**** APRIL MUMMIES 2016!!!**** Almost there!****

Need some good ways of evicting baby?
Curry? Anything else ?
Sex!! Haha

After this weekend my house should be sorted, clean and everything ready for my little monster he/she can come any time after Sunday!! Eeek!

Just got my pram out the loft and gave it a good clean - forgot how much I love pushing this thing! Think it's come up looking nice too, was worried I would be craving new stuff this time round but I've really enjoyed getting all Rosie's old things ready for new baby! ImageUploadedByTapatalk1458660545.618249.jpg
Yep still hoping for an easter baby kk, bought the cutest little outfit in h&m with a little lamb face on the vest and ears on the hat, so adorable! How about you, do you think you'll have an early bird? X
My coming home outfit for little one is white with baby chicks and lambs so very fitting for spring time! Although I think I might pop out an April fool!! Hehe x
As I can't even say I've had the odd niggle... I'm now thinking I've got a lazy baby in there who won't come out until eviction day which is going to be at 41wks. But we can only hope.... I didn't realise waters breaking first is only in 15% of pregnancies and I'm hoping to be one of them pretty please ;)
Let's keep our fingers crossed for those of us wishing for easter chicks!
Im watching one born! Makes me so excited in a weird way, I'm so looking forward to the birth now! I hate the unknown of when it will happen though, and if it will happen before 40+10! Xx
Anyone lost their plug yet?? Think I've just lost mine. Don't remember loosing it last time. I'm panicking a bit now, we are just not ready!! Anyone lost it before, how long was it til labour started?? Xx
I think my 1st I started losing it a few days before I had him. My 2nd I lost it in labour :) here's hoping for an Easter baby too!! I feel like he/ she is so low I can hardly walk now so would rather not be this uncomfy for 2+ weeks!! Watched one born and I'm in denial this is not going to hurt much ha ha xx
Come on, one of you needs a March baby :P Don't leave me alone on the early baby front xD besides some of you would be perfectly safe having little bubz now :D I'm Campaining for the Give Christopher Lee a friend cause :P
There's got to be at least one of us! I'm desperate to get this little one out now! She must be perfectly cooked and ready to go!
I'm literally doing everything except spicy food as I dint think I could handle more heartburn.
Sex, raspberry leaf tea, walking, bouncing on my ball, nipple tweaking haha!
I'll probably be the one in it for the long haul, atleast she'll be here by 14th April latest!
I hope Christopher gets a friend soon jedi!
Honestly, enjoy these last few weeks if you can. I miss adults.. I miss conversations that don't involve the baby... And getting out of the house.. I feel like I lost myself in becoming a mother
Well nothing happened last night and I feel fine so hopefully losing the plug wasn't the start of anything! I'm not due til 11th so its a bit early! Just let me get my house ready for you baby!!

Jedi this is my second and how your feeling is quiet normal but I promise you, you will find yourself again and you will feel like a mummy and yourself!! It's probably more intense for you as little man was a little early so it's all people can talk about with you! Xx
All getting very exciting on this thread now! Can't believe it is nearly April. So niggles/signs here so not expecting a March baby I'm afraid Jedi ;-) My birthday is 5th April and can't help expecting a little gatecrasher on that day!!!

Glad scan went well MrsP xx
Hi ladies! :wave:
Haven't posted since trimester 2 on the april thread i think, things have been so manic as been doing lots of overtime at work with being understaffed (perks of nhs!)... finally finished work so get time to catch up on here now!
we're due april 14th so 37 weeks tomorrow and feeling all sorted now, must admit as my original DD was between april 1st and 8th when working off LMP i keep secretly hoping we might go a little early! had a growth scan last week which showed baby was approx 6lb... can't quite believe i have a little person in me that weighs that much! having lots of little niggles the last week or so and thought contractions had started properly on sunday but they seemed to die off after 2 hours or so, plus lost what i think was part of my plug last thursday.
had packed our hospital bags a few weeks back after a scare at work but repacking this morning as we'd missed lots out! the list someone posted earlier was fab so thats what we've worked off this time! can i just ask though- how many bags have u all packed?? I'm feeling totally OTT as we've got a small weekend bag for myself, plus a gym bag with bits for bathing baby, pre made bottles incase BF doesn't work out/snacks for us/OH's bits & bobs as we're using a birthing centre so he can stay with us, plus baby's changing bag with clothes and muslins! keep thinking what i can take out to condense it down but we don't seem to actually have all that much looking at it all!

jedi- congratulations! you're one of the mums I've read posts from regular since falling pregnant, lovely to see LO has arrived and is making such good progress! he's beautiful!
hope everyone else is coping well too x
I have a large holdall packed and baby has a slightly smaller one. Somehow the amount I bring into hospital has reduced with each pregnancy but the contents has remained the same... o.O Hubby will be staying with me overnight too so he has a bag with his stuff and all the 'other bits' chargers, mags, playing cards lol etc

I'm 37 weeks today so "fully cooked" But baby is so high up with no signs of dropping either. I cba to try anything to bring on labour, it's all effort lol

In my first pregnancy I lost my plug a couple of days before my waters broke (on my due date) One big bit came away.
In my second pregnancy it came away little by little after 39 weeks (I went 9 days over).

I don't wanna read too much into things this time. 3 very different pregnancies. Baby can get a move on but I can't cope with getting my hopes up! Roll on 13th April!
I am the opposite Flick I just had to ring ADU as I have been experiencing period like pains, back ache and tightening since yesterday evening.....I slept ok once I was off but it has been bad again this morning. The MW I spoke to said she thinks it sounds like baby's head is engaging in fairness it feels like she is pushing off my ribs to get herself as far down as possible I feel rough today as I am nursing a cold as well deep joy! I don't remember feeling like this with DD1 but I guess everything was a lot tighter then :shock:

I feel like I permanently need a poo (sorry) and I am getting sharp pains in my lady garden (again sorry) this time in pregnancy is so glamorous!! Anyone else experiencing this!? xx

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