**** APRIL MUMMIES 2016!!!**** Almost there!****

36w and into the last month or 4 wks now :) Would like to cook bun til 39w when its Easter and hubby has a couple more hol days tagged on but we shall see about that... see what our consultant says as having growth scan Weds! Nearly there ladies xx
Had my 36 week appt today and baby has only grown half a centimetre in a fortnight.
Plus the midwife thought I was shockingly pale and thinks I am either anaemic or deficient in b12, so ended up doing bloods too.

Gotta go back next week now to discuss birth Plan as ran out of time this week and see if baby is still growing properly. But on the other hand little lady definitely has some leg strength! Xx
I am 34 weeks today - growth scan in 2 weeks for me and I am starting with my weekly blood pressure and urine checks from this week due to being a pre-eclampsia risk from last time. 11 working days left and man am I ready to finish. For those with one already are you finding your second (or more) pregnancy much tougher just on the basis you can't stop/have a break/think really....I am on my knees at the end of the day/week running around after dd1, working full time (which is not letting up!) and really not sleeping well!! I am sort of looking forward to it all being over this time although I know this is my last pregnancy and want to make the most of it - mixed emotions!!
This is only baby number 3 for me but I've had a horrific time of it. My son is 4 & daughter turned 1 in Feb. Hard work is an understatement.
I'm anemic, calcium & protein deficient and medically classed as malnourished. Plus struggling with severe D&A.
Can't wait to get this lil thing out of me now!
I'm 35 weeks on Wednesday. Love being pregnant but my god. No words.


Roll on April!
Hiya sorry to hear everyone is having a poor time! I'm finishing work on Friday and that can't come soon enough although I will miss everyone at work! I think this baby is head down but slightly to one side so it's v uncomfy and causing me pain in one side of my pelvic area. Generally not sleeping great and lacking in energy. I'm back to the MW tom for my BP checking as it was a bit high last week so hopefully it will have come down. I'm 35+3 now- hoping this baby comes early as I'm not sure I can be in pain for another 5 weeks or more.
Sorry to hear you girls are having a tough time. I know I kept complaining when I was pregnant but I miss it so much now :( I am praying for healthy babies for all of you and that the last stretch isn't too hard.
Put on high dose iron tablets today to get my levels up before delivery, now sat in triage as haven't felt bubs move today except for sticking her bum out twice! Going to be a long wait..
How's everyone doing?
Jedi how are you and your little man doing? X
Sorry to hear about that Chrissi :( Baby is doing OK... They started supplementing his feeds with formula but he's taking longer to digest his food. We don't know if it's because he's not tolerating the formula or because they upped his feeds too fast (they were upping it every 6 hours). Hopefully once we figure out his feeds, he'll be out of intensive care and will go to nursery
Poor little man! They are prob confusing him!
Glad he's doing ok tho Jedi!
Chrissi I shall be checking on later to see how u are getting on!
The bath is my new best friend!! MW said head is low not engaged yet but this is what is causing the pain.BP is no higher which is good xx
Aww bless him jedi, hope it gets sorted really soon! He sounds like he's coming on a dream though!
Baby was all fine, she still didn't move too much during nst, but moved enough for midwives to be happy. Now having a massage from hubby in return for letting him watch game of thrown :D

Same here Ruth the only problem is, bump doesn't fit under the water anymore :( I have had pains/cramps the last few days too. When I saw midwife yesterday baby's head was still free, but today was 4/5 engaged, so maybe your little one is definite heading down ready for the out xx
Ah good glad they were happy with baby and you are back home! Maybe she is getting ready to come soon?
Mine neither but I cover it in bubbles and watch the shapes it makes lol! Stops all the aches for a while too- hope I get the water birth I want !!
URGH I CANT SLEEP! it's got to the point now that I'm feeling so poorly during the day, as it gets to late afternoon/evening you'd think I was coming down with major flu or something.
Watery eyes, shivering cold, sore skin, with the WORST aches and pains.
I'm turning from side to side, side to side all night..bump is so heavy and hurts me. there is literally no sleeping position I can be. lying here wide awake with stinging eyes when I should be sleeping.
It's got to the point where I can't even walk down the road in the daytime without majorly suffering later that day. It's really getting me down to the point I cried today (I'm not usually a crier) but I'm so fed up, just don't know what to do.
I'm not coping :( x
Sorry to hear you're suffering blueberry... im awake after my loo trips end up clock watching the rest of the night :(
I know it's little consolation but I know how you feel blueberry :-( xx
awful isn't it? sat here in the dark propped up with pillows in tears feeling dreadful :( sorry to be moaning..x
Sorry to hear you're suffering Blueberry, It is nice to have this forum to vent though, cause partners do not understand. Have you tried napping in the afternoons or just laying for an hour?
I sympathise with you on the tiredness and not coping! Maybe it's cause we're so close now? X
yes definitely nice having this, people to talk to who can relate.
I'll try napping a little more during the day..it's not just the sleep though, it's feeling really dreadful. shivering and cold and the aches are unbelievable. I know we're all in the same boat.
but yeah much closer now..I'm 34 + 3 x
I'm really sorry if this upsets anyone but I really need to talk to someone about it! A close friend has just lost their little girl at 38 weeks pregnant. I'm utterly devastated for them and now completely in a panic that the same could just as easily happen to me. I know its silly to worry unnecessarily but how can I not...I'm in total shock and cant stop thinking about them and how awful it must be.... I just want my little boy here safe and sound now :( x
Ah Flot that is so sad do they know why? All we can do is keep ourselves in the best shape we can, eat right, try and sleep and keep and eye on baby's movements any change speak to the antenatal unit. We are nearly there home straight and I know what you mean about wanting to meet them!
They don't know why yet no... so very sad :(
You're right, there is nothing we can do other than what you've said. My little man is booting me quite nicely this afternoon and I'm loving every movement I feel x

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