Hi everyone! Got my BFP tonight! So pleased! So bloated already and boobs are killing me! Add me in for 6th April 😊
Hi everyone, just to let you know that I am leaving this thread as unfortunately, the hospital confirmed today that my pregnancy is unlikely to continue and I am experiencing a miscarriage. My HCG test only came back as 10 today. They are re-testing me on Wednesday but there is little hope.
Wishing you all a happy and healthy pregnancy. I hope to speak to you all again soon x
Yay more April mummies! Welcome pink and jojo! Happy and healthy 9 months to you!
How is everyone doing this morning?
Im feeling pretty rough, feeling a cold coming on plus a bit of nausea. On top of all the pregnancy symptoms my ds was up half the night with ear ache and of course only wanted me. Was already exhausted!
If I didnt have a meeting today Id probably pull a sicky!
How is everyone doing this morning?
Im feeling pretty rough, feeling a cold coming on plus a bit of nausea. On top of all the pregnancy symptoms my ds was up half the night with ear ache and of course only wanted me. Was already exhausted!
If I didnt have a meeting today Id probably pull a sicky!
Could I add on please. Had a Vvvvv faint line yesterday 7days before missed period and was pretty sure it was a positive. Today there is a definite line although faint. It''s early days but I"M PREGNANT.
My DD should be 13th April but with my 2 previous pregnancies they have pushed me forward almost a week during my dating scan and then I went over due by almost 2 weeks. I dunno. Put me down for the 12th as I like that number.
Only 3 week and I am exhausted and feel nauseous. I want to eat all the time to stop myself feeling queasy.
I am SOOOOOOOO tired.