**** April 2019 mummies ****


Just a quick update. Unfortunately my journey with you ladies is over. Doctor confirmed today that I have miscarried the pregnancy. Could you please remove me when you get a chance, thank you.

Wish you all a happy and healthy 9 months xxx

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So sorry to hear this. Sending hugs x
How is everyone?

Got my appointment through for my 12 weeks scan today. Booked in for the 20th september (i will be 12wks 2 days).
Why does it seem so far away! Im currently 5 weeks snd 2 days, so to think ive got to wait another 7 weeks!

Has any else had their scan date through for 12 weeks or for early scans?
Laura have you seen your midwife yet?

I don't see her until Tuesday when I'll be 8+6 and won't get my 12 week scan through until she refers me. I'm very jealous you've got yours already! Xx
Laura have you seen your midwife yet?

I don't see her until Tuesday when I'll be 8+6 and won't get my 12 week scan through until she refers me. I'm very jealous you've got yours already! Xx

Not seen or heard from the midwife yet. I find it all very weird. I had to register the pregnancy online through the nhs website on monday and already got a scan date but not even seen a gp or midwife. Completely different to when i had my son! Its so weird!
Strangely enough the midwife has just rang me! Booked in to see her on the 15th:)
oh exciting laura.

How am I not even 4 weeks pregnant. I've had a sort of positive since Monday, a fainter line this morning. I;m stressing thinking I should buy a digital. All this and I'm 3 weeks 5days lol.

Can't wait to have a scan date and a midwife appointment- I will seem real then.

Is anyone else thinking of getting an early scan.

I paid for ones with my other two rpeganncies as waiting until 12 weeks seemed too long.

nice to have that reassurance at about 7 weeks I think. They seem much more expeisive these days though.

The gender ones can be done cheaply but for some reason he early one range from 50-100pound.
I have to register with a new doctor tomorrow so need to go in to the surgery and fill in some forms, they advised me to fill in antenatal forms at the same time. so hopefully I will go on the waiting list to see midwife. I think last time I was given a GP appointment at 6 weeks, and midwife appointment at 7 weeks.
Feeling much better today laura!
Ds slept all night, it’s a wonder what a full nights sleep can do for a girl!
I’ve got my first midwife appointment on the 17th and she’ll refer me for scan once I’ve argued with her about which hospital I want!
Princess try not to stress, and don’t even consider a digi until after af is due, even then I’d wait a week! I know it’s easier said than done but try and distract yourself!
I had an early scan with ds due to bleeding so I don’t think I want one this time, but I might change my mind! It’s too early yet anyway, I was 7 weeks last time and you couldn’t see anything except for a little flutter.
I’ve got an 8 week scan on the 30th of August with the local midwives, a whole month to wait!! I’m so excited, it’s going to be the longest wait ever! Have also got my 12 week scan booked with a bigger hospital due to the fact I have an underlying heart condition. I just can’t wait to see my baba for the first time <3
I agree princess. I wish they done an early scan on the nhs for peace of mind for so many parents. 12 weeks is such a long time!

Jomo, fx the month doesnt drag too much for you x
Hi everyone

Congratulations to all my fellow bfp buddies.
I got my bfp a couple days ago and pray it sticks. Just had a chemical ordgnancy last month so a little nervous to say the least!

my due date is 10-04-19 xxx
Hi everyone

Congratulations to all my fellow bfp buddies.
I got my bfp a couple days ago and pray it sticks. Just had a chemical ordgnancy last month so a little nervous to say the least!

my due date is 10-04-19 xxx

Congratulations. Added your Due date. Fx for you x
Laura have you seen your midwife yet?

I don't see her until Tuesday when I'll be 8+6 and won't get my 12 week scan through until she refers me. I'm very jealous you've got yours already! Xx

Not seen or heard from the midwife yet. I find it all very weird. I had to register the pregnancy online through the nhs website on monday and already got a scan date but not even seen a gp or midwife. Completely different to when i had my son! Its so weird!

Strangely enough the midwife has just rang me! Booked in to see her on the 15th:)

Yeah how strange you had to do it like that but glad midwife has called you now xx
How is everyone feeling today? :D
I’m officially 5 weeks today and still waiting for some symptoms to kick in! Hope you’re all well x
Happy 5 weeks!

Other than tired I'm fine so far, occasional bouts of nausea but nothing too bad yet. With my ds symptoms didn't kick in till about week 7 and nausea passed by week 14 so I think I got off lightly.

My skin is playing up a bit though which is annoying.

Told my first people yesterday other than oh. My mum, granny and cousin, and hoping for the moment to tell my brother today.
Everyone was really pleased, I think they've been waiting patiently for this news!

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I'm 5wks & 4days. Have been bloated for the last 2 weeks now be the evenings i have to change into something looser as by this time everything cuts in. Nausea come and goes but normally visits in the evenings. Tender boobs now and again but nothing to bad. Im constantly tired at the moment but unsure if its down to the heat!
I dont rememeber having symptoms this early on with my son.
Hello all! I had an early scan yesterday at 6+3 according to lmp, but I know I ovulated a few days late and baby measured a little bit small so fairly certain I&#8217;ll be an April mummy! Baby had a good heartbeat and was in the right place. They are doing a free re-scan next week to see the growth and get more accurate dates so that will be lovely. I haven&#8217;t had any sickness yet, just tired and bloated. My bp is very low too so keep getting dizzy spells which isn&#8217;t being helped with the heat! I saw the gp last week and he has referred me to the midwife but haven&#8217;t got a date to see them yet.
Hello all! I had an early scan yesterday at 6+3 according to lmp, but I know I ovulated a few days late and baby measured a little bit small so fairly certain I’ll be an April mummy! Baby had a good heartbeat and was in the right place. They are doing a free re-scan next week to see the growth and get more accurate dates so that will be lovely. I haven’t had any sickness yet, just tired and bloated. My bp is very low too so keep getting dizzy spells which isn’t being helped with the heat! I saw the gp last week and he has referred me to the midwife but haven’t got a date to see them yet.

Hey mlbaby,

How lovely to see baby so early. Im sure a lot of our dates will change after 12 week scan. In the mean time welcome to april. X
Officially 5 weeks today as well! I am so bloated it is ridiculous, as I am only a size 6-8 anyway I really do look pregnant already and am struggling to hide it, I don't know how long I can keep it quiet! Boobs are massive and killing me, today i've gone and bought a couple of new bras a cup size bigger and got some second hand pregnancy support pillows as already having back ache, also I am constantly snacking! Trying to stick to fruit though! Lol

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