**** APRIL MUMMIES 2016!!!**** Almost there!****

Hey blueberry, glad the forum is back up and running :-)

I had the whooping cough vaccine back at 30 weeks ish. Was all fine, slightly tender to sleep on that side first night but no other side effects for me xx
Had it last week, my arm got really tender and red, felt a bit off for the rest of the day. But that was it
Aw okay, I've had mine this afternoon, I'm 31 weeks :) feels okay at the moment.

I thought it was the site being down, I was wondering why my phone was being silly! X
The site was down for about 2 days... but hey it happens :) I'm glad you're feeling ok :D I'm 30 weeks now! Only 10 to go if Chris doesn't decide to surprise me and come out earlier xD
I had my whooping cough and flu jab at same time, one in each arm!!!! Quite an uncomfortable night for me that night was lol xx
Aw bless I can imagine! mine doesn't feel too bad at the minute but it might a little later.

Sorry TMI, anyone else feeling like they've pulled muscles...you know, like down there. sometimes it feels quite crampy, not as in achey but like when you get cramp in your foot. it's just walking about, inside of my thighs and pelvis feels all pulled! It's giving me the onset of a waddle! babies measurements are all caught up now so probably why, he's getting to be a little chunky monkey in there now Xx
Hi everyone! was starting to think I'd never get on here again....
Can't believe we're so close to the end now! Feeling huge and everyone keeps saying bump is low now. I have this pressure on my pelvis but when I went to MW last week she said baby is head down but diagonal so more to one side of my pelvis. Need to get it to move somehow! He/she keeping me awake at night too moving about, kicking the bed and sticking it's foot under my ribs- which is really nice lol!!
We should start to see some babies arriving in just a few weeks eek!!
I thought my phone was playing silly buggers too whilst the site was down. Got quite upset I couldn't get my PF fix :P

All the aches and pains are due now :( Dragging sensation in ya vag, as baby drops it feels like ya carrying a bowling ball between ya legs, sexy waddle, back ache, rib ache, feet ache lol :'D I've got the onset of sciatica!

Final few weeks left though!!! Scary to think some of us will be having our babies soon :o
OMG yes... the whole feeling like you pulled something in your vag... There are days I can't even walk more than 5 steps. And the waddle... I walk like a penguin now.
Also has anyone else been getting like emotional about every single little thing? I swear I cried at a pokemón video the other day...
oh the joys! all sounds wonderful haha. did lots of walking the other day...wow was walking like an elderly lady by the end clutching myself getting to the car!
I know, can't believe it..babies in just weeks :) still seems surreal that I'll have a little boy in my arms soon Xx
Hi ladies, glad I'm not alone with the aches and pains!
I spent Sunday morning in hospital, after being woken at 4.30 am with cramps, bath made it worse and couldn't stand up straight! I thought it was it! Nothing sure what it was but she's still inside, and wriggling like crazy. Just get one sided pains now and again that I can't talk or walk through!! No explanation though, and her heartbeat sounded gorgeous on the monitor.
Anyone else had any near misses? Xx
That sounds scary! Glad all sorted now!
Not long to go maybe Brixton hicks ? X
No I didn't have any tightening at all mrsW I'm wondering if it's nerve pain cause paracetamol doesn't touch it at all
That sounds really painful Chrissy, I hope you feel better!
Maybe little bubz is just in an awkward position? I know nothing about those things :(
You poor thing! It prob is something to do with the way baby is laid...
Finished work today until Monday and it feels great! Will have my older 2 to entertain but it's still better than work �� only 13 working days to go before I finish for a year- can't wait!! X
Just back from 34 week appointment with midwife. All looking good, measuring 33cm but on my chart that equals a current weight of 5 1/2lbs!!! With 6 weeks still to go, it's gonna be a chunk!!
It is soo painful! I'm wondering if spd has also got worse now as never got pains in pubic area just in back and hips, along with the fanny daggers. I've got to say this last stretch is going to be a long one! Thankyou ladies (:

Wow jenny, 5 1/2 already the chunky monkey!! I'm glad we're all getting to the point now that our little angels will be big and strong if they're born now. After Sunday I'm focusing on next Friday when I'm 35weeks, as that seems to be the point where they rarely need extra care! I can't believe some of us will be having our babies with March mummies if they come early. That's NEXT MONTH!!!
How fast has the time gone!! Xx
I'm absolutely terrified... My husband was on holiday this week so we've been pretty much getting baby room set up, baby's hospital bag is sorted and I've been running up and down trying to get everything sorted... which doesn't help my pelvic bone as it makes them hurt like crazy... But I keep having this feeling that everything needs to be ready for the little human
My hubby's been away this week and last night when my mum stayed I woke up with backache and what I thought was couple of contractions but turned out to be trapped wind! So scary if it was the real thing without him being here... makes me think the cot bed needs building in our bedroom by end of month as that's what we are using from birth :)

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