**** APRIL MUMMIES 2016!!!**** Almost there!****

Glad it was a false alarm Chrissi & Kk! Not sure about you guys but I'm not quite ready yet! I'm focusing on 37 weeks (11th March) as that's when I finish work and when our kitchen is supposed to be done. Anytime after that would be fine :-)

In on my own tonight as Mark is working so packing hospital bags and ordering a tens machine. We are going away this weekend to a nice golf/spa hotel in Shropshire for our "baby moon" gift we got for Christmas, looking forward to a bit of relaxation.

Hope everyone's aches and pains ease off and you guys have a good weekend xx

31 weeks today (baby2) and feeling huge and so uncomfy!!! I miss sleep!!! Doesn't help my 2.5 year old thinks that sleep is for wimps. Anyone else done with being pregnant now? X
Yep. I'm only 32+2 but struggling so much more this time round than with my other 2. If anyone would like an energy transplant I'd happily take it. I'm so done xXx
I'm so glad I'm not the only one!!!! Exhausted didn't even cut it to explain how tired I feel lol. I'm actually counting down the days and hope I don't go over too far x
Same and dreading it :( Went over 9 days with my daughter. Ugh. Not again please! Seems never ending. I count down 8 weeks but actually more likely 10 if I do go over. That's sooo loooong!
I have had enough too!! I'm only 30+6 and I just wish the rest of the pregnancy would fly by. I have an appt with the consultant on the 5th April to see if my cervix is favourable and then will get a date for the following week! So only a max of 7 weeks to go for me but that's still really long!!! Lol xx
I'm 32 weeks tomorrow and could really really use that energy transplant one of you mentioned. it's been half term and my partners little one has stayed with us...been so busy, out and about which is lovely but wow...I'm lagging behind feeling like urggh. doesn't help I've been sleeping on the couch...crappy bed *eye roll*
In more exciting news, we built the cot and changing unit today. And we've got our 4d/3d scan tomorrow! eeeek Xx
I have the father in law around today to help us put some furniture up.. Couldn't sleep last night as baby was pressing on my ribs, when I finally managed to fall asleep I kept waking up every 20 minutes to go to the bathroom (He likes to kick my bladder... a lot).
I am now approaching 31w but I am so done already :( I want to feel normal again, I hate how slow I've gotten, I hate how self conscious I feel about myself.
And TMI but I hate how much of a fat cow I feel that whenever my husband wants to be intimate I'm like DO NOT TOUCH ME OR I SWEAR TO GOD! So poor guy only gets any action if it's a special occasion. Sorry about TMI
I feel the same hun - we had an active sex life up until my daughter was born but this time I feel like my hubby is genuinely repulsed by me! He never tries it on!! And when we do have sex I'm so slow and moving positions literally takes army style coordination that it's very unsexy!!! X
34 weeks today! And feeling it! Sex, what even is that? I feel like an old lady today! Been to hairdressers and got a new style, then came home and walked the dog, thought I was going to have to crawl home on my hands and knees. Also feel super off today sicky, belly ache etc. I think the last week's will be spent super chilled!
I feel the same hun - we had an active sex life up until my daughter was born but this time I feel like my hubby is genuinely repulsed by me! He never tries it on!! And when we do have sex I'm so slow and moving positions literally takes army style coordination that it's very unsexy!!! X

He might not be trying cause he knows you're uncomfortable? I felt that way with my husband and I asked him what was going on, he told me he just knows how uncomfortable I feel and doesn't want to hurt me.
Lately whenever we do try it has to be coordinated which is horrible since it takes any kind of romance away and I just can't enjoy it. We're newlyweds... We should be going at it like rabbits xD
I feel the same hun - we had an active sex life up until my daughter was born but this time I feel like my hubby is genuinely repulsed by me! He never tries it on!! And when we do have sex I'm so slow and moving positions literally takes army style coordination that it's very unsexy!!! X

He might not be trying cause he knows you're uncomfortable? I felt that way with my husband and I asked him what was going on, he told me he just knows how uncomfortable I feel and doesn't want to hurt me.
Lately whenever we do try it has to be coordinated which is horrible since it takes any kind of romance away and I just can't enjoy it. We're newlyweds... We should be going at it like rabbits xD

Same here! We got married in July and found out I was expecting 4 days after!! I can count on one hand I think, the amount of times we've had sex! My husband always wants it, as he loves my bump! It's just so awkward and puts so much strain on hips and back! X
Hey at least none of our men are using the oh I'm afraid to poke the baby in the head excuse xD...
Not long now and then after our aches and pains are done we can have sex again in about 18 years :P Cause with a baby around I don't see it getting magically better after birth.
Lol I think we have had sex 3 times since finding out I was pregnant. We had a big bleed early on so that kinda worried us both so much that neither of us wanted to do anything that could cause that happen again.

It will get back to a new normal after our sproglets are born. So don't worry girlies xxx
What's it like saying husband Jedi?? :D

My hubby woke up poking me in the arse at 2am yesterday morning. I gave in, in the end lol He's waited ages poor thing. Afterwards he kept kissing me and thanking me haha He loves my bump too and is gutted when I keep saying no XD
Then our son walked in and asked us why we were shouting :/ :/ :/ We'd woken him up!! Embarrassing lol Whoops!
Glad it's not just us suffering! Would love to be up for it but I just don't feel like it. After all when u can't move and feel like a hippo it's not exactly appealing is it??
I'm gonna have to give in tho soon my poor hubby xx
It's awesome Flick :D I'm a very lucky lady! He's truly an amazing man!

Also thanks for giving me a laugh :D Bet that was well embarrassing. Ruth, I feel like a hippo most of the time... Especially at night when I'm turning back and forth. Lately I started getting palpitations and I can't sit comfortably anymore. But it'll be all worth it in the end
Just left the midwives and have to go to the hospital, have high blood pressure and protein in my urine so they suspect I have pre-eclampsia... Bump measuring at 33 and a half and baby's head is down
Just left the midwives and have to go to the hospital, have high blood pressure and protein in my urine so they suspect I have pre-eclampsia... Bump measuring at 33 and a half and baby's head is down

Hope everything is ok chick. Keep us posted x

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