**** APRIL MUMMIES 2016!!!**** Almost there!****

glad to hear all is well Jedi!
cant believe an april baby is here already!
Day 5 still in hospital and feeling like a cow... Baby is doing good and is off Cpap for 4 hours at a time 2times a day... I can't seem to produce enough breast milk to feed him proper so he might need a long line inserted :( he's doing brilliant though... Everyone keeps pestering me about how much milk I'm producing that only stresses me out and makes me produce even less. I am on a pump every 2h. But everytime I go down to NICU and get to have him against my skin... Everything goes away and I am the happiest mummy in the world for having such a brave, gorgeous baby boy
It must be tough hun - have you tried expressing after you have had skin to skin with him as that will have relaxed you and also filled you full of milk producing hormones...remember your circumstances aren't normal so don't beat yourself up make sure you are telling them how you are feeling its been a rough couple of weeks for you both xxx
Is it possible to express whilst you are visiting him? Like MrsP says your body will fill with hormones to produce milk whilst you are with him xx
So this is my 32 week bump. How are all your bumps looking now? Xx

Looking fab jnyfer :-) This is my yellow bump at 34 weeks, now coming up to 36 weeks, not sure how much bigger I can get! Trying to do a rough outline of a birth plan tonight. Has anyone else done one or planning to? I know it can all
change but good to think about the options and discuss with hubby. X


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I get jealous seeing all your wonderful bumps now :* I wish you all the best :) I'm finally home but I am staying with the in laws since they live by the hospital. It's a horrid feeling to be home and have baby in there. I sort of feel like I abandoned him. I hope you are all doing great and that this last stretch isn't hard on you
glad you've got to escape the hospital at last, must be much more comfortable. take it easy and relax.
Must be hard leaving him there but he's getting the help he needs at the moment so your doing the best thing possible for him, so don't feel bad. He knows your still about :) best wishes for recovery, both of you Xx
Thanks Jedi.. it just goes to show any of our babies can come at anytime. I think you have coped so well and have a wonderful son who will continue to strive healthily and happily :) wishing you all the very best mumma xx
Fleet up and relax jedi! I hope little man is home with you soon, but while he's In hospital he's getting the best care :)

Crazy that some of us early April mummies might be having babies very soon! Or as jedi proved ot can happen any time! X
Glad everything is going well Jedi, wonderful news. I'm sure it won't be long until he is home with you.
On a side note.... I'm so UNCOMFY!!!!!
Glad your little man is doing great! And try to relax and enjoy your sleep while you can !!
I'm so uncomfy too- feel like I'm walking like an obese hippo and I'm either itchy or can't get comfy at night then waking up for a wee or a drink and baby is wriggling like mad all night. I'm over it now lol !!
Right there with you Ruth! Baby has turned to a back to back position this evening, I have limbs travelling allover my belly! And the itchy belly is aggravating me no end :( 29 days to go!!!
Feeling the pain of being uncomfortable all the time and also the itchiness
Two more weeks in work !
Hi everyone, I am also feeling really uncomfortable now! My ribs are in agony, we went for our 32 week growth scan today and our twins are one breach and the other transverse. I have a head right under my ribs on both sides!
They are estimated at 4lb 14oz and 4lb 6oz so it's no wonder I'm struggling to bend, walk, sleep!
Delighted everything is looking great with them. Countdown is on!
I hope you are all keeping well xx
aww lovely to be having twins but my...that sounds uncomfortable! I can barely manage the one at the moment!
been on my feet for too many hours today, and walking lots which I shouldn't have done.
sorry TMI but I've pulled muscles in places I didn't know we're possible, my lady parts are agony! I'm walking like I've got a ball between my legs and with a heavy achey tummy it isn't pleasant!
Hang in there ladies, not long to go Xx
I know some of you already have children so if it's OK I'd like to ask a question.. I have to use a pump to take out my breastmilk, and my milk seems to just have started coming in.. The problem is, this afternoon I went from managing 20ml to 5ml... I have been having trouble getting my milk going with baby being so early and me being so poorly after birth. I just need to know if this is normal. I ordered some fenugreek and should be here tomorrow so I'll see if it helps
Go on Kelly's mom website - loads of expressing tips.
I exclusively expressed for 3 months with B and milk does fluctuate depending on time of day and if you're rushing it stressed.
If you can get a double pump.
Keep pumping for a few minutes after milk stops flowing - this tricks the body into thinking it needs to produce more.
You should express every 2 hours and through the night.
Have pictures of baby around to help relax.
Keep hydrated and distract yourself - watching the pump is not relaxing lol.
I would watch Netflix or read a book x
Thanks :D yeah I have a borrowed hospital grade pump for the next 2 weeks, but I had to put it to pump one at a time... I seem to get more that way since I can massage at the same time.
Expressing is bloody hard work but if you stick to a good routine you'll start producing loads - I could get 16oz out of one boob at my peak lol
Was great to store in freezer and use as back up if I got lazy - B started sleeping for longer stretches and I found getting up in the night when he was asleep soul destroying!

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