Hi Ladies
Sorry I've been AWOL for a few weeks.. I was signed off work for 2 weeks with severe morning sickness and was just feeling so crappy!

I'm feeling a lot better now though, back at work today and have only been sick once so far..
I'm 12 weeks tomorrow and still haven't had my booking appointment! It's booked in for this Saturday, but I'll be 12+4 by then so that's really late isn't it?? And I haven't had a scan date through yet! I called the women's unit at the hospital this morning but they don't have anything down under my name so I can only imagine that my scan hasn't even been booked in yet!! I'm so annoyed because I filled in the midwife form at the doctors when I was 7 weeks, and started chasing at 10 weeks because I hadn't heard anything.. has this happened to anyone else?
How exciting to see all your lovely 12 week scans!! I'm so pleased we paid for an early scan at 7 weeks or I'd be going out of my mind by now!!
We also have a private scan booked for 16 weeks to find out what we're having, as my hubby just can't wait to find out!! haha