**** APRIL MUMMIES 2016!!!**** Almost there!****

going by my LMP I would've been due around the 3rd April but was put a little further back at the 12 weeks scan to the 17th. secretly hoping he comes in the earlier date seeing as he's a little bigger than he should be on his charts now.
Little man may have caught up, plus I'm only small and I'm not sure where he'll fit for much longer! bump is so hard and tight.
no signs of plug coming away, am I right in saying we don't need to let hospital know about this happening? just if the waters were to break?
Hospital hold-all pretty much packed and ready now. just need more pj's for me and some mini's I might need, deodorant wipes etc.
I've been worried what to pack for baby, I'm definitely a 'just in case' packer and can't keep it down to two outfits for him!
In other news, I've got breast feeding workshop/session tonight...anybody been? x
I am the opposite Flick I just had to ring ADU as I have been experiencing period like pains, back ache and tightening since yesterday evening.....I slept ok once I was off but it has been bad again this morning. The MW I spoke to said she thinks it sounds like baby's head is engaging in fairness it feels like she is pushing off my ribs to get herself as far down as possible I feel rough today as I am nursing a cold as well deep joy! I don't remember feeling like this with DD1 but I guess everything was a lot tighter then :shock:

I feel like I permanently need a poo (sorry) and I am getting sharp pains in my lady garden (again sorry) this time in pregnancy is so glamorous!! Anyone else experiencing this!? xx

Yes sounds exactly the same! Had period pains since Sunday on and off, diarrhoea since then too (tmi sorry!) literally after every thing I eat but not like a bug! Just seen my MW, babys engaged so that's why I'm getting so much pain further down & booked in for a sweep next Thursday at 38 weeks! It's nice to feel like you're starting to be able to see the finish line even if it might be 5 weeks away yet! 😊
How many weeks are you now? Xxx
I have a large holdall packed and baby has a slightly smaller one. Somehow the amount I bring into hospital has reduced with each pregnancy but the contents has remained the same... o.O Hubby will be staying with me overnight too so he has a bag with his stuff and all the 'other bits' chargers, mags, playing cards lol etc

I'm 37 weeks today so "fully cooked" But baby is so high up with no signs of dropping either. I cba to try anything to bring on labour, it's all effort lol

In my first pregnancy I lost my plug a couple of days before my waters broke (on my due date) One big bit came away.
In my second pregnancy it came away little by little after 39 weeks (I went 9 days over).

I don't wanna read too much into things this time. 3 very different pregnancies. Baby can get a move on but I can't cope with getting my hopes up! Roll on 13th April!

Ah fab I don't feel so bad now then! 🙊 Feeling pretty organised for the first time ever... Have even got our thank you gift and card for the midwives! Starting to seem so real. Ah yeh you're due day before me! How are you feeling? It's just baby being so low down that's wearing me down, I'm ok through day but night times have been getting teary cos I'm so uncomfortable! Trying not to moan too much cos I know I'll miss being pregnant as soon as s/he is here and I can't feel him or her in me anymore! I find it hard enough just with a fiancé and 10 month old puppy so hats off to you ladies with other kids!

Blueberry that's same as us, makes the last couple of weeks go slower doesn't it knowing you started off further ahead! 😖😢 although it's not long either way now! Yeah I think we just ring if waters break or contractions start regular/painful. I didn't ring anyone about plug, googled whether I should or not and majority said not to as it could still take weeks yet! Sounds like you're almost done with hospital bag. I must admit the only downside of being gender neutral is trying to decide on a cute appropriate coming home outfit ha.
Has anyone decided on types of birth? We're hoping for water birth if the pool is free
I've had tightening, period pains etc for over a week now, and baby is still firmly shut away lol. I had 24 hours of tightenings last week, was gutted when it stopped! I was only just 37 weeks though.
Now I'm approaching 39 weeks along with many others on here... I had a mammoth sleep last night with only one pee stop and had to take some rennes due to heartburn, which was lingering before I went to bed. I haven't done anything today except eat!

We've just got a cabin case for me, changing bag for babe and hubby has a bag too with swim shorts, small towel and change of clothes in just incase I decide to use the pool if it's free.
Hubby is insistent that he won't be holding her until she's 'clean' he won't be able to help himself though even if she is covered in womb cheese! Xxx
Hope1992 hoping for a water birth too...I'm praying there's a pool room free on the day! eeek Xx
Ah Hope1992 I am glad it isn't just me I have spent a lot of the afternoon on my birthing ball it seems to help a bit and I think I will keep up with the paracetamol for now think I might have a good cry when hubby gets home as well just to get it out!!

I am 36+2 today so fully cooked next Monday - I have a MW appt tomorrow morning so I am going to discuss it with her I felt like a nuisance when I rang ADU they spoke to me in a "you've done this once you should know what you are feeling" sort of way - except that was 3 years ago nearly and if we actually remembered the pain of labor we'd never do it again!! :-)
Been out for lunch today with the hubby before my older 2 broke up from school- making the most of it while we can!! So weird to think when they go back I will hopefully be pushing a baby to school and back....
Really uncomfy on my pelvis now- feels like baby is literally grinding it's head down there against the bone eek can't remember it feeling so low last time. No other signs apart from braxton hicks have got stronger and feel like I'm having more. I have a hair appt tomorrow so it can wait until after then lol xx
Soooooo Chris is supposed to come home with us tomorrow :D his tube is out now, he's being bottle fed EBM and taking a good 50-65 ml every 4-5 h depending on when he's hungry xD he's also a month old Friday :D can't believe how quickly if went!

I'm hoping all of you have super healthy little cuties and that all goes well when it comes eviction time :*
Aww that's great news Jedi! Must be a scary thought for you to be responsible for everything but you will soon settle into it !!
Awww that's great news Jedi! Can't believe you'll have a month old this week!!! X
Wow jedi that's great! You'll get your identity back once you've got him home! I can't believe it's been a month since he was born how crazy is that?! Xx
Chrissi I totally sympathise on the heartburn front. It's horrific and unless someone suffers terribly with it they have no understanding! My partner looks at me like I'm crazy as I'm tossing and turning in bed trying to get settled when it's burning :eh:
Hahaha that last comment about womb cheese made me giggle! I don't think my OH has thought that far ahead :shock: ... He looked rather unsettled last night whilst I had OBEM on tv :dohh:

Blueberrybaby ah lush! I love how calm they always look on tv, although clearly I'm not expecting that haha.

MrsP it's horrendous isn't it! I'm so glad someone else understands though! OH just seems to say "it's like you're on holiday now", "what do you do all day?"... I don't think they realise how tiring it is! Plus aching all over, constant Braxton hicks, a three floor house to tidy and a poorly puppy to look after, yeah I've been sat on my butt all day :wall2: ... Got everything crossed my sweep works next week as it's my mums bday on the Saturday.. Although could do with the puppy getting better first as don't think I'll cope looking after her and a new baby :shock: ... Also with the MW situation, every baby is different so even if you're baby was only say a year old you might feel completely different this time round to then! I had to ask my MW earlier what to do regarding birthing pool situation with wanting a water birth, she looked at me as if I was stupid before telling me just to tell them on the phone as I obviously can't book it because I don't know when I'll be in labour. Made me feel ridiculous even though I just wanted some form of advice on the birthing plan situation which according to my notes we should have gone through at my 34 week appointment :eh: ... Sometimes wish they'd remember we don't do this every day like they do!

RuthW hope u make it to your hair apt and have a lovely relaxing time! There's no better feeling!

Jedi that's such good news! Seems like you've done sooo well especially with the BFing! Xxxxx
Aww congratulations jedi! You're going to be a full time mummy now! Are you a bit nervous? I keep imagining my first night alone lol, and hoe quiet it'll be in the night during feeds except for little ones breathing and crying. I bet you're thrilled! Xxx
Oh I'm terrified... Here he has an apnea monitor but at home I might need to spend the night staring at him
Hope all goes well first night home Jedi! I'm sure he'll be just fine with plenty of cuddles lined up :)
I think that feeling is the same for everyone jedi, but I can't imagine how you must be feeling. After seeing him with tubes and to come as far as coming home in four weeks! I often wonder how I'll ever sleep when I have my baby, cause even now I lay away just wondering, which I know will be turned into worrying once she's here.
Too hot, too cold, hungry, bored, dirty nappy, comfortable it'll all be going through our heads. Enjoy your first night and enjoy staring at your gorgeous little man x

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