**** APRIL MUMMIES 2016!!!**** Almost there!****

I'm staying overnight at the hospital so they can check if the medication is working... I'm also getting a steroid injection just in case it doesn't work and they have to induce labour (won't happen until a few weeks if they do need to do so). Hate hospitals and hate being alone :(
Hope you are ok Jedi, I was in overnight on NYE for some random bleeding. 1st time I've ever been in hospital. Get someone to bring you magazines/tablet etc (and chocolate!) Fingers crossed you can come home tomorrow x
Thinking of you Jedi I'm sure it'll all be ok!! But your in the best place to be looked after!! Get some rest! Xx
Oh Jedi hope you're ok - if you feel lonely during the night just message on here, pregnancy insomnia means one of us will be awake to keep you company!

I had a horrible car crash on Friday, a lorry pulled out of a junction and hit my car dragging me across the road! Luckily other that a little bruising and shock I was fine but I got a telling off for not having my maternity notes with me and I decided against hospital as baby was moving as normal and paramedics were with me for nearly a hour getting my bp down and looked after me well.

Massive shock though!

How's everyone else doing? X
Jedi, I hope you're OK!
I had a pre-eclampsia scare with my son at 32 weeks. Very strange vision, high BP & protein in my wee. I was advised to go to hospital immediately. I ended up waiting hours only to be told to go home after a second check found my wee clear.
I'm so glad they're taking care of you!!! It's all precautionary measures and fingers crossed everything will be just fine. You'll be home in your bed in no time xXx

MrsT!! That's awful!! :( Are you still shaken but unhurt?? Did you have a scan to check baby was still all good? How scary :( xXx
Take care ladies like be to all nearly there girls!! I have an SPD diagnosis it's a 6 week wait for physio so not worth it...will just have to read the leaflet and do some exercises ��
I'm OK... Blood pressure has gone down.. It was also not helping that the afternoon nurse was using the wrong cuffs... I'm having a fetal monitoring and hopefully it'll be OK and I can go home tomorrow :D
thank you girls for the support and MrsT I hope you're alright!
Oh please ladies look after yourselves !!! Mrs T that sounds really scary- glad you and baby are ok! And Jedi glad everything looks ok and hope u get home tom 😀
Hope you're out asap jedi! And Mrs T, you should've gone to hospital, so that lorry driver felt extra bad. Hope you're OK though x
Hope ur ok
Hate hospitals and I know what u mean about being on your own
Best place for u and baby xxx
which hospital are you at futurejedi, hope you've had a sleep at least and things are looking a little better.
Hopefully be let home so you can get back to your own bed.
I'm working at hospital in Manchester today, if your on your own give me a shout! I'm waddling around somewhere close maybe! pregnancy forum ladies gotta stick together hehe, no honestly I know what it's like being in hospital on your own, it's not nice Xx
I'm in Oldham, my night nurse has been brill! My blood pressure has come down to a somewhat normal level and I'm guessing after they re-test us we'll be going home... Don't worry blueberry, the husband is coming as soon as possible to be with me... Poor guy hasn't slept since he's been working nights :( but thank you!
Glad things are looking better Jedi.

Ladies about nappy sizes.... do I need anymore than this to start with:

2 x Pampers size 1. 23 packs.

1 x Asdas own size 1. 70 pack.

The rest ive got are in size 2s so plenty of them for now.

Welp :( blood pressure went up again, I have now been taken off work, not sure I'll be allowed to go home :( and the consultant has told me that he's consulting with the paediatrician so as to know how soon I'll be able to deliver. But he says one or two weeks tops he wants baby out :(
Kk, I just have tons of size 1 nappies, most were given to me! If you need more you can always get friends and family to pick some up!

Jedi, sorry to hear your blood pressure has gone back up. How many weeks are you now?
A friend of a friend on Facebook has just delivered at 30 weeks. I don't know her, but keep looking at her updates and baby is gorgeous. I think he's just having a little help with breathing and keeping body temp by the looks of it. Also from34 weeks baby has great odds at being born without needing extra help. Xx
Jedi I'm so sorry to hear that they want baby out so soon! But try not to worry they will make sure you and your baby are well looked after!! Hopefully they will let you keep cooking him for at least another 2 weeks! X
Ah Jedi sorry to hear your having a rough ride of it hun you are in the best place and they will want to keep baby in you as long as possible but you and baby will be fine if you deliver in the next couple of weeks keep thinking calm thoughts and focus on keeping that blood pressure down xxx
I might have to stay in the hospital until they induce me :( I thought I had more time so I still had loads to do... Hate this... I just want baby to be healthy... I am staying again tonight and they're making a decision tomorrow
Thanks for all your well wishes ladies! Few bruises appearing but baby is kicking away as normal so happy everything is normal.

Jedi you must feel so scared but at least you're in the best place and even if baby makes an early appearance you'll manage - have you got everything you need or did you have much left to buy? X

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