baby's room is packed with stuff!

Aww jedi that's fantastic, ill be keeling my fingers crossed for you all, glad you're starting to get the hang of things now x
Hi kk, I'm hoping to just breastfeed, but have picked up two bottles of ready made aptamil to take to hospital incase I can't feed for whatever reason. Baby's stomach is only about the size of a cherry to begin with, so doesn't drink lots, but drinks frequently.

Anyone else's belly dropped yet? I've noticed mine dropping over the last couple of weeks, this morning I got up at 5am, so come down for breakfast and my tum is rather uncomfortably sat on my lap now! As far as my eyes can see I also no longer have a belly button as it's underneath lol!

Thanks Chrissi... I should have enough there then. I don't think you're that far off, perhaps next in line to have your baby ;) with you hosting this thread also hehe....

I've still got things to put in bag like home clothes, mat dress and hoodie to go into hospital in put aside, change for parking, stock up on more food and drinks and a charger otherwise im done!
any of you ladies having baby showers? I had mine yesterday it was so so lovely. afternoon tea, bunting and vintage decor in the sunshine with family! baby and me were very spoilt with gifts, cake, balloons..very lucky mummy to be.
making it all very real now...good job really with only a few more weeks to go!
Be lovely to hear about your showers if your planning them :) Xx
Yeah I don't see why not, I think hospital even give you milk aswell to be honest.
I'm going to go through my bag tonight and make sure I've got everything ready now, I'm mainly worried about hubby being at work and having to wait for him to get home. He's a paramedic in Peterborough, but sometimes ends up near Essex!! Glad my mum works close by!
Had appt with my midwife today to go through birth Plan which brought everything into reality! It's so surreal that we'll all have our tiny little bundles soon!
I had my baby shower joint with my friend at 28 weeks blueberry, all the way back in January!! It's amazing how much people buy for you. It was a lovely day for it yesterday too x
I am going out for a belated birthday/ baby shower at the end of this month one of my besties is organising it all but it will be a small gathering as don't have many friends lol xx
Was supposed to be having a baby shower- sister in law was organising one but she asked me for a list of names which admittedly I haven't supplied but she's not exactly bothered to arrange anything lol so it's a bit late now.
I've just had my first thought of work in the morning then realised I'm not ha ha that's a good feeling!!
Midwife has been today- blood pressure is back to normal and baby has started to engage eek better pack my hospital bag!! X
you mentioned you were visited by your midwife, is this something that happens nearer your due date? I'm still going to my GP for my antenatal appointments, have been today and will go again in two weeks when I'll be 37 weeks.
Does everyone get seen by a health visitor beforehand or is this just afterwards? sorry, first time clueless mummy to be! X
Sorry no it's not normal but there were no appts left at the Clinic at my surgery this morning so that's why she came to my house. Got to go next week for MRSA swabs doing. HV used to visit I'm sure before baby was born and leave a red book but I've not heard from one so I'm guessing they will probably come out after baby is here- usually at 3 weeks old xx
I don't like the idea of baby showers :( I'd rather celebrate when baby is here safe and sound (and people can let me poo, pee, bathe and eat without a permanent attachment) ;) I just couldn't handle being surrounded by beautiful baby stuff if anything were to go wrong. My previous births haven't been great so I blame that. It sucks but makes sense in my head.

Hmm how strange. I visit my midwife every 2 weeks until 37/38 weeks and then weekly until baby is born. GP doesn't really do anything unless it's it's for me rather than the pregnancy/baby. After birth a midwife visits at home and then you're discharged to the HV team. xXx
He's beautiful Jedi - you must want to burst every time you see him

Do not beat yourself up about your supply your doing my amazingly - just keep doing what you can!! It all helps! X
I just want to hold him and never let go :) we have been trying him at the breast... He's actually trying hard to take it. He's off the incubator and today he had his first bath. He's doing really well. I just want him to come home though. I get so jealous when I see other babies go home :( I want to bring Chris home
Jedi he's absolutely adorable..your doing so well, don't be hard on yourself about your milk. and I'm sure he'll be coming home with you in no time x
Look at the cuteness! :p
I'm getting a bit desperate with my milk supply... I'm making about 200ml a day :( I see mummies there who make that per feed :(

200ml is amazing! Can I recommend some facebook groups to you? Full of experienced bf mummies who may be bale to give you some advice and put your mind at ease?

Can I breastfeed in it? Off topic discussion
Breastfeeding younger babies and beyond

Everyone is super helpful xxx
Finally been given my c section date for my twins, 12th April, I will be 37+6 then so could go before then myself.
I have to go in he week before to get steroids injections, I've heard they are really sore so not looking forward to them!
I have another growth scan tomorrow to see how big our boys are now, can't wait.
I hope everyone else is doing well xx
Finally been given my c section date for my twins, 12th April, I will be 37+6 then so could go before then myself.
I have to go in he week before to get steroids injections, I've heard they are really sore so not looking forward to them!
I have another growth scan tomorrow to see how big our boys are now, can't wait.
I hope everyone else is doing well xx

I had steroid injections before Chris was born as they knew he'd have to come early... They do not hurt that much I promise :D just a burny feeling for 2 minutes

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