**** APRIL MUMMIES 2016!!!**** Almost there!****

He is gorgeous Jedi! Hope you're well and the expressing is getting easier for you.

Well jel of all you ladies starting maternity leave lol I'm not due till end of April so got a way to go yet till I finish.

I'm feeling really well luckily and no aches or pains. Getting tired early evening but to be expected as I'm working long days sometimes and have my 3 year old to run after.

How's everyone else doing?
Oh Jedi he's so adorable. Well done Mama ^-^
What a shame about dressing him but was it to help regulate his body temperature? May be worth a mention that it was going to be something special for you to do first?

Jealous of those of you still feeling normal (as can be) and mobile :( I'm in pain and so so tired. Walking is an issue and I still have over 4 weeks to go. Feel so moany! Apologies :( xXx
sorry to be moany ladies...what do you think I should do? I've had period type cramping all day now, since about 11 this morning and still have it now..which is worse now I'm lying down on my left side while I type this.
I've drunk lots of squash/water and taken paracetamol throughout the day. feel like I do each month when I get my period. Low down pubic bone area to underneath between each top of leg. I'm SO uncomfortable. not sure what to do, or what this is Xx
Hi I had a similar type thing about a month ago. Maybe just ring up your local mat assessment unit and get checked out. The likelihood is the pain will stop on your way to hospital lol. Hope you're OK, and it's probably nothing. Never found out what mine was xx
thank you, can I just add on top of all that.....I now think I've got tonsillitis :( throat is like glass and all lumpy.
can't cope Xx
Speak to your midwife if your concerned but if it isn't regular and no bleeding etc it's probably braxton hicks I have had similar!! xx
Have a warm bath to relax your muscles too hun. It doesn't sound like anything progressing which is good. I had a really bad night the other night and I think in the end it was just baby lying on a nerve. May be the same thing? You could try getting on all 4s to hell baby move off of it if it's still really bad xXx
Hope you feel better blueberry :* it sounds like you're really having a rough time :(
thank you, I'll be okay. just think my bodies saying 'okaaaay I've had enough now, let's get this baby out!!' Xx
I know it sucks and every niggle is exciting... maybe this is it! Our bodies can be cruel :(

I have them feels too hun. I can't wait. I want baby out and my body back... just to slouch and not creek when I move :P lol Final few weeks!
Cannot wait to pop this little man out now and have my body back! These final weeks are miserable when you know your so close to the end but you still feel lit a million miles away!!!

It's nice having a group like this who we can vent to as we are all in the same situation and all understand the moans and groans lol xx
Why is this part of pregnancy so uncomfortable
Hi ladies.. so I plan to try breast feeding and top up with formula so I've bought 4 small bottles of ready made baby milk on standby for the hospital... how much milk do you use in the first couple days?
Hi kk, I'm hoping to just breastfeed, but have picked up two bottles of ready made aptamil to take to hospital incase I can't feed for whatever reason. Baby's stomach is only about the size of a cherry to begin with, so doesn't drink lots, but drinks frequently.

Anyone else's belly dropped yet? I've noticed mine dropping over the last couple of weeks, this morning I got up at 5am, so come down for breakfast and my tum is rather uncomfortably sat on my lap now! As far as my eyes can see I also no longer have a belly button as it's underneath lol!
Morning Chrissi I've been laid here awake for an hour or so! Kids were up messing and I told them to go back to sleep but I can't lol !! Not v comfy now.... Yeah bump has dropped over last couple of weeks- everyone at work was convinced I would go early but we will see lol don't need it too early I want at least this next week to get myself ready :)
I know how you feel, except for having other kids. I just have a bouncy pooch and a cat that wants to paddle on me constantly!
Hubby left for work at 6, now I've near enough done everything! Might get on my sewing machine to finish or make something for baby to impress my mum later haha (she's very talented with a sewing machine!)
When do you start your mat leave Ruth? Surely not too long, April isn't too far away now.. Scarily! Weird to think some of us will be having babies very soon!
I expressed some colostrum yesterday (intrigued to what it looked like and maybe shift of the evacuation of baby) Im not sure whether to get some syringes to store some away incase of unexpected circumstances. X
Chrissi, store it... It's the best thing we mummies can do :* I wish I had been able to be ready to feed my baby when he came along... Even now the hospital has to supplement his feeds with formula as I can't make enough to have him exclusively on breast milk.
My bump changes daily. If I do alot of walking baby drops and I feel the bowling ball between legs sensation. Sit for ages and my belly is holding my boobs up.

I too have had sticky nips where I'm leaking a little. Doesnt happen often though. You could ask your midwife for 1ml syringes to store it in if you chose to hand express now :) xXx
My bump has definitely dropped - I don't know about you lot but I still can't quiet get my head round the fact baby will be here soon!! We are still on with decorating but end is in sight - should be finished by end of week so then I can start my cleaning/nesting phase! Although I don't have much energy for it!! Just packed baby hospital bag - got totally emotionally packing their coming home outfit!! Does this seem about right for their bag....
6x baby grows
3x long sleeve vest
3x short sleeve vest
3x hats
1x pram suit
2x blankets
1x baby towel
3x muslins
2 packs baby wipes (suitable from birth)
20x nappies

Anything else I'm missing?? Car seat will be in car already! Xx
This is what I thought jedi, I used my pump yesterday and seemed to work fine. Although nips were so sore yesterday! Hope your little man is still getting stronger. If you'd have known earlier maybe they would have encouraged you to express, but things moved pretty quickly for you didn't they? From admitting to hospital to delivering a couple of days later and I bet quite a shock really.
I think as long as we try our hardest and do what we can it'll be enough. And you sound like you're getting on perfectly!

Same flick, I have midwife appts in the mornings and baby's head is always free, but when I went to hospital had started to engage by evening. I do alot of walking during the day!
I'll put a pic on later of my bump resting on my legs, it's so weird as I'm normally slim. Thought I'd escape stretch marks too, but I hit 35 weeks and my belly now looks like a map of Britain!

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