**** APRIL MUMMIES 2016!!!**** Almost there!****

Aww flot thats so sad. But I do think it's something a lot of us think about as our babies get ready to arrive. A friend of a friend had a still born last year and now I'm super worried. Thankfully it's not too common these days, I wish they would do a scan later on though. I keep worrying about the placenta working properly, and I don't know how they can monitor it without scanning.
Try and focus on keeping strong for your friend, I'm sure they wouldn't want you to feel like that. Xx
Hugs ladies xxxx sounds like we need them!
Sorry to hear about your friends loss that is just so awful xx these things sadly happen and we never think it will to us or someone we know. Would be awful at any time but especially sad when u are also pregnant.
I haven't done bad on the sleeping front but this week I have noticed a difference in how comfortable I feel Urgh I must admit I half laid on my back as the weight of my bump was too uncomfortable last night then I woke with awful backache. I just keep hoping this baby isn't late xx
Induction booked in for 10/04 when I'll be 41wks.... hoping thats enough time for baby to come naturally! Consultant is only going to move date forward if BP continues to be high which was playing up yesterday at hospital visit, back tomorrow :( xx
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Exciting stuff kk, just catching up on your journal, glad you've got a date but hopefully you'll go naturally in the meantime :-)

37 weeks tomorrow for us 1st Aprilers, I finally finish work today! Feeling a bit emotional, worked there since I left uni 10 years ago so it'll be weird not seeing those people every day. I know it's all for an exciting reason but still feel a teeny bit sad. Hoping to get through the day without crying, stupid hormones!

Hugs to everyone whose feeling uncomfortable and to your friend, flot. What an unbelievably sad time. I can't imagine that feeling, will make me even more grateful when our April board babies arrive safe and sound xx
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YAY for induction date!
if you are induced be aware it can take days! took 3 days for my first lo!
Yay kk you must be excited to have a possible end date!!
Can't believe it jenny, we'll no longer be in the preemie zone! I started getting tightening yesterday all day, but haven't had anything through the night that I've noticed. I'm hopeful though that she'll be early although I know she needs to be in as long as possible. Had heartburn on and off since yesterday too :( xx
Girls, thought you'd like to know, baby is off NICU and been moved into special care nursery :) they'll try to normalize his feeds and all now but it's a big step up :D
That's great news Jedi I am really pleased for you all! How are you doing?
That's brilliant news Jedi when you get a chance can you post some more pics of him. He is beautiful xx
He is just so adorable! And looks so strong pulling his head up.

Bless ya it's becoming a bit of a second home at the moment isn't it :(
Hopefully won't be for long and like you said he is well worth it. Xxx
Thank you so much girls :* can't believe he's two weeks old already.. He's the most precious little thing :D
Aww what a gorgeous little man. I bet you're over the moon with his progress x
What a little trooper Jedi. No wonder your heart melts... your son is super cute ;)
Going to be a little Heartbreaker xD I was honestly gutted when I came into the hospital today and someone clothed him for the first time :( I feel robbed of that moment. Being the first one dressing my baby and choosing his little outfit
Aw Jedi, he's adorable, you are both doing amazingly well

Well I'm lying in bed on my first day of maternity leave, no idea what to do with myself!!! But I kinda like it.....
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How cute is he!
34 weeks today for me!
feeling really crampy today..lots of period like cramping low down coming and going. achey legs and very bottom of my back. I'm sure it's just all the ligaments but it's not nice. taken a paracetamol and had a little nap on and off to see if it helps X
Aww he is beautiful Jedi! I could eat him lol so cute!
Well officially started mat leave now yippee!! Got to wash all the baby clothes and get last bits, pack hospital bag and then I'm ready for baby to come. 4 weeks to go till due date but hoping its here in 2-4 weeks !! Xx

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