**** April 2019 mummies ****

Nausea is so bad this afternoon. Why did i have pickles onions for lunch! If i am sick thats going to be awful. The more i think about it the more sick i feel and its so hard not to think about not being sick when you feel it.
Its so hot today so dont think thats helping.
I know ginger is meant to help but i literaly cant stand anything ginger. Does anyone else know what else may help?
Nausea is that bad i feel like making myself sick just to stop the feeling of feeling sick.. if that makes sense!
I hope everybody starts to feel better soon! The heat is definitely not helping! Laura - maybe try some herbal tea to sooth the nausea? Lemon and ginger would have been great but if you don’t like ginger then maybe some raspberry leaf? Herbal tea always makes me feel a bit better when I’m feeling under the weather xx
Gonna slide on in here I’m due the 11th of April according to my ov dates which I do think is correct. I’m using the woods method of calculation, not the nhs one as it’s more accurate from my experience. I’ve got fanny dangers which is my tell tale sign and got my bfp today. This is our 3rd so I’m mega excited as my husband is actually home and wasn’t away when I tested this time. :D xxx
Gonna slide on in here I’m due the 11th of April according to my ov dates which I do think is correct. I’m using the woods method of calculation, not the nhs one as it’s more accurate from my experience. I’ve got fanny dangers which is my tell tale sign and got my bfp today. This is our 3rd so I’m mega excited as my husband is actually home and wasn’t away when I tested this time. :D xxx

Congratulations on your bfp!! Wishing you a happy and healthy 9 months! :D
Congrats violet, welcome to team April!

Laura, try peppermint if you can’t handle ginger.
Thanks ladies and back at you! Can’t believe how many of us there are for April now haha there seems to be a baby boom for April showers which I love btw I love April rain storms so I feel super excited. Xxx
Gonna slide on in here I’m due the 11th of April according to my ov dates which I do think is correct. I’m using the woods method of calculation, not the nhs one as it’s more accurate from my experience. I’ve got fanny dangers which is my tell tale sign and got my bfp today. This is our 3rd so I’m mega excited as my husband is actually home and wasn’t away when I tested this time. :D xxx

Added you to the list. Wishing you a happy 9months x
Hey everyone, I got a faint line on Monday, been to GP who said MW will ring to get me all booked in but his estimate based on last period is 8th April!
This is no2, DD is 2 next month! No symptoms as yet but I didn’t get any early first time round. I had a bit of period type cramping on Friday. It’s very hard keeping it quiet this time round as literally everyone is just waiting for me to be pregnant again and keeps asking me when we will have another!!
Congratulations ruby red slipper! Make the most of no symptoms, both this time and with my daughter I have symptoms really early, it's also quite reassuring though I have to say, right now I am feeling like i've had a boob job!:rofl::rofl:
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Congrats ruby red!
I’ve been home this weekend and seen loads of people. All either asking if we’re going to have more or telling me don’t do it 2 is tough! Not what I want to hear!
Hi! Found out I was pregnant yesterday, if my last bleed was 100% a period then I’m due roughly 10th April 2019! Which is 2 days before my 30th birthday! I’m going to the doctors tomorrow & then I guess I go for a scan ..!
Can I join this group please too ladies, got my bfp at 10DPO on Friday, tested again yesterday and today and getting nice clear lines on internet cheapys which are getting darker, been feeling sick on and off for the last 5 days and really fatigued too, AF due tomorrow or tues, going to do a clearblue digital tomorrow to confirm it,

Estimated due date of 16th April, this is my third BFP of the year now - had a chemical in jan, got a bfp in April but had a MC of a blighted ovum at 10/11 weeks in june, so I’m praying this is third time lucky for me - my pregnancy tests are much darker now then what they were at this stage last time and I definitely feel more pregnant so I’m hoping that’s a good sign!

I’m going to consider myself 4 weeks tomorrow :)

Congratulations to you all, may we all have a happy and healthy next 9 months
Congratulations night owl! Everything crossed for all of us, I also had a chemical in Jan and again in may x
Congratulations night owl! Everything crossed for all of us, I also had a chemical in Jan and again in may x

Thanks pink, having had previous chemicals/MCs certainly makes us ladies 10 times more anxious and scared! I wasn’t going to join this group just yet but I’m determined to let go of the worry and just enjoy this however long it lasts :)

I think I’m going to phone up for midwife booking appointment when I get to 5 weeks, and have an early reassurance scan at 8 weeks, just to break up this awful 8 week wait to 12 week scan!

Looking forward to chatting with everyone on this group, it helps the time pass a bit faster!
Wooo many congratulations ladies!! I’ve been sick this morning...it has begun haha I also have sore bbs and I feel wiped out. Tested again yesterday nice clear line and I’m going to ring the hospital I want to go to later. Xxx

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